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When Morning Gilds The Skies

A beautiful hymn expressing devotion to Jesus Christ bringing light to darkness. Lyrics from Portner’s Katholisches Gesangbuch.

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When Morning Gilds The Skies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. When Morning Gilds The Skies When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries, May Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer, To Jesus I repair; May Jesus Christ be praised! 1-4 Words: Portner’s Katholisches Gesangbuch, Tr. by Edward Caswall / Music by Joseph Barnby

  2. When Morning Gilds The Skies The night becomes as day, When from the heart we say, May Jesus Christ be praised! The pow’rs of darkness fear, When this sweet song they hear, May Jesus Christ be praised! 2-4

  3. When Morning Gilds The Skies In heav’n’s eternal bliss The sweetest strain is this, May Jesus Christ be praised! Let earth, and sea, and sky From depth to height reply, May Jesus Christ be praised! 3-4

  4. When Morning Gilds The Skies Be this, while life is mine, My canticle divine, May Jesus Christ be praised! Be this th’eternal song Thru all the ages on, May Jesus Christ be praised! 4-4

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