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OpenBiblio is a powerful, free Integrated Library System software designed for managing large collections. It is ideal for small libraries without the resources for other systems. Easily install on Windows or Linux servers, automate circulation, cataloging, and reporting functions. Simple to use with basic IT knowledge.
Tigran Zargaryan eIFL FOSS coordinator – Armenia e-mail: tigran@flib.sci.am tigran.zargaryan@eifl.net OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
eIFL member country libraries have long lasting experience with 2 Free/Open Source Integrated Library Systems: Evergreen. Could be downloaded from the URL http://www.open-ils.org/ Koha.Could be downloaded from the URL http://koha-community.org/ OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
Both are powerful systems designed mainly for the libraries with large collections (several hundred thousand items). For installation of both systems you need powerful servers, well trained systems librarians, system administrators with good knowledge in Linux, Apache, MySQL. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
And what about rural libraries, school libraries? eIFL-PLIP community members are mainly representatives from small libraries. Due to technical, financial and organisational restrictions most of them can’t implement Evergreen or Koha systems. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
OpenBiblio is an exact solution for such libraries. eIFL-PLIP grantees can very easily install OpenBiblio system on: Windows or Linux based servers, or Windows or Linux based workstations. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
OpenBiblio is a simple to use Web-based library automation system, written in PHP.The program is presented in a user-friendly interface and is designed for small libraries. OpenBiblio enables to automate the library’s circulation, cataloging and reporting functions, as well as manage the library’s administration. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
Having basic knowledge in IT and computers is enough to proceed with the system installation and later - for system maintenance!!! OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
OpenBiblio system could be downloaded from the SourceForge site at: http://obiblio.sourceforge.net/ OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
OpenBiblio system could be downloaded from the SourceForge site at: http://obiblio.sourceforge.net/ Developers site (in German) is: http://www.openbiblio.de OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
And you will be redirected to OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
And you will be redirected to OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
and OpenBiblio “Save File” window will be opened, asking to download the installer. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
After unzipping the installer, you will have a folder openbiblio, and after opening the folder you will see an HTML file ‘install_instructions.html’ with detailed instructions how to install the OpenBiblio system. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
If in your library you already have a server with preinstalled Apache, MySql, PHP modules then you can just add your OenBiblio files and folders to the desired directions, according to the instructions. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
Such as most of librarians are not a savvy system administrators, most of libraries didn’t have any servers… You can easily reconfigure your personal computer to the server, according to these instructions. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
Download XAMPP for Windows package from the “Apache Friends” site, or from the SourceForge http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/ Install XAMPP and your personal computer will operate as a server. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
After successful installation of XAMP and OpenBiblio packages, and typing in your browser’s (FireFox, Internet Explorer, etc) search window OpenBiblio will be ready for use. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
In the National Library of Armenia OpenBiblio is used in the Book Exchange department, as a stand alone solution. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
Book Exchange partners of the National Library of Armenia are acting as a library patrons. Collections of the Book Exchange Department are cataloged in the OpenBiblio. When the material is being shipped to another library, then that material is being circulated to that partner. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
In such way Book Exchange Department is controlling how many materials to which libraries is shipped. OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software
OpenBiblio: an easy-to-use free Integrated Library System software Thank you