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Support to Statistics in Asia-Pacific: Key Findings from PRESS 2012

Discover current statistical support, areas of need, and aid alignment in Asia-Pacific based on PRESS 2012 findings. Learn about committed funds and aid distribution trends in the region.

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Support to Statistics in Asia-Pacific: Key Findings from PRESS 2012

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  1. Partner Report on Support to Statistics (PRESS) Results from the 2012 Round Focus on Asia-Pacific Findings

  2. PRESS AIMS TO… • Learn what development partners are doing in the statistical field and identify countries or areas of statistics in need of more support. • Offer this information to financial and technical partners responsible for giving aid and to countries receiving it. • Raise the profile of statistics within the overall context of aid to developing countries.

  3. PRESS OFFERS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION… • Current and planned statistical support from partners. • Statistical areas being supported. • The period covered by each activity. • The amount of money committed and disbursed. However, this is not an accounting exercise, but rather a tool for collaboration!

  4. KEY FINDINGS OF PRESS 2012 Covering ongoing activities from 2010-2012

  5. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Recipient – Comparison of Global Estimated Commitments over Past Five PRESS Rounds

  6. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Recipient – Estimated Annual Commitments, by Geographical Region & Percentage of Global Total, Pre-2010–2012

  7. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Recipient – Estimated Commitments to Main Recipient Countries, 2010–12 Aid concentration: Commitments to these 15 countries combined to equal 40% of total estimated commitments worldwide and 54% of total country-specific commitments.

  8. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by ESCAP Recipient – Estimated Commitments to Main ESCAP Countries,2010–12 36 ESCAP member states received aid to statistics in PRESS 2012. Aid concentration: Support to these 10 countries represented 87% of all country-specific commitments to ESCAP member states in PRESS 2012.

  9. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Provider of Development Co-operation – Global Estimated Annual Commitments, by Key Co-operation Provider

  10. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Provider of Development Co-operation – Global Estimated Annual Commitments in Asia-Pacific, by Key Co-operation Provider 36 different donors supported statistical development in Asia-Pacific.

  11. PRESS 2012 – Key Findings, by Provider of Development Co-operation – Aid Alignment with NSDS NB: To understand these figures, one must recognise that 87% of PRESS countries in Africa are either implementing or designing an NSDS, 76% in Asia-Pacific, 75% in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 83% in Europe.

  12. PRESS 2011 – Support to CRVS in Asia-Pacific –

  13. Conclusions • Support to statistical development is increasing globally, although Asia-Pacific’s share is decreasing. • Support is still concentrated in a very small number of aid darlings. • A small number of donors dominate the scene in terms of commitments. • There is room for improvement in aligning support with national strategies. • Improvements in reporting to PRESS are possible. UNFPA is a good example to follow.

  14. Thank you! PRESS - http://www.paris21.org/Press 2012 Round - http://www.paris21.org/PRESS2012

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