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BOTTOM-UP BUDGETING Planning Guidelines for FY 2015
OBJECTIVES 1 BUDGET REFORM - making the national budget more responsive to local needs LOCAL GOVERNANCE REFORM - providing incentives for local good governance - strengthening the devolution of basic services delivery DEMOCRATIC AND EMPOWERMENT PROJECT - creating a conducive environment for people’s participation - generating demand for good governance at the local level 2 3
COVERAGE 2013: 609 2014: 1,233 2015: 1,634 2016: 1,634 2017: ??? Cities & Municipalities
COVERAGE Participating Agencies (for FY 2015): DA, DAR, DEPED, DOE, DENR, DOH, DILG, DOLE, DSWD, DOT, DTI, TESDA and NEA Oversight Agencies: DBM, DILG, DSWD, NAPC and NEDA
BUDGET CAP Allocations per city/ municipality - Formula: No. of poor x P700 (Rounded up to nearest million) - Minimum of P15million, Maximum of P50 million
HARMONIZATION WITH LOCAL PLANNING PROCESSES Two modes of BuB Regular: LPRAT as a sub-committee of the LDC (Non-functionality of LDC should not be an obstacle for the LPRAT to meet) Enhanced Process To be undertaken in 270 municipalities that have graduated from or are currently implementing KALAHI-CIDSS LPRAT to serve as a technical working group of an “Enhanced LDC”; Final decisions to be made in the “Enhanced” LDC
LPRAT Under Regular BuB, LPRAT composed of: Mayor, Sanggunian Appropriations Committee Chair, local department heads and representatives of NGAs at the city/municipal level (50% of LPRAT members) Representatives of CSOs elected during the CSO assembly + 1 business group representative (50% of LPRAT members) Elected officials, their immediate relatives (spouse, parent, sibling, child) and LGU employees are ineligible to be elected as CSO representatives
STEPS 1: Civil Society Assemblies Orientation on BuB Election of LPRAT representatives and 3 CSO signatories to the LPRAP (including LPRAT co-chair) Report of LCE on status of 2013 BuB Projects Poverty Situation Analysis
STEPS 2: Local Poverty Reduction Action Planning Workshop Use LPRAP workshop modules which will be distributed Multi-year planning (submission of indicative list of projects for 2016 and 2017) Project Identification 80% within Menu of Programs (to be reviewed and validated by RPRAT) 20% outside of the Menu (to be reviewed and validated by NPRAT)
STEPS 3: Submission of List of Priority Projects and other supporting documents (hard and soft copy) Cover letter signed by mayor List of projects using template signed by LCE and 3 CSO representatives on every page Project brief for each project Report on compliance with participatory processes Conduct of CSO assembly – attendance sheet, photo of participants, documentation of election report, LGU report on status of BuB 2013 projects Conduct of LPRAP workshop – photo of participants, attendance sheet, minutes or highlights of the LPRAP workshop
STEPS 4: Consolidation of list of projects by DILG RO and submission to NAPC and distribution to RPRAT members 5: Validation, Review and Replacement of Projects Review / Validation by RPRAT and NPRAT RPRAT meeting/workshop with LPRAT to replace rejected projects Submission to NAPC of final list of projects
STEPS 6: Adoption of final list of priority projects by local Sanggunian (to be submitted to DILG RO) 7: Integration into the National Budget 8: Provision of funding for LGU Counterpart in local budget
Counterpart Requirements For Municipalities: cash counterpart will be a % of the local development fund • For Cities: cash counterpart will be 40% of the BuB budget cap
Sample Computation A. Municipality A (part of KALAHI-CIDSS) • Grassroots Budgeting Budget Cap Allocation…..P15M • KALAHI-CIDSS Grant………………………………..5M • Total Funding………………………………………….20M Local Development Fund –P15M Proportion of Grassroots Budgeting and KALAHI-CIDSS Funding to LDF: = (Grassroots Budgeting Cap + KALAHI-CIDSS)/ LDF = 20 Million / 15 Million = 133% Required Cash Counterpart: = 15% of LDF = 15% of 15 Million = 2.25 Million
Sample Computation B. Municipality B (not part of KALAHI-CIDSS) Grassroots Budgeting Budget Cap Allocation….P15M KALAHI-CIDSS Grant……………………………….0 Total Funding…………………………………………15M Local Development Fund –P8M Proportion of Grassroots Budgeting and KALAHI-CIDSS Funding to LDF: = (Grassroots Budgeting Cap + KALAHI-CIDSS)/ LDF = 15 Million / 8 Million = 187.5% Required Cash Counterpart: = 20% of LDF = 20% of 8 Million = 1.6 Million
Sample Computation CITY A Grassroots Budgeting BudgetCap Allocation: P30 Million Required Cash Counterpart: = 40% of Budget Cap = 40% ofP30 Million = P12 Million
Counterpart Requirements Counterpart funding need not be allocated on a per project basis. Cash counterpart may be used to fund projects that are 100% funded by the LGU. Projects to be funded by the LGU cash counterpart should be determined by the LPRAT, effectively adding it to the ‘BuB Funding Pot’. KALAHI-CIDSS will no longer ask for other cash counterpart, however, additional non-cash counterpart may be required
Project Identification Project Identification: NEGATIVE LIST Projects below P500,000 Expansion of Pantawid Pamilya, Social Pension for Indigents Senior Citizens, PhilHEALTH coverage, vaccination programs Housing Projects Construction of school buildings, classrooms and rural health units Farm to Market Roads Law enforcement, fire protection and jail management related projects Construction of city hall, training centers and other multi-purpose buildings Purchase of motor vehicles, except those used for rescue in times of disaster International Training, scholarships
Governance Requirements Attain Seal of Good Housekeeping for 2013 assessment Develop a PFM Improvement Plan or attain 2014 targets if already developed Counterpart requirements are provided for BuB 2015 budget Submission of proper financial and physical accomplishment reports for LGU implemented BuB 2014 projects Compliance with intent of BuB for meaningful participation Conduct of CSO assembly and LPRAT workshop Conduct of Quarterly LPRAT meetings IDENTIFIED PROJECTS WILL NOT BE FUNDED AND WILL NOT BE IMPLEMENTED IF THESE CONDITIONS ARE NOT MET
Enhanced BuB Process (For Municipalities that have graduated from or are currently implementing KALAHI-CIDSS)
Variances in the Process Barangay level planning Conduct of barangay poverty situation analysis and barangay assemblies (to be facilitated/ conducted by DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS) ‘Enhanced’ Local Development Council CSO members: Barangay Development Council Vice-Chairs to be elected from KALAHI-CIDSS volunteers (1 per barangay) 5 CSO representatives elected during the CSO assembly LPRAT to be created as a technical working group of the Enhanced LDC With 10 members from government, 5 members from Barangay BDC Vice-Chairs, and the 5 CSOs elected during the CSO assembly
Variances in the Process ‘Enhanced’ Local Development Council to approve list of priority projects prepared by the LPRAT List of projects to be submitted to also contain KALAHI-CIDSS and LGU funded projects Planning process to be harmonized with crafting of Comprehensive Development Plan
Citizen’s Participation in the Monitoring and Evaluation of GBP Project Implementation
-promote transparency and accountability-governance as a shared responsibility -uphold the principles of:>convergence, >meaningful participation >citizen’s empowerment CITIZEN-LED MONITORING -reaffirm the concept and practice of participatory governance as espoused and promoted by P-Noy administration through the GPB project.