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Phase IV involves evaluation of the project with SWOT analysis, measuring results, promotional activities, and preparing for the visit to Slovakia. Tasks include creating songs, transportation research, quizzes, linguistic preparation, and organizing visits.
G R U N D T V I G My passions, my happines add to favorites Tasks Project - Phase IV
Tasks Project - Phase IV Evaluation of the Project In each partnerorganisation. SWOT analysis of respective actions. Presentation of measurable and unmeasurable results.
Tasks Project - Phase IV Filling In of the project’s chornicles and diaries
Tasks Project - Phase IV • Promotional activities: • -full information about the visit to Romania will be found on the organisation’s website. • -a gallery of pictures and descriptions from the visist will be found on the website. • -Sending of articles to local and regional magazines. • Projecting and making of an outdoor banner informing about an international project. • -Purchase of t-shirts with the project’s logo and name for all of the project’s participants. Colour scheme can be discussed and will be different for each organisation. • -Meeting with city authorities and sharing of information about the project.
Tasks Project - Phase IV • Preparation to the visit In Slovakai • We get to know the country. As a part of the internet classes, we look for information about history, culture of the country, region and city of the partner organization.
Tasks Project - Phase IV „Good people live where you can hear singing”. Project activity for partner organizations. Each organization should make a song with their own lyrics, in which there will be information about our mutual project, our passions, our striving for happiness. A popular melody can be adopted or composed. Songs should be in major tonations. Songs will be performed during the following partner meetings. Songs need to be recorded on CDs.
Tasks Project - Phase IV „A train is coming from far away” – activity depending on searching for information about the schedule from the place of residence to Slovakaiby a train and plane and by a car. All activities will depend on available programs and internet search engines. This activites must be preceeded by detailed instruction and description of how these programs function. It’s not an easy task, but these practical skills should be an meaningful improvement of the daily life, they should have important influence on the feeling of happiness and individual satisfaction. This task will be completed by few groups at once. All activities are currently discussed and rated. Completion of the activities results in an official confirmation of these skills in the „happiness barometer” tab on the project’s website. Activities are documented with pictures, which will be put on the project’s website.
Tasks Project - Phase IV Internal quiz „Getting to know Slovakai”. Questions are redacted by partner organizations. Pictures and results from the quiz will be put on the project’s website and described in the chronicle.
Tasks Project - Phase IV • Linguistic preparation of the visit’s participants to discussion about the means of eliminating of discovered obstacles making life after retirement harder. These questions will be the topic of discussion during the project activities in Slovakai • These materials will be presented during the project activities in Slovakaiand will be put in the next chapter of the“Retired Persons Guide”. Descriptive form, multimedia presentation.
Tasks Project - Phase IV Organisation of the visit, of a safe trip and a safe stay in Slovakai
Tasks Project - Phase V During the international visits participants will distinguish themselves by t-shirts with a printed logo, the project’s title and the name of the organization
Tasks Project - Phase V Visit in the partner organisations in Slovakai. Detailed plan of the visit will be made by an organisation from Slowakai in consultation with all organisations.
Tasks Project Phase V • Project activities during visit: “Means of elimination of the obstacles making life after retirement harder”. • Recorded in the “Retired Person’s Guide”, they will be one of the project’s products. Next chapters of the guide will be made during the next visits. The guide will be issued in the form of a booklet in national languages and in English.
Tasks Project - Phase V „What do I know about Slovakai” completion, quiz, form developed and moderated by the hosts.
Tasks Project - Phase V “Good people live where you can hear singing”. A concert prepared by the hosts. Presentation of the songs created earlier will be a part of the program. The songs will be performed live or with an own accompaniament or from half-playback.Completion of the activities results in an official confirmation of these skills in the „happiness barometer” tab on the project’s website.
Tasks Project - Phase V „My passions” – presentation of our own hobbies which bring joy and the feeling of happiness. Each participant of the meeting presents his interests in any form. Communication in English is encouraged.
Tasks Project - Phase IV The integrational part of the meeting will also consist of language activities (studying of the slovakai language), artistic presentations referring to the project’s subject
Tasks Project - Phase IV Project activities during visit:Evaluation of the Project. Ending and departure.