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Circulatory and Respiratory System!. ANASTASIA,TOMAS, ANA JULIA . Teaching Points.
Circulatory and Respiratory System! ANASTASIA,TOMAS, ANA JULIA
Teaching Points 1. The heart’s function is to pump blood through the body so each cell can have oxygen. 2. In the pulmonary circulation blood travels between the heart and lungs while in the systemic circulation blood travels between the heart and all the rest of the body.3. Blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells , plasma and platelets.4. Air travels entering from the mouth/nose then passes through the pharynx and to the trachea which then leads to the lungs. 5. During inspiration the diaphragm contact and during expiration it relaxes so air can pass through.
Bellwork WORD BANK:- Blood composition- Respiratory system-Circulation of the heart-Circulatory system- Lymphatic system -Pulse
THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM http://www.brainpop.com/health/bodysystems/respiratorysystem/
FUNCTIONS OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM -Respiration - delivers oxygen to the cells and removing carbon dioxide from them -Nutrition - carries digested food substances to the cells of the body -Waste Removal - disposes of waste products and poisons that would harm the body if they accumulated -Immunity - helps protect the body from disease -Cellular Communication - the circulatory system provides a mode of transport for hormones -Thermoregulation - the circulatory system transports heat (can both warm and cool body)
The Heart • The main organ that keeps the body temperature stable. • Its located in the Chest • The heart approximately does 2.5 billion heart beats in one life time. • The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs and the left side of the heart pumps to all the other body organs. • Its main function apart from pumping blood the heart also pumps nutrients to the entire body so it can keep working properly. -Cardio vascular System: Formed by the blood, heart and blood vessels.-Lymphatic System: Formed by the lymph, lymph nodes and lymph vessels.
Circulation in theheart The entire blood circulation is divided into 8 sections. 1. The blood with out oxygen enters the right atrium 2.The right atrium sends the blood without oxygen into the right ventricle 3.The muscles force the blood into the pulmonary arteries 4.Blood then enters the lungs 5. Oxygenated blood enters returns to the left atrium 6. Oxygenated blood is pumped into the left ventricle. 7.The blood is forced into the large blood vessel called aorta 8. From the aorta the blood is pumped to the rest of the body
Control of theheart The sinotial node mainly known as the “peace makers” has the job to control and regulate the heart The beats mostly known as the pulse is the name given to the seatrain waves or pumps that the heart give when it is distributing the oxygenated blood across the heart. The heart has two faces one is known as systole and the other one is called diastole. Diastole: Period in which the heart relaxes after a contraction. Systole: Contraction of the hearts muscles when the blood is going through.
BLOOD VESSELS - The circulatory system is known as a closed system because the blood is contained within either the heart or the blood vessels at all times. - The blood vessels that are part of the closed circulatory system of humans form a vast network to help keep the blood flowing in one direction. Arteries: Blood vessels that carry the blood away from the heart, usually the blood is oxygenated except when it goes to the lungs. Veins: Blood vessels that carry blood into the heart usually deoxygenated. Blood pressure: Force blood exerts against the inside walls of a blood vessel. Pulse: A series of pressure waves within an artery caused by contractions of the left ventricle.
Pulmonary Circulaton The movement of blood traveling between the heart and the lungs. - The pulmonary artery is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood, it also branches into two smaller arteries each leading to a lung. -These arteries branch into arterioles and then into capillaries in the lungs. REFERENCE OF THE LAB**-
Systemiccirculation -The movement of blood between the heart and all parts of the body except lungs. When the systematic process is not doing so well there is a disease mostly known atherosclerosis its mainly appears when there is a build up of fatty acids material that can lead to a heart attack -The hepatic circulation is where all the excess nutrients are stored in the liver for further needs. -The renal circulation is another system that blood to the kidneys.
LymphaticSystem -Returns fluids that have collected in the tissues to the blood stream -Lymph vessels merge to form larger vessels -The lymphatic system has no pump in order to calculate its beats -The larger the vessel is the better is the chance of the fluid not going back. -The lymph nods store lymph phocytes with the white blood cells that fight. Lymph: Fluid that travels through the tissues of the lymphic system.
BLOOD 2 Main Functions: -Transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells -Carries carbon dioxide and other waste away from the cells
COMPOSITION OF BLOOD 1.Plasma: A liquid medium, sticky fluid containing 90 % water which includes metabolites, nutrients, wastes, salts and proteins. -It circulates dissolved nutrients as amino acids, fatty acids and glucose. -Removes waste products carbon dioxide, lactic acid and urea) from the body.- A variety of proteins carries in the plasma have different functions.For example: some are essential for the formation of blood clots.
2.Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes): They transport and deliver oxygen to cells in all the body. -They are formed in the red marrow of bones and have a life cycle of 100-120 days-Immature red blood cells contain a large amount of a protein called hemoglobin -Cannot divide because they lack a nuclei, so to be replaced parts of disintegrated red blood cells are recycled.
3.White Blood Cells (leukocytes): They are in charge to help the body defend against disease.-They are larger than red blood cellsand significantly less plentiful.-Formed in the red marrow, but some travel to get mature-They squeeze their way through places to reach the site of infection and and cure it.-They can function for years not like red blood cells
4. Platelets: They are essentialtotheformation of a bloodclot, whichis a mass of interwovenfibers and bloodcellsthatpreventexcessloss of bloodfrom a wound.-Lack a nucleus and have a lifespan of 7 to 12 days. -Form temporaryplateletplugsto stop bleeding-Dissolve blood clots when they are no longer needed and digest and destroy bacteria-Produce a protein called fibrin, which consist of long, sticky chains.
BLOOD TYPES Bloodtypeisdeterminedbythetype of antigenpresentonthesurface of the red bloodcells. -Anantigenis a substancethatstimulatesanimmune response.-This observations are what lead to the classification of human blood.* A-B-O System: classifingbloodbytheantigenslocatedonthesurface of the red bloodcells and theantibodiescirculating in the plasma. *Rh System: anantigenthatissometimespresentonthesurface of red bloodcells.-Themostseriousproblemwithrhincompatibilityoccursduringpregnancy.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM http://www.brainpop.com/health/bodysystems/circulatorysystem/
RESPIRATION ExternalRespirationistheexchange of gases betweentheatmosphere and theblood. oxygen diffuses from the air to the blood, and carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood to the air. InternalRespirationistheexchange gases betweentheblood and thecells of thebody. oxygen diffuses from the blood to the cells, and carbon dioxide diffuses from the cells to the blood.
THE LUNGS -The lungs are the site of gas exchange between the atmosphere and the blood. PATH OF AIR: 1.Nose: Cilia catches bacteria2. Pharynx: Tube at the back of the nasal cavity -FOOD= epiglotis covers opening -AIR= epiglotisurpight position3. Trachea (windpipe)= Cilia traps -In the upper end= larynx (voice box)4. 2 bronchi = Each leading to a lung5. Bronchioles6. Alveoli= clusters of air sacs7.Diffusion of O2 + CO2 in network of capillaries8. O2 attaches to RBC(hemoglobin for transport)
GAS EXCHANGE -Diffusion is the movement of materials from a higher to a lower concentration.-The differences between oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations are measured by partial pressures. The greater the difference in partial pressure the greater the rate of diffusion.
MECHANISMS OF BREATHING BREATHING: process of moving air in and out of thelungs. - Inspiration: taking air intothelungs, chestexpandstomveribs up and outwear. Thediaphragmflattens and pusheddownonthe abdomen.-Expirationistheopposite.
Regulation of breathing - The rate at which oxygen is used depends on the activity of the cells. -The greater their activity, the more oxygen they need and the faster the body needs to breathe.-The slower their activity, the slower the body needs to breathe.-Both rate and depth of breathing change in order to provide oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide.
HOW DO THEY WORK TOGETHER? The respiratory system performs a process known as gas exchange that releases carbon dioxide from the body and brings in oxygen. This occurs in the lungs and the circulatory system then transports the oxygen to tissues that used internal respiration to burn fuel in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy, thus creating more carbon dioxide. The circulatory bring the oxygen that the lungs take in around the body and bring the carbon dioxide back for the lungs to expel. The lungs bring oxygen into the blood which feeds the heart and the rest of the body! The respiratory system brings in oxygen, which the circulatory system (i.e. blood) carries around the body and delivers to the muscle tissue. When the oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is produced, the circulatory system brings the CO2 back to the lungs, where the respiratory system disposes of it.
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