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How to Be An Effective Local School Council and Local School Council Member. Module 2. Office of Local School Council Relations 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 P. 773-553-1400 F. 773-553-1402. Changes to LSC & OMA Law.
How to Be An Effective Local School Council andLocal School Council Member Module 2 Office of Local School Council Relations 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 P. 773-553-1400 F. 773-553-1402
Changes to LSC & OMA Law • New member, a non-teacher staff member, was added to the LSC. • Full membership on Elementary LSCs is now twelve (12). • Full membership on High School LSCs is now thirteen (13). • Quorum Requirements for Elementary and High Schools is now seven (7). • Opportunity must be provided to the public to address the LSC at every public meeting • LSC must approve minutes within 30 days or at the second regularly scheduled following the meeting where the minutes were taken, whichever is later. • Approved minutes must be available to the public within 10 days of approval. • The changes listed above are effective January 1, 2011
Objectives of Module II To understand: • The importance of team building • The requirements of the Open Meetings Act and Illinois School Code for LSC meetings and the conduct of LSC business • The requirements and purposes of the annual organizational meeting
Objectives of Module II How to conduct effective meetings, including knowing the requirements for: • Meeting Notices and Agendas • Quorum for Meeting • Motions • Voting on Different Matters • Minutes • Convening closed sessions or meetings
Traits of Cooperative Relationships Among LSC Members • All LSC members understand the proper role, responsibilities, powers and duties of LSCs and LSC members • Principal and LSC members share information equally with each other • Collaboration with Principal and among all LSC members • Communication with Principal and among all LSC members
Tips for Conducting Effective Meetings • Request from the Principal and review information and documentation (e.g., SIPAAA, Budget, Budget transfers, Contracts, Internal Accounts Reports, meeting minutes) before meetings at which information will be acted on • Arrive on time for meetings and remain in attendance for entire meeting • Start meetings on time
Tips for Conducting Effective Meetings • Fully and freely discuss issues • Allow all members to participate in discussion • Address each other, the principal, parents and the public with respect and courtesy • Deal constructively with conflict • Allow parents and the public to address LSC regularly
Annual Organizational Meeting The Illinois School Code requires that LSCs: • Hold this meeting every year between July 1 and July 14 and take the following actions at the meeting:
Annual Organizational Meeting • Elect officers for 1 year term ending the following June 30: • Chairperson or President (must be a parent member) • Secretary (may be any member)
Annual Organizational Meeting • Establish schedule of regular meetings for the school year (including dates, times and locations) • The schedule of regular meetings must be made available to parents and the community
Annual Organizational Meeting • Different Ways to Call Meeting: • The LSC may set the date and time of the meeting by voting at an open meeting • Prior to the end of his/her term in office on June 30, the Chair may call the meeting as a special meeting (Chair may poll members on a convenient date and time)
Annual Organizational Meeting Different Ways to Call Meeting: • Either before or after June 30, any four members (including the principal) may call meeting as a special meeting (any of the four members may poll other members on a convenient date and time).
Annual Organizational Meeting • If called as a special meeting, all members must be notified in writing of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting before the meeting (we recommend that the members be notified as soon before the meeting as possible)
Annual Organizational Meeting At organizational meeting, LSCs may also: Elect: • A Vice-Chairperson (may be any member but it is recommended that a parent member be selected to fill this office) • A Parliamentarian/Sergeant-at-Arms (may be any member)
Annual Organizational Meeting Designate: A Member/Officer to take on-line training on OMA and FOIA and to serve as LSC’s FOIA Officer Establish/Reestablish LSC committees: • Budget • SIPAAA • Bylaws • Principal Evaluation • Safety/Discipline, etc.
Annual Organizational Meeting • Adopt/Re-adopt Bylaws and/or establish a Bylaws Committee to review and revise Bylaws and present revisions to LSC for approval Note: Any new or revised Bylaws must be also be approved by the Office of Local School Council Relations • Adopt/Re-adopt Rules of Procedure/Order for all meetings
Sample Organizational Meeting Agenda XYZ School Local School Council Address of School Annual Organizational Meeting In the School Library Wednesday, July 7, 2010 4:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Call To Order (Principal or Outgoing Chairperson) 2. Roll Call/Establishment of Quorum 3. Select Temporary Chairperson for Meeting 4. Select Temporary Secretary for Meeting
Sample Organizational Meeting Agenda(Cont’d) 5. Nominations for, and selection of, Chairperson 6. Nominations for, and selection of, Secretary 7. Nominations for, and selection of, Vice- Chairperson [Optional] 8. Nominations for, and selection, of OMA/FOIA Officer (per Amendment to FOIA) 9. Establish Regular Meeting Schedule for School Year (Dates, Times, Locations)
Sample Organizational Meeting Agenda(Cont’d) 10. Establish/Re-establish LSC Committees [Optional] 11. Adopt/Re-adopt Bylaws [Optional] 12. Adopt/Re-adopt Rules of Order/ Procedure [Optional] 13. Announce First Regular Meeting Date and Time 14. Public Participation [Optional] 15. Adjourn
Officers’ Roles Chairperson • Only Parent Member may fill this office • Presides at and conducts orderly meetings at which all members are given equal opportunity to participate • Facilitates fair, frank and respectful discussion and debate among LSC members
Officers’ Roles Chairperson — May make motions and vote on motions • Involves other LSC members in preparation of meeting agendas • Posts/Ensures posting of meeting notices and agendas in compliance with Open Meetings Act and the Illinois School Code • Signs official CPS records and documents to indicate LSC approval of action or decision reflected in record or document
Officers’ Roles Chairperson • Calls special meetings as necessary, giving all other members notice in writing of time, place and purpose of meetings and posting or ensuring posting of notices and agendas for such meetings in compliance with the Open Meetings Act • Other than the matters listed above, the Chairperson exercises no more power or authority than any other LSC member
Officers’ Roles Secretary • Any member may fill this office • Takes minutes at all LSC meetings (both open and closed) • Transcribes and prepares draft minutes of all meetings in a timely manner for LSC approval • Provides draft minutes to all LSC members in advance of the meeting at which LSC will consider approval of minutes
Officers’ Roles Secretary • Revises draft minutes as directed by LSC and submits revised minutes for LSC approval • Maintains copies of all approved written meeting minutes and video/audio tapes of closed meetings • Makes approved minutes available for public inspection within seven (7) days of approval • Drafts any LSC correspondence as directed by LSC
Officers’ Roles Vice-Chairperson • Any member may be selected to fill this office but selection of a parent member is recommended • Acts in Chairperson’s absence: • Presides at Meetings • Signs official CPS documents and records after LSC votes to approve action/decision reflected in document or record
Bylaws • Bylaws are rules and procedures that govern how LSCs function • Bylaws must be consistent with Illinois School Code provisions and Board Rules and Policies concerning Local School Councils
Bylaws • Model Bylaws are included in the LSC Reference Guide • LSCs may adopt and revise the Model Bylaws to their specific LSC • Any revisions (other than to add the name of the LSC) to the Model Bylaws must be approved by the Office of Local School Council Relations
The Open Meetings Act (OMA) Applies whenever: • At least a majority of a quorum of an LSC (4 members) will gather or gathers to discuss LSC business * Quorum in elementary schools (6 members) * Quorum in high schools ( 7 members) • At least a majority of a quorum of any LSC committee gathers to discuss LSC or committee business
OMA Requirements ForMeetings, Notices and Agendas • All meetings must be held at times and places convenient and open (accessible) to the public • Regular meetings may be held on legal holidays but special meetings may not • Notices and agendas for all meetings, open or closed, must be posted at least 48 hours prior to all meetings at the school and other meeting location (if applicable) in a location visible to the public from outside the school* * Marquees (Posting on marquees does not comply with OMA) • Clearly and specifically identify on meeting agendas all items to be discussed or acted on by the LSC (by voting)
OMA Requirements ForMeetings, Notices and Agendas • After posting, the LSC may vote to amend meeting agendas to add or remove items not specifically included on the original posted meeting agenda • Any items added to agenda by amendment after posting may only be discussed at a meeting and may not be voted on at same meeting
OMA Requirements ForMeetings, Notices and Agendas • All LSC votes must take place in public (in open sessions) by roll call, voice vote or show of hands • LSC members may not vote by proxy or written or secret ballot • Unless a meeting notice and agenda have been posted, no LSC business may be discussed by four or more LSC members at any social gathering • LSC must maintain written minutes of all LSC and LSC committee meetings, including closed meetings or sessions
OMA Requirements ForMeeting Minutes Written minutes of meetings must include the following: • The date, time and place of the meeting • The members present and whether they are physically present or present by means of video or audio conference • The members absent
OMA Requirements ForMeeting Minutes Written minutes of meetings must include the following: • A summary of the discussions on all matters proposed, deliberated or decided and a record of any votes taken Note: A verbatim (word-for-word) record of members’ discussions and/or comments during public participation is not required in the minutes
Recommendations for Additional Content of Meeting Minutes In addition to the contents of minutes required by the OMA, we recommend that they also reflect: • Whether a quorum was present and, if so, the time at which the quorum was established if it was not present when the meeting was called to order
Recommendations for Additional Content of Meeting Minutes • The time that members arrived if they arrived late • The time that members left the meeting if they left before it adjourned and whether their departure resulted in the loss of quorum
Illinois School Code Requirements for LSC Meetings • The physical presence of a quorum at meetings for the LSC to take formal action: 6 members in elementary schools 7 members in high schools • Written notice of the time, place and purpose of special meetings to all LSC members must be given before such meetings by the chairperson or four members, whichever is calling the meeting
OMA Requirement ForClosed Meetings or Sessions LSCs may schedule closed meetings or may conduct closed sessions during the course of open meetings to discuss only the following matters: • Litigation impacting the LSC or LSC members • The evaluation, retention, selection, or request for dismissal of a contract principal
OMA Requirement ForClosed Meetings or Sessions • Adding terms (addenda) to a principal’s performance contract • The selection of a candidate to fill a vacancy on the LSC • The review (at least every 6 months) of minutes of closed meetings or sessions, including whether to maintain their confidentiality (the vote on that matter must be taken in an open session)
OMA Requirement ForClosed Meetings or Sessions • To schedule a future closed meeting or to go into a closed session during an open meeting, requires: • A motion stating the matter to be discussed and a second • A vote by majority of serving members approving the motion • If the LSC votes to schedule a future closed meeting, a notice and agenda must be posted for the meeting at least 48 hours before the meeting at the school and other meeting location (if applicable)
OMA Requirement ForClosed Meetings or Sessions • Only the matter specified in the motion to conduct a closed session or meeting may be discussed in the closed session or meeting • All closed sessions or meetings must be video or audio-taped • Written minutes of closed sessions or meetings must also be taken of closed sessions or meetings
OMA Requirement ForClosed Meetings or Sessions • Tapes of closed sessions or meetings must be retained for at least 18 months and may be destroyed only after the LSC approves written minutes of the closed session or meeting that comply with the OMA requirements for minutes • The closed session tape is not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act
OMA Requirements For Participation in Meetings By Electronic Means The OMA allows members to participate in LSC meetings by video or audio conference if all of the following requirements are met: • The inability to attend the meeting in person must be due to: personal illness or disability employment purposes LSC business family or other emergency
OMA Requirements For Participation in Meetings By Electronic Means • The LSC member must notify the principal, LSC Secretary or LSC Chairperson before the meeting unless giving advance notice is not practical • The LSC must have adopted or must adopt a rule conforming to the requirements of the OMA for participation by video or audio conference
OMA Requirements For Participating in Meetings By Electronic Means • A quorum (6 members in elementary schools and 7 members in high schools) must be physically present at meeting • A majority of the serving members must vote to allow the absent member to participate by video or audio conference • LSC may impose additional requirements for participating by video or audio conference, e.g., that participation of members by such means be mentioned in the agenda for the meeting
Quorum Requirements • A quorum of an elementary school LSC is always six (6) members regardless of the number of vacant positions on the LSC • A quorum of a high school LSC is always seven (7) members regardless of the number of vacant positions on the LSC • For LSC Committees, the quorum is a majority of the full membership of the committee or unless LSC has decided otherwise • If no quorum is present, LSC or committee may discuss, but may not vote on, any matters on the agenda for the meeting
Voting Rules • Voting can take place only in open (public) meetings and only when a quorum of the LSC members is physically present • General motions require an affirmative vote of a majority of the currently serving members (Note: The “currently serving members” include any members absent from the meeting) • Selection of a new contract principal requires 7 affirmative or “yes” votes (Note: current principal and student cannot vote or be counted for quorum purposes) • A transfer of funds from a previously approved budget allocation requires approval by a super majority: seven (7) members in elementary schools and eight (8) members in high schools
Example Scenario No. 1 • At an elementary school LSC meeting, 7 members are present. • A motion is made and seconded to transfer $2000 in SGSA funds from supplies (53405) to the teacher salary line (51100) • After all members who wish to speak on the question/motion have done so, the Chairperson calls the Question for a vote • There are 6 “yes” votes and 1 “no” vote • Question: Does the motion to transfer funds pass?
Answer No. Transfers of funds require supermajority votes of 7 members in elementary school LSCs for approval.
Example Scenario No. 2 • At a high school LSC meeting, 7 members are present and there are 3 vacancies. • A motion is made and seconded to approve the budget as amended • After all members who wish to speak on the question/motion have done so, the Chairperson calls the Question for a vote • There are 5 “yes” votes and 2 “no” votes • Question: Does the motion pass?
Answer Yes. Motions to approve a budget amendment are routine motions that require only the vote of a simple majority of the serving members. If there are 3 vacancies on a high school LSC, there are 9 serving members and 5 is a simple majority of 9.