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Contractor Orientation. Replace with site-specifc photos. Introduction First Aid / Emergency Response Personal Protective Equipment General Hazards Safety Procedures Environmental Awareness. Objectives. When you have completed this program, you should be able to:.
Contractor Orientation Replace with site-specifc photos Introduction First Aid / Emergency Response Personal Protective Equipment General Hazards Safety Procedures Environmental Awareness
Objectives When you have completed this program, you should be able to: • Identify the safety structure at the Lafarge plant you will be working at. • Identify the first aid and emergency procedures. • Identify personal protective equipment required. • Identify general hazards at the site. • Identify safe procedures to follow while on site.
At the Lafarge cement plant, our goal is to ensure your work experience is enjoyable, rewarding, and most importantly, safe. Replace with site-specifc photos
Our activities are governed not only by our corporate standards, but also by specific regulations such as MSHA (Mining Safety and Health Administration) and various other legislation. Regular inspections by regulatory officers ensure we are continually meeting the regulated standards.
Depending on the tasks you are performing at Lafarge, you may need to complete and provide record of your MSHA New Miner or refresher training. An important component in that training is the section on Statutory Rights. Key points in that section include: • The right and responsibility for a safe workplace. • Election of a Miners’ Representative. • Right to refuse unsafe work. • Protection from discrimination for exercising rights under the Act. US sites only
Our commitment to safety is reflected in our Health and Safety Policy and Health and Safety Rules.
At each site, as part of our Contractor Safety Management Standard, a Lafarge Contractor Coordinator (LCC) has been established. The LCC acts as a liaison between contractors and the site to ensure that all elements of our safety standards are followed. The LCC will perform workplace inspections and audits to check that contractors are following safe practices. • If you have any questions regarding safety or any other aspect of your responsibilities at Lafarge, the LCC is your resource.
In addition to the Contractor Safety Management Standard, we also have several other safety standards which have been developed to help maintain safety at all Lafarge sites. These include: • Conveyor Safety Advisory • Enclosed or Confined Space Safety • PPE Standard:- Body Protection- Hearing Conservation- Respiratory Protection • Stockpile and Surge Pile Safety Advisory • Working at Height
While we have programs in place to help ensure the safety of our workers, each employee or contractor is also responsible for their safety and the safety of their co-workers. This means: • No horseplay on site. • Arriving for work mentally and physically able:- If you are taking prescribed medication that may affect your performance, notify your Lafarge contact. • Reporting unsafe acts or conditions. • Drugs, alcohol, and firearms are not permitted on site.
Insert site-specific requirements for contractor reporting here, e.g., hazard recognition forms, workplace examination forms as applicable.
Before you work in the plant, you must sign in (identify sign-in location). We need to know who is in the plant in case of emergency or in case safety conditions change. Replace with site-specifc photos Also remember to sign out when you leave.
Smoking is restricted to designated outside areas only. Always use the ashtrays provided in these areas. Replace with site-specifc photos Smoking is not permitted within 50’ of a fuel source.
Identify restroom and break room locations. • Identify any specific requirements for timing and organization of lunch and/or other breaks.
Identify communication rules. • Cell phone usage, radio, company phones, emergency phones, etc.
We have a well-equipped first aid station and an ERT (Emergency Response Team) is on site at all times: • Identify location of first aid. Replace with site-specifc photos
If you require first aid, go to the first aid station (if you are able) and contact the control room. (Identify site-specific call procedures as applicable) Replace with site-specifc photos
The Control Room Operator will contact the ERT. If transport to a medical facility is required, the ERT will use the ambulance.Identify hospital or nearby medical facility locations as applicable. Replace with site-specifc photos
Eye wash facilities and emergency showers are located throughout the site. Check for the nearest eye wash or shower in the area where you will be working. • If you use an eye wash or emergency shower, report to first aid as soon as possible. Insert site-specifc photos
It is extremely important that any injury occurring at work, or as a result of work activities, is reported to your Lafarge contact. Not only is this required by regulations, it also helps us to identify areas where safety can be improved: • Incident investigations are conducted for all incidents that impact safety at the Plant. • Our goal is to ensure that steps are taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident. • Always report to your contact after receiving first aid.
In addition to reporting injuries, it is also important to report any near miss incident that occurs. • For example: You are walking through an area and slip on a puddle, spill or other hazard. You are not hurt and no one saw you. Near miss: An unintended event that under different conditions could have resulted in injury, loss or damage to people, property, equipment or the environment.
As part of our overall safety policy, we have procedures in place for emergencies such as fire: • Fire extinguishers and fire pulls are located throughout the site for use in fighting small fires. • If a fire cannot be safely extinguished, leave the area and contact your supervisor or control room immediately.
There are different types of fire extinguishers for different types of fires. Generally, the appropriate type of extinguisher will be in each area: • Extinguishers are checked monthly to ensure they are charged and ready for use.
Any time an extinguisher is used, even if only momentarily, it must be returned to Stores for re-charging and a new one put in its place: • Do not put a used extinguisher back where you found it.
If a plant evacuation is required, the evacuation alarm will sound continuously. When you hear the alarm, shut down equipment (if possible), and go quickly to the evacuation assembly point for your area. Replace with site-specifc photos Stay at the assembly point until directed elsewhere by your contact.
Evacuation plans and designated assembly points are posted in each area of the site. Check the plan in your area to make sure you know the evacuation procedure, route and assembly point. Replace with site-specifc photos Identify site-specific evacuation procedures.
Identify any other alarms and appropriate response procedures.
To help ensure your safety at Lafarge, you are required to wear personal protective equipment, or PPE. Items required at all times include: • Steel-toed safety boots (6" min. height) • Hard hat • Safety glasses with side shields Check for requirements in all areas. Contractors are required to supply their own PPE and basic equipment.
Hearing protection (ear plugs or ear muffs) is required in many areas of the site. These areas are clearly marked.
In some areas, dual hearing protection is recommended due to the high noise level (above 100 decibels). In these areas, ear plugs and ear muffs are required. Replace with site-specifc photos Areas requiring double hearing protection will be identified with signs.
Because you may be exposed to dusty conditions in almost any area of the plant, always carry respiratory protection and wear it when appropriate: • Dust masks are easy to use and provide effective protection against dust. • Cement dust contains hydrated lime and becomes caustic when it reacts with water (or sweat). The hydration process causes the dust to form a paste which in turn is caustic. Try to prevent dust from contacting bare skin that may sweat. Wash off dust and use barrier cream as needed. Long-term exposure to dust, without protective equipment such as a dust mask, can cause health problems.
High visibility apparel must be worn in designated areas, including: • Identify areas where high-visibility apparel is required.
Depending on the task you are performing, other PPE may be required such as: • Gloves — always use gloves appropriate to the task. • Face shield — mandatory while grinding, burning (with tint), etc.
If you are working near operating equipment, you need to make sure there is nothing, such as loose clothing, that could be caught and pulled into the machinery: • This also applies to long hair, rings, earrings, and chains. • Long hair should be confined to your hard hat. • Dangling jewelry must not be worn while working in the plant.
Anytime you are working where there is a danger of falling, a full-body harness with matching lanyard and 100% tie-off is required.
When a task involves working at height, a Fall Hazard Risk Assessment is done and a Working at Height Permit is completed by Lafarge. The risk of falling will be eliminated or reduced using the Hierarchy of Controls in the following order: • Elimination • Isolation • Engineering • Administrative and PPE
Identify any other special PPE requirements, e.g., personal floatation device.
While your employer is responsible to supply the necessary PPE and ensure you know how to use it correctly, it is your responsibility to wear it when required: • Always ask your supervisor or contact to clarify anything you don’t understand about the use of PPE — do not guess.
Vehicle traffic is a hazard throughout the site. In high traffic areas high-visibility apparel is required and will help increase your visibility, but due to the design of much of the mobile equipment, there are blind spots. Replace with site-specifc photos Make eye contact with mobile equipment operators and ensure they know your position and intended travel route.
Identify any high traffic areas in the plant site, or areas where additional caution is necessary. Replace with site-specifc photos
Walkways are marked as appropriate. Use them or the sidewalks whenever possible. Replace with site-specifc photos
Contractor vehicles are not permitted on site unless they are required for transportation to the job site. Identify any permits or tags required if vehicles must be driven on site.
Identify parking areas for contractors. Replace with site-specifc photos
Observe our speed limits in all areas of the site: • 15 mph in plant areas. • Replace with site-specific information as appropriate, identify speed limits in other areas of the site (if different). Replace with site-specifc photos
In all areas of the site, heavy equipment has the right-of-way (if applicable). Replace with site-specifc photos
Seat belt use is mandatory while operating any mobile equipment or vehicle on site. You must supply proof of training and be authorized before using any Lafarge mobile equipment.