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Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plan

Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plan. Presented by: Mr. Kurt Madden, Superintendent Mr. Walter J. Con, Asst. Superintendent – Business Services November 12 th , 2013. Table of Contents. LCFF – Local Control Funding Formula

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Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plan

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  1. Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plan Presented by: Mr. Kurt Madden, Superintendent Mr. Walter J. Con, Asst. Superintendent – Business Services November 12th, 2013

  2. Table of Contents • LCFF – Local Control Funding Formula • LCAP – Local Control Accountability Plan • What Does This Mean for BVUSD? • Summary • Questions

  3. Local Control Funding Formula • LCFF – Local Control Funding Formula • Governor Brown’s brain child: Designed to close the achievement gap • Increase transparency and reduce complexity • Reduce the administrative burden • Improve funding equity across school districts • Improve local accountability • LCFF is the new state model – allocates funds to school districts • A very complicated computation vs the old Revenue Limit Model (past 40 years): • A grade level base grant plus supplemental/concentration grants for: • Free and Reduced Lunch Program Students • English Learners • Foster Youths • Class Size Reduction (K – 3) • Career Technical Education (9 – 12)

  4. Local Control Funding Formula; Continued • Planned implementation over 8 years (2021) • Establishes a “Target” funding level to achieve • Assumes funding to K – 12 education will grow $17 billion • Does not consider economic fluctuations • Does not consider political changes • Does not consider Prop 30 temporary taxes • Based on our demographics, where is BVUSD? • We are considered medium percent eligible school district • Does not provide any new funds to K – 12 education • Proposition 98

  5. Local Control Accountability Plan • Eight Major Components • Basic Services – Proportionality • Course Access • Implementation of the CCSS • Other Student Outcomes • Parental Involvement • School Climate • Student Achievement • Student Engagement

  6. Local Control Accountability Plan; Continued • LCAP – Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) • Final rules/templates to be adopted by the State Board of Education by 1/31/14 • January 2014 – March 2014 to align budget priorities with LCAP goals • A new Strategic Plan • Required to be board adopted by 6/30/14; annually thereafter • Ed Code: 52060 • Must include: Annual goals • Based on state priorities for all students and numerically significant subgroups • Numerically significant: defined as 30 students with valid test scores • Description of Expenditures • List and describe expenditures implementing specific actions • List and describe expenditures serving “unduplicated” students • Specific Actions • What steps the district will take to accomplish annual goals • District wide and site specific

  7. Local Control Accountability Plan; Continued • Consultation with: • Teachers • Principals • School personnel • Pupils • Local bargaining units – Restrictive vs Collaborative • Present for review and comment to: • Parent Advisory Committee • English Learner Parent Advisory Committee • The Superintendent must respond in writing to all comments received • Opportunity for public input: • Notice of the opportunity to submit written comments • Public hearing • The Superintendent must respond in writing to comments received

  8. Local Control Accountability Plan; Continued • LCAP Planning Matrix • Strategic Plan • LCAP • CCSS • EL • Title I • Technology • Stakeholder Engagement Goals • Inform, consult and involve • Fact sheets, news letters and public comments • Focus groups, workshops and action research • Community outreach – NSES – December 16th @ 6:00pm • Staff presentations – January 23rd& January 27th

  9. Local Control Accountability Plan; Continued • Adoption of the plan: • Board adopted concurrent with, or prior to, the district’s budget • Submitted to the County Office of Education for approval • Posted on the district’s website • County Office of Education posts LCAP for each district • Oversight Responsibilities: County Office of Education • If the LCAP is not approved by the County Office of Education • Identify strengths and weaknesses in regard to state priorities • Assign an academic expert or team of experts • Request that the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) assign the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) to provide advice and assistance

  10. Local Control Accountability Plan; Continued • If a district fails to improve outcomes for subgroups three out of four consecutive years, and the CCEE finds that the district is unable to implement its recommendations, the SPI can: • Make changes to the LCAP • Impose budget revisions • Stay and rescind action of the governing board – except where such action would violate the local Collective Bargaining Agreement • Appoint an academic trustee

  11. What Does This Mean For BVUSD? • There is much work ahead of us for the LCFF: • Complete 1st Interim under the new LCFF rules (present to board 12/9/13) • Likely to receive more revenue under the LCFF • Still uncertainty as to how that additional revenue can be spent • There is much work ahead of us for the LCAP: • Consultation with teachers, pupils, administrators, school personnel and bargaining units • Establish a Parent Advisory Group and an English Learner Parent Advisory Group • Present LCAP to groups for review and comment • Superintendent will respond in writing to all comments received • Public hearing • Board adoption • County approval

  12. SUMMARY • LCFF • Very complex new funding model • Eight year (2021) Target Funding & K -3 CSR • Political and economic volatility • Demographics will drive funding • LCAP • Proportionality • Stakeholder outreach and building consensus • Non-negotiables • Aligning budget priorities with LCAP goals

  13. Questions?

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