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This document discusses the requirements and proposals for the analysis of the eGamma stream in ATLAS. It includes suggestions for producing specific streams for photons and electrons, enabling similar tools for electron streams as photons, and producing D3PDs within a common framework. The current status, comments, and upcoming action items are also outlined.
Towards analysis of egamma stream • Requirements (to be discussed also with physics groups): • Produce specific stream for photons: probably through D2PD based on trigger streaming and perhaps loose photon selection • Produce several D2PD streams for electrons: based on single electrons and pairs? Or on each primary stream? Or on broad physics topics (such as J/y+U+low-mass DY and W/Z)? • D2PD streams for electrons need to be enabled with similar tools as photons, so that reclustering, recalibration, improvements of PID, etc can be configured and tested by users • Produce D3PDs within common framework: • Use common tools • Ntuple dumper easily configurable by user • Focus on “small”-size D3PD, i.e. about 10 kB per event Where do we stand now? • Several proposals made and a few implementations existing (photon D3PD, D3PDs proposed for egamma by Jae/Scott, custom D3PDs for J/y working group, CBNT-like D3PDs discussed by Kamal/David R., etc • After further feedback and discussions, we have converged on a common proposal on how to proceed
Towards analysis of egamma stream • Basic proposal: • Use existing DPDMaker framework as the basic framework for egamma:- this has numerous advantages since it already supports multiple streams and sequential production (e.g. of D2PDs and D3PDs)- additional improvements are in the pipeline for ATLAS-wide use, such as e.g. tools to monitor filter performances- easy to configure for individual users if toolkit prepared carefully • Put in place in this framework all the required egamma reprocessing tools. Starting point would be photon conversion recovery and re-processing (T. Koffas and S. Snyder will start joint work on this) • Agree on a common content and naming convention between electrons and photons wherever relevant for a D3PD of target size ~ 10 kB. Target for specific proposal is egamma P&P meeting on 21st of April. (L. Carminati, S. Snyder and M. Vincter will start joint work on this) Some (obvious) comments: • Anyone wishing to contribute to this with constructive ideas and real work is more than welcome to join • If we can agree on such a joint approach, egamma will be able to have group production of D2PDs and D3PDs for electrons and photons (BNL has offered to participate in this for all egamma) • Next step very soon is to discuss with SM W/Z group (muons, taus)
Towards analysis of W/Z signatures • Quite some discussion in last W/Z meeting on 30/03/09: • Look in particular at talks athttp://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=3&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=55065http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=5&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=55065 • Focus is mainly on physics DPDs and analysis benchmarks in EWPA framework with a lot (too much?) of the stuff run in Athena • In the discussion, it was agreed that it would make a lot of sense to adopt if feasible a common approach for egamma, muons (and also taus) and W/Z based on perf DPDs and phys DPDs in parallel for benchmarking • As explained well for example by Massimiliano Bellomo (see next slide), this should be feasible provided one uses flexibility or ROOT trees to decide on level of details written out or accessed by users Upcoming action items: • Maarten Boonekamp will contact muon CP group to ask them for input on common D3PD format • W/Z signature group and SM group more generally await feedback from egamma on common D3PD format • Work required to define primary physics DPD format compatible with e.g. D2PD for photons
Towards analysis of W/Z signatures M. Bellomo EWPA D3PD Electron object
Towards analysis of W/Z signatures M. Bellomo EWPA D3PD Track object
Towards analysis of W/Z signatures M. Bellomo EWPA D3PD Truth object
Towards analysis of W/Z signatures • Further information on D3PD formats in the egamma world: • For information on photon D3PDs, look athttps://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/HggRecohttps://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/HggUserData • For information on EventView D3PDs for egamma, look athttp://www.usatlas.bnl.gov/twiki/bin/view/AtlasSoftware/EgammaD3PDMaker.html - List_of_tuple_branches Next steps: • Get input directly from jet/ETmiss group (Tancredi?) • Get input directly from tau group (Yann?) • Agree on common strategy on how to deal with trigger (volunteers?)