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Effective Note-Taking and Reading Strategies for College Success

Learn how to take effective notes and read textbooks strategically to enhance your academic success. Discover methods such as the Cornell Method and mind mapping to improve comprehension and retention.

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Effective Note-Taking and Reading Strategies for College Success

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  1. Strategies for College SuccessChapter 6 & 7 Effective Note-taking and Reading Original source: http://www.life.arizona.edu/academicsuccess/tips/powerpoint/Strats%20for%20College%20Succ.ppt

  2. Note taking • What we’ll be covering: • what to do before, during, and after class • picking out main points in a lecture • the Cornell Method • mind mapping

  3. What to do before class • Pick the right notebook • there are numerous advantages to picking a 3-ring binder • handouts can be inserted into the relevant sections • pages of notes can be removed and replaced • dividers can be used to separate sections or topics

  4. What to do before class • Read your textbook • reading your textbook can help you to understand what is being discussed in lecture

  5. What to do before class • Skim the notes from the last class • this will refresh your memory and focus you for the next lesson

  6. What to do before class • Make a commitment to attend all classes • You may be getting only a partial set of notes if you copy from other students or get these on-line • Note taking is a skill and you may be copying from someone who is a poor note taker and not realize it

  7. What to do during class • Try to sit in the front, center portion of the classroom • fewer distractions • can see and hear better • less likely to doze off

  8. What to do during class • You will need to identify the visual and verbal cues given by the professor that indicate an important topic is being addressed • examples of visual cues: gesturing, writing on board, underlining • examples of verbal cues: repetition, summaries, listing

  9. Identifying important points • Think of three additional verbal cues that would indicate an important point • Think of three additional visual cues that would indicate an important point

  10. What to do during class • Use a method of note taking • Use Cornell Method • Create Mind maps

  11. The Cornell Method • Split page method of note taking • Allows space for possible exam questions • Allows space for student reflections and summary • Good for self-testing

  12. Practice using the Cornell Method • Refer to your textbook (Chapter 6 for a sample of notes using the Cornell Method • Recopy a page of your notes using the Cornell Method

  13. Mind Mapping • Pictorial representation of ideas • Good for visual learners, which a majority of students are • Shows how topics and ideas are related • Uses both sides of your brain

  14. Steps to mind mapping • Identify the topic of the lecture or reading, place in the center and circle it • Branch out the main ideas, each stemming from the main topic • From each branch, mark key words and examples • Don’t be afraid to personalize it with pictures or symbols

  15. Mind Mapping Practice • Note examples in book at the beginning of Chapter 7. • Useful technique advancing comprehension for note-taking and reading.

  16. What to do during class • Identify possible exam questions • Use them to self-test yourself later

  17. What to do after class • Review your notes within 24 hours • Are they complete? • Do they make sense?

  18. What to do after class • Identify any questions that you may have and find the answers • Re-copy or re-organize if necessary

  19. Summary • Class notes will be a better study tool for you if they have the proper content (the main points of a lecture) and are organized in a way that makes sense. Try using the methods that we discussed to accomplish those two crucial aspects of note taking.

  20. Reading Textbooks • What we’ll be covering: • previewing • annotating

  21. Why preview? • improves concentration, memory, and understanding • only takes 5 minutes to preview an entire chapter • if you don’t have enough time to read before class, previewing may give you enough information to understand what is being discussed

  22. Steps to previewing material • (1) Read the chapter title • The title announces the topic or subject. Try to remember what you already know about the topic.

  23. Steps to previewing material • (2) Read the introduction or first paragraph • This is a lead-in to the material and will often itemize what the chapter will cover. If it is long, read only the first 5 or 6 lines.

  24. Steps to previewing material • (3) Read the closing paragraph or chapter summary • These sections are often used to draw conclusions based on the facts that have already been presented or to restate key ideas.

  25. Steps to previewing material • (4) Read questions or vocabulary at the end of the chapter • This section is used to test your knowledge of the material. Reading them beforehand alerts you to what is most important within the chapter.

  26. Steps to previewing material • (5) Read each boldface heading • Headings separate chapters into main divisions and indicate important concepts. By looking at these headings, you can detect the organization of the chapter and the general approach of the author.

  27. Steps to previewing material • (6) Look at any pictures, graphs, or charts • Pictures, illustrations, or captions may help you clarify ideas and give direction to your thinking.

  28. Why annotate? • Have you ever felt that you’ve been reading for hours and can’t remember what you’ve read? • annotating can keep you focused • annotations tell you WHY important points are important • See Chapter 7 (pages 137-138) for examples of this technique

  29. Steps to Annotating Text • First, preview a chapter or subunit of text • Next, read one or more paragraphs. Then stop (the amount will vary, so judge according to your text’s difficulty and organization).

  30. Steps to Annotating Text • After reading, go back and underline the key word, phrase, or idea to which your annotation will refer. • These key ideas often occur as: definitions, examples, lists, causes/effects, characteristics, similarities/differences, and names/dates.

  31. Steps to Annotating Text • Check your annotations to be sure that they make sense and that you are not merely copying the text into the margins. • In order to be most effective, your annotations must be in your own words, except in the case of technical definitions.

  32. Steps to Annotating Text • If you have no annotating, you should have no underlining.

  33. Steps to Annotating Text • Go on to the next paragraph or section. Remember, not every section of text will have a key concept that should be annotated, but every page or section usually does.

  34. Vocabulary and Jargon • Many fields use jargon or a specific vocabulary which you may or may not be familiar with. • Use glossary in book or a dictionary. • Ask!!!!

  35. Primary Sources and Literature • Peer-reviewed literature as in research journals can give you the latest information that you won’t find in your textbook. • Reading the original source of a play, novel, short-story, historical account and other literature will give you insight that may not be available from the textbook. • Read for fun to expand your general vocabulary.

  36. Summary • Reading your text numerous times is often not enough to insure that you have understood and retained the information covered. • You must actively participate in the reading process by thinking about what you already know, identifying topics that you don’t understand and picking out important points that are likely to be on a test.

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