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IT 130

IT 130. Internet and the WWW. Introduction to HTML. What is HTML?. A simple, universal mark-up language HTML = H yper T ext M arkup L anguage Just a series of tags that are integrated into a text document

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IT 130

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  1. IT 130 Internet and the WWW Introduction to HTML

  2. What is HTML? • A simple, universal mark-up language • HTML = HyperText Markup Language • Just a series of tags that are integrated into a text document • Like stage directions - silently telling the browser what to do, and what props to use. • Can be created in a simple text editor

  3. Creating your Web pages In order to create your own web pages you need: • A simple text editor (for example:Notepad) • An HTTP browser for testing the pages(for example:Internet Explorer, Netscape) • Browsers:http://dir.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Internet/Software/Internet/World_Wide_Web/Browsers/ • Browser statistics:http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp • A Web server on which to store your files and make them available for viewing.(for example:students.depaul.edu)

  4. Creating Web pages • Each page on your web site corresponds to an HTML file • HTML files • are written in ASCII text format • should have the extension .html or .htm • should have a “644” permission • Pictures should also be uploaded to students.

  5. Naming in HTML Files: • should begin with a letter • should not contain spaces • should indicate the contents or purpose of the page

  6. HTML Tags • Usually English words (example: "blockquote") or abbreviations ("p" for paragraph) • Are distinguished from the regular text because they are placed inside small angle brackets (example: <p> or <blockquote>) • Tags dictate: • How the page will be formatted (<p> begins a new paragraph) • How the words appear (<b> makes text bold) • Provide information that doesn't appear on the page itself (example: <title> tag).

  7. HTML tag syntax • Generally tags come in two parts • Beginning tag: <html> • Ending tag: </html> The two parts mark off a part of the text and specify its format. • Most tags support various attributes.<tag attr1=“value”>item to be formatted</tag> • Appearance of the web page depends also on the specific browser settings, and the user’s system and monitor.

  8. Capitalization in HTML • HTML is not case sensitive • XHTML is case sensitive! • Be consistent • Lowercase is preferred in html • Lowercase is required in the new XHTML standard.

  9. Basic tag types • Document tags: identify the various parts of the document (Head, Body). • Text structure tags: determine the layout of the text (lists, paragraphs). • Style tags: tell the browser how to display the text. • Image tags: to incorporate images. • Anchor tags: to create hyperlinks.

  10. Header and Body • The header is enclosed by the <head> and </head> tags • Contains information about a page that won't appear on the page itself, such as the title. • The body is enclosed by <body> and </body> • Where the action is • Everything that appears on the page is contained within these tags.

  11. The <p> Tag • Creates a new paragraph • Skips a line from the previous item • A <p> tag is one of the few tags that doesn't need to be closed off by a corresponding </p> in HTML, however, the new XHTML standard does require closing tags.

  12. Headlines • <h1> turns on large headlines • </h1> turns off large headlines • <h3> turns on medium sized headlines • </h3> turns off medium sized headlines • <h6> turns on small headlines • </h6> turns off small headlines

  13. Example Notepad or Textpad window <html> <head> <title>My First Web Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>I love HTML!</h1> <p>This is our first try using HTML. So far it seems pretty easy. </p> <p>I hope we get to memorize every single HTML tag in this class. </p> </body> </html> Save as .html

  14. Viewing Source Code • Every Web page you visit is actually just a plain text document • In Netscape: choose Page Source from the View menu • In Explorer: choose Source from the View menu

  15. Commenting Your Code • Comment does not appear on your web page • You can use it for personal reminders or notes to the people you're working with • visible to anyone who views your source code • Do not include any embedded HTML code in commented text because the results are unpredictable. • <!--This is an example of a comment.-->

  16. Hyperlinks : Anchor Tags • Link your site to any other page or file in your site, or on the Internet • Default text is blue and underlined • Normally the link opens in the same browser window

  17. Hyperlinks • <a href=“…."> and </a> • <a> means “anchor point” • href= means hypertext reference • “….” Is where you put the URL you want to reference • Example • <a href="http://www.depaul.edu">Visit the DePaul site.</a> Visit the DePaul site

  18. Hyperlinks • Relative: • In same directory • href=“filename.html” • In a subfolder • href=“subfoldername/filename.html” • Up a directory • href=“../filename.html” • Absolute: • Include entire URL • Example: href=“http://condor.depaul.edu/~gandrus/index.html”

  19. Mailto • Links to an email address • Example • <a href="mailto:yourname@hotmail.com"> Email me</a>. Email me

  20. Relative pathnames Example, you want to insert inside file1.htm a hyperlink to file2.htm • <a href=“file2.htm”> If file2 is in the same folder as file1 • < a href=“foldername/file2.htm”>If file2 is in a child folder (subfolder) • < a href=“../file2.htm”>If file2 is in a parent folder It is important that the folder structure on your local machine matches the directory structure on students.

  21. Relative path public_html hw3.html main.html pic2.jpg IT130 Images HW3_d Link main.html to hw3.html: Link hw3.html to main.html: Link hw3.html to pic2.jpg: <a href=“HW3_d/hw3.html”> <a href=“../main.html”> <a href=“../Images/pic2.jpg”>

  22. A few Style tags • <i>…</i>Italic • <b>…</b>Boldface • <u>…</u>Underlined • <strike>…</strike>crosses out a word by having a line drawn through it • <sub>…</sub>generates subscripts • <sup>…</sup>generates superscripts

  23. Font Tag (depreciated) • <font> … </font>usedto change the color, size, and face of any portion of text • Font tag has three attributes • Font color: <font color=“#0000FF”> • Font size: < font size=“+3”> • Font face: < font face=“Arial”> • The size attribute is relative to the text before it. • See next slide for prefered method.

  24. Using CSS to style fonts • Example: • Instead of writing <font color=green size=12pt face=verdana>This text is different</font> • We would first define a CSS style rule like:span.txt1 {color: green; font-size: 12pt; font-family: verdana} • And then use this rule in the body of our HTML document, like so:<span class=“txt1”>This text different</span>

  25. Horizontal Rules • <hr> produces a horizontal line • Default is shaded engraved line • In HTML the <hr> tag has no end tag. • In XHTML the <hr> tag must be properly closed, like this: <hr /> • Attributes • <hr size=number>: how thick is the line • <hr width=number of pixels or percent>: Default horizontal rule is as wide as the page • <hr align=left|right|center> • <hr noshade>: the line appears as a solid bar

  26. Breaks • <br> inserts a line break • Does not skip a space as <p> does • In HTML the <br> tag has no end tag. • In XHTML the <br> tag must be properly closed, like this: <br /> (the space after br is required)

  27. Special Characters

  28. Special Characters (cont’d)

  29. Aligning Text • <p align=“left”> aligns a paragraph to the left • <p align=“right”> aligns a paragraph to the right • <p align=“center”> centers a paragraph • Better - do it in CSS • <p style=“text-align: left”> aligns a paragraph to the left</p> • Similarly for aligning right and center

  30. Lists Two types: • Unordered lists • Ordered lists

  31. Unordered lists • An unordered (or bullet) list uses the tag pair <ul> … </ul> • Each item in the list is preceded by a single list item tag <li> • It produces an indented list with a browser-supplied character in front of it (a small circle or a square) • You can specify the type of symbol used by using the TYPE attribute <ul type=“disc”><li>Items</ul> Other possible types are:square|circle

  32. Example <html> <head> <title> Lists </title> </head> <body> <h1>Here is an example of a list</h1> <ul> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ul> <ul type=“square”> <li>Third item</li> <li>Fourth item</li> </ul> </body> </html> • First item • Second item • Third item • Fourth item

  33. Ordered lists • An ordered list uses the tag pair <ol>… </ol> • Each item in the list is preceded by a single list item tag <li> • This also produces an indented list but the items are ordered. • The default is to order by numbers (like this)

  34. Example <html> <head> <title> …. </title> </head> <body> <h1>An example of a ordered list</h1> <ol> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ol> </body> </html> • First item • Second item

  35. Attributes for ordered lists • typecan change the type of numbering used in a list. • type = “I” Uppercase Roman numerals • type = “i” Lowercase Roman numerals • type = “A” Uppercase Latin letters • type = “a” Lowercase Latin letters • start can change where the lists begins the • numbering. • start = “3” Starts from 3 instead of 1 • start = “2” Starts from b instead of a

  36. Example <html> <head><title>ECT270 Lists</title></head> <body><h1>To do list</h1> <ol type =“A” > <li>Pick up dry cleaning</li> <li>Clean the house <ul> <li>Sweep the floors</li> <li>Take out garbage</li> <li>Clean kitchen</li> </ul></li> <li>Stop by post office <ul> <li>Get stamps <ul> <li>Overseas airmail</li> <li>Domestic</li> </ul></li> <li>Mail package</li></ul></li> </ol> </body></html>

  37. Nested lists • Both ordered and unordered lists can be nested. • This is done by starting a new list before the current list has ended. • There is no limit to the number of levels of nesting. • Use indenting in the source code to distinguish between each level of nesting.

  38. For Assignments Review of how to: • Post your pages, • transfer files to students with SSH, • check permissions, • what should your file structure be

  39. Where do we put it? • File structure on your account should be: • public_html (directory) • IT130 (sub-directory in above directory) • files (.html or text etc.) in the directory ‘IT130’ • Image files in a sub-directory of IT130 named “Images”.

  40. your account (root) mail Your directory structure

  41. Hosting your site • You will host your site on the server called “students”. • Accounts on “students” are provided by DePaul. • Off campus specify the host name as“students.depaul.edu”

  42. How to connect to “students” • Start SSH • Choose Quick Connect • Enter Username and Password (see next slide)

  43. How to connect to students • Instead of “janedoe”, use your username • When prompted for a password, enter yours.

  44. Permissions • Be sure to check that your permissions are set correctly! • Right click on public_html and look at “properties” • Make sure it looks like this:

  45. About HW Assignment 3 • Starting from scratch, and using only Notepad (or similar text editor), you will be creating 3 pages, and link them together. • One page is your “Assignment list” page that you will be updating after every HW. • The other 2 pages are the first versions of your Website’s ‘Homepage’ and ‘AboutUs’ page.

  46. HW3:Part 2: Your “Assignments.html” page • This page will be a list or table of contents for all your assignments. • It will contain links to all of your homework assignments • Create the page on your local machine • Name it “Assignments.html” • Upload it to your IT130 directory on students.

  47. Example My assignments Gary Andrusgandrus@cdm.depaul.edu Homework1Homework2 Homework3Homepage About Us Homework4 Homepage About Us Another page Homework5 Homework6

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