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ICT ENABLED. ROLE OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER ON. Prepared by; H.S.M.Premson Librarian & Teacher Librarian (IB). Scope. Information Literacy Objectives of LIS Information Literacy Information Literate Person ICT Based Elements of Information literacy

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  1. ICT ENABLED ROLE OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER ON Prepared by; H.S.M.Premson Librarian & Teacher Librarian (IB)

  2. Scope • Information Literacy • Objectives of LIS Information Literacy • Information Literate Person • ICT Based Elements of Information literacy • Information Literacy and IB Learners Profile • Doing Research through Information Literacy • 3 Major Information Sources for Research & Information Literacy • Organizational Transformation of Libraries • ICT Based New LIS • Shift Technologies • Anywhere User Access • Digital or E-Libraries • Greenstone DL Software

  3. What is Information Literacy ?

  4. “Ability to defineproblems in terms of their informationneeds, and to apply a systematic approach to Search, Locate, Apply, and synthesize the information and Evaluate the entire process in terms of Effectiveness and Efficiency”.

  5. Main Objectives of LIS Information Literacy

  6. Who is Information Literate? According to Zurkowski, “Person trained in the application of information resources to their work can be called information literates. They have learned techniques & skills for utilizing the wide range of information tools as ell as primary sources in molding Information solution to their problems”

  7. INFORMATION LITERATE PERSON Recognizes an Information Need Addresses the Information Need Reviews the Process Communicates Information Retrieves Information Organizes Information Evaluates Information Critically Adapts Information

  8. Decision Making Skill set of Information literate Student. Problem Solving Information Literate Student Self Awareness

  9. The Attributes of Information Literate person • Recognizes that accurate & Compete Information is the basis for Intelligent decision Making. • Recognizes the need for Information. • Formulates question based on Information needs & Identifies potential sources of Information. • Develops successful search strategies. • Accesses sources of Information including Open Respository Software’s & other technologies and Evaluates information. • Uses gathered Information in Critical thinking, Decision-making and Problem Solving.

  10. ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION LITERACY Visual Literacy Network Literacy Media Literacy Information Literacy Library Literacy Digital Literacy

  11. The Elements of Information Literacy create the following qualities which represents IB Learners Profile



  14. The objectives of Information Literacy can be applied through the following and Methods of Research:- • Processes of Research • Scientific Research: • Artistic Research • Historical Research • Methods of Research • Exploratory research, which structures and identifies new problems • Constructive research, which develops solutions to a problem • Empirical research which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence.

  15. The 3 Major Information Sources required to do Research through Information Literacy Sources of Knowledge

  16. The Information Sources shown in previous slide can be accessed through the following table in our Traditional Library

  17. Transforming our Research Environment From Traditional Library to E-Library Teacher Librarian & Teachers New Spaces for IB Students Resource Data

  18. Organizational Transformation in Libraries • Traditional / Automated • Organization is physical • Shelving of documents - Based on Subject Call No • Key - Index / Catalogues / Cards / Digital Catalogs • Cards - Real/Virtual - Author, Title, Descriptions • Digital • Organization in terms of digital files /objects • Contains material digitized form • Contains digital material • Architecture • Key - Metadata

  19. Shift in Technologies / Approaches Traditional Dig. Library Automated Limited/ Rigid Improved Efficient/ Flexible AACR2 CCC CC / LCCS DDC / UDC Thesauri/LCSH AACR2 ISO 2709 CCF MARC Thesauri Metadata DCMI -- W3C EAD, TEI, DTD METS,MODS, Z39.50 MARC21

  20. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER Gateway-out Data capture Internet / Intranet IB DISCUSSION ROOM Multimedia & Library Info System LIVING ROOMS or Dorms CLASS ROOMS USER @ anywhere (access to information from anywhere)

  21. What are digital libraries for? • Knowledge/content management • Manage and access internal information assets • Scholarly communication, education, research • E-journals, e-prints, e-books, data sets, e-learning • Archiving and preservation

  22. DLs: Workflows and Processes • Content selection • Content acquisition • Content publishing • Metadata preparation • Content loading • Content indexing & storage • Content access & delivery • Preservation • Access management • Usage monitoring and evaluation • Networking and interoperation • Maintenance

  23. Greenstone DL Software Overview of Features, Capabilities & Applications

  24. What is theGreenstone software? • Software suite for building, maintaining, and distributing digital library collections • Comprehensive, open-source • Developed by New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato • Distribution and promotion partners: • UNESCO • Human Info NGO, Belgium • NCSI, Bangalore; UCT, Cape Town;Dakar, Senegal; Almaty, Kazakhstan; … • DSSC Model

  25. Features of Greenstone • Open Source Philosophy • Interfacing & Content Delivery via Web • Multi S/W Platform • Multi Lingual Support • Multi Formats • Structured Metadata in XML using DC • Metadata Extraction • Searching & Browsing • Plug-ins for Documents • Full-text mirroring • Text Level Penetration • Data Compression • Password protection • Administrative Functions • Concurrent & Dynamic Content Development • Uniform Presentation • Publishing on CDROMs • International Presence

  26. Greenstone Features contd... • Easy Installation • Easy Maintenance • Content Development (3 alternate ways) • Predominantly GLI now - since (V. 2.41) • Hierarchy Structure • Interface Customization • Front Page Design, Header for the Digital Library, Collection Icon, Cover Images • Collection Configuration (Collect.cfg) File • Scalability, Flexibility • Interoperability (Crosswalk), OAI Compliance • Lifeline : Listserv / E-Group / Archives

  27. CONCLUSION Through this presentation we show about information Literacy, doing Research through Information Literacy by our Digital Libraries. So we will get more Information from different resources or E-resources. The retrieval of Information from e-resources may be retrieved through a common platforms like J-Stores, J-Gate, We can also customize of libraries for effective Information dissemination through these, by a common keyword a information can be downloaded from different e-resources with minimum time with accurate information and may be customized according user requirement and these customized information can be used for Information Literacy Research through a open repository software like Greenstone.

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