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Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260. NIH D-43 Application http :// grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-10-260.html Announcement Expiration Date: May 22, 2013 Components of Participating Organizations
Global Infectious Disease Research Training ProgramPA-10-260 NIH D-43 Application http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-10-260.html Announcement Expiration Date: May 22, 2013 Components of Participating Organizations Fogarty International Center (FIC), (http://www.fic.nih.gov/)
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Letters of Intent Receipt Date: April 21, 2012 and 2013 no later than 5:00pm EST Application Receipt Date: May 21, 2012 and 2013 Peer Review Date: October/November 2013 and 2014 Council Review Date: January 2013 and 2014 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: March 2013 and 2014
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Overall goal: Have a collaborative research training program to Strengthen the capacity of institutions in low-and middle-income countries (LMIC) Conduct infectious disease (excluding HIV/AIDS other than co-infection) research. Focus on major endemic or life-threatening emerging infectious diseases, neglected tropical diseases, widespread co-infections of HIV/AIDS patients or infections associated with non-communicable disease conditions of poverty in developing countries Duration: Up to five years Awards: Up to $200,000 in new awards; up to $250,000 in renewal awards (Total Direct Costs) Allowable Costs include: Stipends, tuition and fees, trainee travel, training-related expenses, salary for Senior/Key personnel, Faculty travel and Facilities and Administrative costs.
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Research training activities should include: Basic biomedical or clinical sciences; Behavioral or social sciences Prevention research Health services Operations and implementation research Sustainable research enhancing areas such as biosafety, data management, scientific writing, grant writing, statistics, good clinical practice, bioinformatics, management of intellectual property, and English as a second language (if needed). Applicants are encouraged to: Maximize the use of information technology to facilitate trainee data management, access to scientific information, distance learning and collaborative scientific interaction. Design multidisciplinary research training programs. The proposed training is expected to strengthen sustainable research capacity at the LMIC institution. Training can take place in the U.S. or a foreign country, but training-related research should be carried out mainly in the LMIC
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Objectives of Global Infectious Disease Research Training: To develop research training programs to strengthen the capacity to conduct infectious disease research at LMIC institutions. To develop a cadre of research experts who can address issues of importance and are most likely to contribute to science and affect public health policy in their country; To support training-related research (degree-related or mentored research projects) that is directly relevant to the health priorities of the LMIC; To strengthen core research support capabilities of trainees at LMIC institutions that they needed to manage research and research training grants such as: expertise in ethics and compliance issues, protection for human subjects, animal welfare, fiscal management, budgeting, program and grants administration, grant and report writing, preparation of scientific manuscripts, information technologies, technology transfer and management of intellectual property, data management, and Internet connectivity.
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Eligibility Criteria of Training PD/PI: Any individual with the skills, knowledge, successful past training record, and available resources necessary to carry out the proposed research training program. An established researcher at the applicant institution. Responsible for the selection of eligible trainees to the training grant, the overall direction, management and administration of the research training program, program evaluation, and the submission of all required forms in a timely manner. Must identify at least one scientist from each LMIC institution as the main foreign collaborator for that institution. Women, individuals from underrepresented racial, ethnic or socially disadvantaged groups as well as individuals with disabilities encouraged Must be designated as the PD of at least one research award that is directly relevant to the research training proposed and with at least 18 months of support remaining at the time of submission of the application.
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Types of Trainings (but not limited to): Long-term (master’s or doctoral degree and other training; 6+ months) For full range of skills necessary to support research and research administration with the understanding that the focus of thesis and training-related research will be in their country. Part-time long term training is permitted but should be described and justified in the application. Medium-term (3-6 months) training or mentoring Includes specialized clinical, laboratory, research or administrative/business skills necessary to support research that is planned or ongoing. Short-term (< 3 months) training or mentoring Focuses on research methodology, laboratory skills necessary to support research ethics and compliance issues, program and grants administration, accounting, financial management, grant writing, peer review, preparation of scientific manuscripts, data management, Internet connectivity, technology transfer, medical informatics, and other relevant areas.
Global Infectious Disease Research Training ProgramPA-10-260 Types of Trainings, cont’d: Additional institutional capacity-building efforts encouraged Examples: in-country training workshops in advanced techniques; distance learning; and interaction with other national and regional efforts to strengthen the ability of institutions to support research and research training. Advanced in-country mentored research Undertaken by trainee’s own home country upon completion of his/her initial period of long-term training under the program (master’s, Ph.D., post-doctoral or other long-term training).
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Breakdown of components Item 1: Introduction Item 2: Background Table 2*: Participating Faculty Members Item 3: Program Plan Table 4: Grant and Contract Support of Participating Faculty Members Table 5: Pre- and Postdoctoral Trainees of Participating Faculty Members Table 6: Publications of Research Completed by Trainees (or Potential Trainees) Item 4: Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity Item 5: Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research * Items 7-9, 11-12 not listed, see PA. Only complete tables as listed above; Items not mentioned are not required by PA.
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Item 6: Progress Report Table 12A: Pre-doctoral Trainees Supported by this Training Grant Table 12B: Postdoctoral Trainees Supported by this Training Grant Item 10: Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan Item 13: Data Tables Item 14: Letters of Support Item 15: Appendix * Items 7-9, 11-12 not listed, see PA. Only complete Tables as listed above; Items not mentioned are not required by PA.
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program PA-10-260 Research Plan Page Limits Introduction - 3 pages for resubmission, 1 page for revision application Items 2-5 - 25 pages total, including additional tables, graphs, charts, etc.