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Un peu de recherche…

Un peu de recherche…. LIRIS/DCS/DRIM. Nostalgia: an overview of the past 10 years. Some contributions to the management of data in grids Some contributions to Pervasive/Ubiquitous Systems… and other distributed systems (incl. security and privacy).

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Un peu de recherche…

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  1. Un peu de recherche…


  3. Nostalgia: an overview of the past10 years • Some contributions to the management of data in grids • Some contributions to Pervasive/Ubiquitous Systems… and other distributed systems (incl. security and privacy)

  4. Some contributions to the management of data in grids

  5. Computing/Data Grid (1) “coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organisations” (I. Foster)

  6. Computing/Data Grids (2) • Large scale • Unpredictability, dynamicity • Security, privacy • Resource heterogeneity and usage diversity • Decentralized administration

  7. Monitoring de grilles • Where to place instances (replicas) of a service? • What resource (set of resources) (what service) use? • Condition: monitor the grid state: CPU load, network load… • Design and implementation of a grid service that processes high-level information requests that represent the user’s specific needs in terms of resources

  8. NDS : Network Distance Service

  9. Grid access control: Sygn • Permission = Authorization Certificate (AC) : • Issuer • Owner • Capability (access control object + authorized action) • Validity • Signature Mechanisms for delegation of rights File group operations

  10. Encrypted Storage for Data Grids: Crypstore 10

  11. organization cache data organization cache GRID cache Collective Coordinator cache data organization Management of a Cooperative Cache in Grids Monitoring operations • data description • processed requests • transfers • replacements • used storage resource • Etc. Management operations • Set replacement method • Set default time to live • Set cache group • Set cache coordinator • Set collective work mode • Etc.

  12. Data Integration

  13. Some Contributions to Pervasive/Ubiquitous Systems… and Other Distributed Systems (incl. Security and Privacy)

  14. Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Mobile, Ambient, Ad Hoc ? • Introduction to pervasive systems • Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest of PC definitions… • Basics (1) • Mobility (wireless) / autonomy • User (or device)-centric • Context-awareness (user prefs, environment) • Basics (2) • Lightweight appliances and devices • Proactivity  Make the digital world/information omnipresent but invisible

  15. context Models Adaptation PerSE • Context-Awareness • Proactivity • Service Composition

  16. Architecture of a PerSE Base

  17. PerSE Layers

  18. Context Modeling and Context-Aware Pervasive Applications • Context = ? • User/Application centric context • Context-aware application platform

  19. Access Control of Mobile Users • Chains of trust certificates: if A trusts B and B trusts C then A trusts C… to some level • Multi-layered adaptive certificates • Trust computing and reputation

  20. Privacy-Preserving Reputation Systems • Reputation: aggregation of feedbacks • Query agent, target agent, source agents • Goal: computing the reputation while not revealing the individual feedbacks • Approach: use trust relations in the reputation protocol for enforce the privacy + “cut” feedbacks into pieces (“shares”) + use cryptographic tools

  21. Authentication and Trust in Pervasive Systems

  22. Mobile Requests • Information exchange between mobile peers (MANETs, VANETs) • Trajectory aware geocast request routing • Construction for each query of an ad hoc overlay of the peers that may participate to the delivery of the requested data

  23. Server Original content Data Replication in Small Worlds

  24. Replication in Ad Hoc Networks • Issues: instability, dynamicity, faults/disconnections • Basic idea: adapt the replication heuristics to the actual usage of the data, e.g.: • Data highly accessed => replicate • Rare data and planned disconnection => replicate • Overloaded peer => replicate most accessed data • Etc. • Pre-requisite: access logging + exchange of access data • Assumption: no central coordination – local decisions • Question : can local decisions lead to an acceptable (good ?) situation ?

  25. Interface Adaptation and Context-Aware Browsing of a Patient Medical Record

  26. Multimedia Content Adaptation + Adaptation of the interface wrt the end-user device Ongoing : Content Adaptation in MANETs

  27. Semantic Protection of Multimedia Data • Multimedia => access control is not a binary decision • Access control <=> content adaptation • Coherence/Consistence of an adaptation • Legality of an adaptation => Access control = semantic adaptation decision

  28. Semantic Clustering of Multimedia Queries: From Query Logging to Database Content and User Profile Discovery • Large number of data stores disseminated • Lack of indexes • Issues : • What are the pertinent/interesting data ? • What are the users interest ? • How to process a query ? • Logging of the users’ queries + clustering + communication of clustering info => identification of the community of users’ interests • Logging of a the queries issued by a specific user + matching to the community clustering => identification of the user’s profile • Usage: query optimization, data store management, recommendation, social computing, etc.

  29. BAR-Tolerant Publish-subscribe P2P SystemsCollaboration Modeling and Enhancing: a Game Theoretical Approach • Byzantine-Altruistic-Rational • Publish an information; disseminate the information to subscribers • Systems benchmarking tool • GT modeling of collaborative systems

  30. Ambient Social Networks andMessage Routing in DTN • Ambient social networks • Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) and Opportunistic Networks • Mobility traces/model • Message routing

  31. Ongoing work:User-centric Ubiquitous Multi-ScaleDigital Ecosystems • Information retrieval in P2P systems • Privacy-preserving personal data mining (EEXCESS project) • Privacy-preserving recommendation systems (EEXCESS project) • Privacy-preserving multimedia data routing • Open data and user-as-sensor based ambient social services • Game-theory-based cooperation modeling and enhancing in distributed systems • Trust and reputation in B2B networks (AttestationLegale) • Information protection in clouds • Social-aware event driven architectures • Mobile Crowd Sourcing, Sensing, and Computing: Intelligence, Aggregation, Resilience • (if opportunity) Adaptive and information value-based protection of business processes • (if opportunity) Security of the social web of things • ???

  32. Faites de la recherche (au moins un peu)  !

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