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Join us for a study on the New Testament, focusing on Jesus' birth. Explore the themes of worry, worship, forgiveness, and peace. Luke 2:1-20 will be the primary text.
A Fresh Look At The NT, Week 1: Jesus Birth January 17, 2010
ANNOUNCEMENTS • Bible Study: Friday 7pm. • Location? • Text Message Alerts, Contact Sheet • Monthly Community Service (Raleigh Rescue) • Stand with your parents during worship • Camping trip, Falls Lake, • Ideas? OFFERING OPENING PRAYER
Review: The Prophets and Law The Old Testament Pointing The Messiah • The Law Then (Exo 20) • The Law Now (Rom 3:19-20) • The Prophets Then (Eze 26:26-28) • The Prophets Now (Isa 52, 53)
Outline: The NT, 4 Weeks The New Testament: Jesus & His Church • Jesus’ Birth (Luke 2:1-20) • Jesus’ Life (John 3:1-21) • Jesus’ Resurrection (1 Cor 15:1-20, 50-58) • The Church (Acts 2)
Introduction VIDEO • What's the best gift you ever received at Christmas, and why was it so meaningful? • What was the most sacrificial gift you ever gave another person at Christmas? What sacrifices did you make, and what did that person do with the gift? • On your birthday, your parents usually ask you how you'd like to celebrate it, right? Since Christmas is Jesus' birthday, how do you think he'd prefer to have it celebrated, and why?
Primary: Luke 2:1-20 <See Handout>
I.Worry or Worship (Reference Luke 2:10) • What are some of the differences between "worry" and "worship?" • Do you spend more time worrying or worshiping in your life? Why? • What are some everyday ways you worship God-not necessarily the "churchy" ways you worship, but the things you do every day to honor and enjoy God? • What might change in your life if you worshiped more than you worried? Explain. • What situations tend to make you fearful, and why? Why is it difficult to worship God in those situations?
II.Show and Tell (Reference Luke 2:10) • What if your friends have heard the "good news" but don't care? How would you possibly handle that situation? How might it affect your relationship with them? Explain.
III.Hide or Seek (Reference Luke 2:11) • Luke 2:11 proclaims the announcement of Jesus' birth. When have you heard some kind of amazing, incredible news, how did respond, and why? • What are some reasons why people run away from or ignore God's free gift of forgiveness?.
IV. Forgive or Forget (Reference Luke 2:14) • Is "peace on earth" really possible? Why or why not? • On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being "totally at peace," how much peace do you have in your life at this moment? What can you do to stay there (if a high number) or increase your peace (if a low number)? • Think about a time you've had a conflict with another person. Did one, both, or neither of you choose to extend forgiveness? How did that decision affect your relationship with that person?
V. Additional Discussion • Read Luke 2:9-10. What are the natural responses for anyone involved in this kind of situation? What would help a person not be afraid-or at least be less afraid?
VI. Application • Who is someone in your life that you need to extend peace or forgiveness to? What will you do this week to seek peace with this person? • Who is one friend who would benefit from an invitation to church? What could you do to actually extend that invitation this week? • If that friend doesn't want to attend church with you, what are some other ways you can share God's good news with this person? • What is one way you could celebrate Christmas differently to help you get all that God wants you to get out of it? How would that particular change help you appreciate Christmas more this year?
Secondary: Philippians 4:6-7 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
VII. Summary Luke 2:1-10 • Worry or Worship (Lk 2:10) • Show and Tell (Lk 2:10) • Hide or Seek (Lk 2:11) • Forgive or Forget (Lk 2:14) QUESTIONS?
Memorize: Luke 2:14 Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased (Luke 2:14).
Thanks! • For Additional Information, Check Out: • Email LGoenaga@ggcfchurch.com for any of the above documents, copies of the budget, questions, etc. • GGCFYouth.com