1. Coded Modulation for Multiple Antennas over Fading Channels
2. Outline Signaling over Wireless Channels
Fading Channels
Diversity techniques
Channel Coding,
Space-time Coding for Multiple Antenna Systems
Space-time architectures
Turbo- and Trellis-Coded Space-Time Modulation
3. Introduction
8. Capacity Results for known CSI
10. Space-Time Trellis Codes Diversity order is Nr, where r is minimum rank of B=S-S over the set of two tuples of distinct codewords.
Coding gain is (?1 ?2 ?r)1/r, where ?i are non-zero eigenvalues of BBH.
14. Capacity Results for no CSI case Block fading channel, T: coherence time of the channel.
Capacity does not increase as number of transmit antennas increases beyond the coherence time!
Capacity achieving signals have considerable structures:
Isotropically distributed random vectors x Diagonal random matrix
For M=N, the capacity increases by K(1-K/T) bits/s/Hz for every 3 dB SNR increase where K= min(r, T/2).
15. Space-Time Codes when CSI is not available