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Age-dating a Starburst: Gemini/CIRPASS Observations of the Core of M83

Explore the age-dating and observations of compact star-forming regions in M83's core using CIRPASS and HST/WFPC2 data. Discover triggers for star formation, critical gas density, and age gradients indicative of sequential triggering. Ideal for NIR MOS analysis.

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Age-dating a Starburst: Gemini/CIRPASS Observations of the Core of M83

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  1. Age-dating a Starburst:Gemini/CIRPASS Observationsof the Core of M83 Stuart Ryder & Robert Sharp AAO Johan Knapen U. Hertfordshire Lisa Mazzuca GSFC Ian Parry U. Cambridge

  2. Circumnuclear Star Formation • Compact SF regions (“knots”) in ring/spiral < 1 kpc across. • CSF most common in barred spirals. • Bars “funnel” gas inwards, accumulates near Inner Lindblad Resonance (ILR): W = Wp - k/2 • What triggers CSF? • Critical gas density • Spiral density wave  Random age spread  Age gradient

  3. HST/WFPC2 F300W F547M F814W AAT/IRIS2 50 pc Dyn/Phot Center M83 (NGC 5236)

  4. young Harris et al. 2001, AJ, 122, 3046 Model: Starburst99 Z=0.04, a=2.35 Instantaneous Burst AV=1 old The HST View

  5. Starburst Clock No. 1 • H recombination line (Ha, Pab, Brg) equivalent widths. • Leitherer et al. “Starburst 99” models: Instantaneous Burst Continuous SF

  6. Starburst Clock No. 2 • CO band (2.29 mm, 1.62 mm) spectroscopic index. • Leitherer et al. “Starburst 99” models: Instantaneous Burst Continuous SF

  7. The CIRPASS View

  8. The CIRPASS View

  9. Knot-by-knot analysis

  10. Region Analysis

  11. Pab 1.28 mm [Fe II] 1.64mm Inside-out, or Outside-in?

  12. Sequential Triggering in M100

  13. Summary • Photometry gives an incomplete/ambiguous age picture. • NIR IFU spectroscopy less biased by extinction and selection effects. • Multiple spectral line diagnostics help constrain Star Formation History. • Clear azimuthal age gradients in M83 and M100 provide best evidence yet for sequential triggering via spiral density wave-induced shock. • Ideal project for NIR MOS: GNIRS IFU will have 3.3"  4.8" FOV at 0.15" sampling, R=1700, full K window includes Brg and CO (2,0) bands. “The cube is not enough”

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