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Mastering French Negation and Relative Pronouns

Practice negation, relative pronouns, and don't structures in French through exercises covering a range of topics. Improve your understanding and usage of these grammar concepts.

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Mastering French Negation and Relative Pronouns

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  1. L3 Ch 9 Exercices

  2. EXERCICE 1: NEGATION • 1. I don’t like any cartoons. • 2. She likes neither soap operas nor music videos. • 3. No one watches sports shows. • 4. We never watch the news.

  3. EXERCICE 2: NEGATION • 1. I can’t find my sister anywhere. • 2. She doesn’t like anyone. • 3. Nothing is important. • 4. We no longer listen to the radio.

  4. EXERCICE 3 • 1. Neither Jacques nor Pierre has homework. • 2. I have not yet studied. • 3. We never go to church. • 4. They (f) only buy bread at the bakery.

  5. EXERCICE 4: QUI & QUE • 1. I like the pencil that she has. • 2. We are the children that study French. • 3. They (m) buy the chocolates that he sells. • 4. You (informal) rake the leaves that are in the yard.

  6. EXERCICE 5: DONT • 1. Je fais du sport. Le sport estdifficile. • 2. Elle parle d’un roman. C’est un roman très long. • 3. J’aibesoin de crayons. Les crayons sontsur la table. • 4. Ilssont contents de leursexamens. Cesontdifficiles.

  7. EXERCICE 6: MORE DONT • 1. On parle d’un film. C’est un western. • 2. Ilssontsatisfaits de leurscours. Cesont des coursfaciles. • 3. Elle estamoureuse d’un homme. C’est un hommemarié. • 4. Tu as besoin de tomates. Les tomatessontfraiches.

  8. EXERCICE 7: NEGATION • 1. We no longer like to watch TV. • 2. He isn’t helping anyone. • 3. I never did my homework. • 4. They (f) have no ice cream. • 5. Neither Henri nor Claude goes to school.

  9. EXERCICE 8: RELATIVE PRONOUNS • 1. The girl with whom he is in love is short. • 2. The movie that I saw was a spy movie. • 3. The book that is in my kitchen is excellent. • 4. The story about which he is talking is not interesting at all.

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