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GREECO. ESPON Internal Seminar Sustainable Territories 30 November 2011 Kraków, Poland. GREECO – Research flow. GREECO – A sectoral approach. GREECO – Role of case studies. GREECO – Data provision. Characterising the green sector at the regional level in Europe:.

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  1. GREECO ESPON Internal Seminar Sustainable Territories 30 November 2011 Kraków, Poland

  2. GREECO – Research flow

  3. GREECO – A sectoral approach

  4. GREECO – Role of case studies

  5. GREECO – Data provision Characterising the green sector at the regional level in Europe:

  6. GREECO – European data sources • EGSS at Eurostat: • Not EU coverage in replies for the 2011 data collection - EGSS current reporting countries (data will be published later this year): BE, FR, SE, RO, FI, DE, LV, CZ, LT, ES, AT, NL, IT, NO, PL, PT • On website: EGSS countries that answered to 2009 data collection: AT, BE, FR, DE, NL, PT, RO, SE. • Eco-innovation -Community Innovation Survey (CIS, 2008) • DG Employment: ‘Towards a greener labour market. The employment dimension of tackling environmental challenges’, includes some indicators on EGSS. • DG Environment: several surveys and reports on eco-innovation. • EEA: environmental indicators (indirect assessment of transition towards GE?)

  7. GREECO – Assessing GE potentials • Some examples of demand -side drivers: • Market size: • Domestic market (the larger the market, the more potential for a greener economy to develop and grow) • Exports (the more exports in absolute terms, the more potential for EGS exports) • Economic structure: • Level of present development of EGS (the more developed EGSS is, the more potential for further EGSS development, or vice versa? Should we consider rebound effects) • Environmental protection expenditure (the more expenditure, the more potential for EGS development) • Nature of the environmental problems faced in present situation and future scenarios (e.g. climate change effects on GE development) • Regulatory framework (the stricter any regulatory framework is in environmental terms, the more development potential green economy holds)

  8. GREECO – Assessing GE potentials • Some examples ofsupply -side drivers • Territorial assets: • Natural resources (linked to specific EGS like renewable energy production) • Physical (e.g. type of settlement impacting transport models) • Eco-innovation (the more technological capacity on EGS, the more potential for the development of ancillary sectors) • Regulatory framework (the stricter any regulatory framework is in environmental terms, the more development potential green economy holds)  incentives

  9. Project experiences (policy and territorial dimension) • Data limitations (no data for all member states, only at national level)  regionalization challenge / not EU coverage for GE • Importance of non pure territorial drivers have also spatial distribution. • Other territorial drivers could be not that obvious.


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