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Estates Management record 2012/13 seminar

Estates Management record 2012/13 seminar. July 2012. “ the participation of universities in the well-established HESA Record Review process has recently brought about simplification of staff and estate management statistics.” David Willetts , 18 April 2012. Objectives.

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Estates Management record 2012/13 seminar

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  1. Estates Management record 2012/13 seminar July 2012

  2. “the participation of universities in the well-established HESA Record Review process has recently brought about simplification of staff and estate management statistics.” David Willetts, 18 April 2012

  3. Objectives • Introduce the Estates Management training manual • Cover changes to the record for 2012/13 • Highlight data quality issues in the existing EMS record • Provide an update on developments at HESA

  4. About the review • Commence in June 2011… • …involving estates sector bodies, funding body representatives, institutional representatives (with expertise covering a number of estates areas about which data is returned) and members of HESA staff • Proposals for change put to the sector received a high number of responses through the consultation • Responses were broadly supportive of the changes proposed

  5. Data items removed in their entirety FTE environmental staff Current cost of legislative compliance Method of costs apportionment Assessment of building condition Total facilities costs Carbon conversion factor for Use for renewable energy sources Travel plan on web Environmental policy on web Biodiversity policy on web

  6. So, in terms of data cells to be entered… There were around 328 data items Now there are 556 426 EMR data items 130 Health and Safety data items

  7. The consequences of all these changes are: Ratios need updating Groupings need reviewing and what is included in each New referencing system needed Changes to the web form New web form for Health and Safety New record name needed

  8. Ratios Ratios are produced by HESA Asked during consultation to indicate any new ratios that would be useful (some responses received) Need to be ready for mid-2013

  9. New referencing system HESA inherited a referencing system from IPD Outgrown as a consequence of expansion over the years No space for further expansion Consultation responses demonstrated support for a new system (within reason) Happy to ditch the ‘D’ references e.g. D01 = HEI income, D02 – HEI expenditure… …but would like to retain the specific data requirement label e.g. C01 = Total HEI, C13 = Total non-residential

  10. New referencing system and new presentation We know that the enormous HTML Data Definitions document was not ideal Review presented an opportunity to look at bringing EMR in line with other recordsStill working on short names Mapping document will need to be produced Example of how it will look included in June 30 release

  11. Changes to the web form Web form needs updating to reflect changes to content Any additional calculations will be included in the web form where formulas can be agreed Override will apply to any new calculations

  12. New web form for Health and Safety Separate web form needs to be produced for Health and Safety Some auto-calculations from previously inputted answers Generally numbers will be entered but needs to allow for some text responses

  13. Coverage • All data items continue to be collected with respect to a reporting period • 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013 • Unless explicitly otherwise stated in the data definitions, all data should be reported as the latest position at the end of the reporting period

  14. Commercial space • Previously inclusion/exclusion of commercial space was inconsistent between HEIs • Historical position untenable moving forward • The new record aims to address matters of consistency whilst being sympathetic to the difficulties of extracting such data from the Estates record

  15. Mandatory data items • Mandatory data items have not increased significantly… • …however new ones do exist to support scope 3 carbon emissions data reporting

  16. Null versus zero • A critical issue that has been identified in the last two years worth of EMS data submitted to HESA • Institutions must ensure they are reporting zeros and nulls for the right data items • This issue has a significant impact on your data and the onwards use made of it

  17. Area data

  18. Number of sites • This data item used to only count sites which were non-residential… • …however the item now collects the number of total sites for the whole estate

  19. Number of buildings • The data item has not fundamentally changed as part of the new record • Ensuring consistent application of the criteria is important when determining whether a building is included in the count

  20. Grounds area • Grounds are is for the total grounds of the HEI • Original consultation proposed removal of ‘Grounds water’ from this data item • ‘Grounds water’ is still included as a separate category

  21. Gross internal area (GIA) • GIA still measured in the same way i.e. measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls of each floor (including internal walls and perimeters etc) • Exclude derelict space, accommodation on NHS sites, structures attached to the outside of building, and commercial space that does not meet the definition for inclusion • Commercial space that is included should be recorded in the new separate category within GIA

  22. Net Internal Area (NIA) • Net Internal Area is still returned using either NIA RICS or NIA room area • Uplift still applied to room area calculations • No change to underlying definitions re. what are balance areas • Any commercial space reported should be done so in the new separate category within NIA • Difficulty of categorising NIA

  23. Specialist academic area • Records the total amount of academic floor space that can be classified as ‘specialist’ • Definition of ‘space that cannot easily be used for other non-specialist academic activities’ • Remember this data is a subset of the total NIA figure!!!!!

  24. Frequency rate • Changes to how frequency rates are calculated have been made • Instead of ‘9 to 5’ the core working week is determined locally by the institution • Commercial space should not be included as relates to teaching space only

  25. Building condition assessment • Condition definitions remain the same • Full survey should be carried out regularly (every five years)…. • …and should be done so by an appropriately qualified and experienced professional

  26. Student / Staff Counts

  27. Student data Page 45 • Provided by HESA • Liaise with your Student record contact for a preview of the data • Added automatically to the webform • Data can be overridden • All students regardless of intensity of study • Excluding franchise or distance learning • Includes all FE students • Must be based on campus • Only added automatically if returned to HESA • Can add to figure using override if not returned to HESA • Split by categories • Teaching • Research

  28. Student headcount Page 45 • Not included – course commenced after 1 December • Included – present on 1 December • Not included – course finished before 1 December • Included – present on 1 December

  29. Student Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Page 45 Spans the entire reporting period 0.8 FTE 1.0 FTE 0.5 FTE 1.0 FTE • 0.8 FTE • 1.0 FTE • 0.5 FTE • 1.0 FTE • Total HEI = 3.3 FTE

  30. Staff data Page 47 • Not provided by HESA • Closely liaise with your department responsible for staff data • HESA cannot provide this through the Staff record • Difference in population and granularity • Approximations of data should be avoided • Proxies may sometimes have to be used • Split by several categories • Staff with split FTE between teaching and research should have their FTE apportioned accordingly Sense check against figures provided in the Staff record

  31. Staff categories Page 47

  32. Calculating FTE Page 48 FTE should be calculated on the basis of a full-time contract equalling 1 FTE should be apportioned if the contract of employment ends before the 31 July

  33. Property management staff page 49 • Include all staff FTE carrying out related work, whether they to the estates department or not • Exclude staff not directly employed by the HEI • Exclude staff associated solely with commercial space

  34. Finance

  35. Finance data items

  36. HESA Finance Statistics Return Collected December each year.

  37. Data direct from HESA New for 2012/13: Previously HEI expenditure Residential was not provided. In future this will use the ‘Total residences and catering operations’ total from the FSR. Liaise with Finance record contact to ensure common approach to these data items

  38. Total property costs Page 56 Simplified for 2012/13 – detailed non-residential splits removed. Total non-residential, residential and Total HEI auto-calculate where all component parts are returned in EMS (as listed in your training manual). Where all parts components are not known the data can be overwritten, however this will not be a true reflection of Total property costs.

  39. Total property costs 2011/12 • Currently Residential total should be entered by the HEI. • DQ check to be added for 2011/12 to ensure that Total HEI is greater than or equal to the sum of Total non-residential and residential. • Some anomalies have been found for 2010/11.

  40. Insurance replacement value Page 57 Item has presented some confusion in the past. IRV = Cost to rebuild not total value for which insured. Rebuild value is not the same as current market value or insured value. www.bcis.co.uk It is expected that this data item will be updated at least every 3 years

  41. Energy costs page 58 • New energy components added for 2012/13 • Biomass • Onsite photovoltaic (solar panels) • Include • Climate Change Levy (CCL) • Exclude • Direct costs of EU ETS and CRC schemes • Commercial spaces • Some renewable energy sources will have no costs if owned and managed by the HEI, but where the electricity is purchased from a third party that runs it, or where fuel is bought (e.g. biomass pellets) those costs should be entered.

  42. Repairs and maintenance costs- changes for 2012/13 page 59 • New name for 2012/13 – previously Maintenance costs • Data item rationalised for 2012/13 – removed splits for buildings planned and reactive • Following sector request during consultation the splits for grounds and playing fields will remain

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