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Thermo-chemical Conversion Technologies The Basics

Gain insights into converting waste agricultural biomass into energy through thermo-chemical conversion methods. Explore combustion, gasification, and more. Improve your understanding with this comprehensive guide.

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Thermo-chemical Conversion Technologies The Basics

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  1. Thermo-chemical Conversion Technologies The Basics Training on Technologies for Converting Waste Agricultural Biomass into Energy Organized by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP DTIE IETC) 23-25 September, 2013 San Jose, Costa Rica Surya Prakash Chandak Senior Programme Officer International environmental Technology Centre Division of Technology, Industry and Economics Osaka, Japan

  2. CONTENT Introduction Combustion of Biomass Overview Volatiles and Fixed Carbon Combustion Controlling Factors Direct Combustion Technologies Comparison of different types of Direct Combustion Technologies

  3. INTRODUCTION Thermo-chemical conversion methods represent one of the two main categories of biomass energy conversion technologies. Among the two categories, these represents the most widely used energy conversion technologies in all form of fuels. Could be categorized as: Direct combustion, Gasification, Liquefaction and Pyrolysis (carbonization, destructive distillation & fast pyrolysis) Basically used to derive energy or intermediate fuel with improved properties from a primary fuel Involve complex chemical reactions during which devolatilization and cracking take place.

  4. INTRODUCTION Thermo-chemical conversion routes

  5. Biomass materials mainly comprised of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, each consists of three basic elements: C, O and H. Further, elements such as S and N could be present. In such case, the chemical equation can be expressed in a very convenient form, as a stoechiometry formula written for one atom of carbon as CHxOyNzSu. For pure and dry biomass fuels of the ligno-cellulosic type, nitrogen and sulfur are usually negligible and the chemical formula may be rewritten as follows: CHxOy with x ≅1.44 and y ≅0.66 describing the average composition of typical biomass used for combustion, i.e., wood, straw, or similar material. COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS


  7. Overview COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS Air Heat Light Infrared Radiation Conduction Convection Radiation Flaming Combustion Flue Gas Volatile Matter Air Heat Radiation to Fuel Flue Gas Glowing Combustion Fuel Heat Conduction to Fuel Heat Fixed Carbon (Char) Air

  8. Volatiles and Fixed Carbon Volatiles: Flaming combustion Fixed carbon: Glowing combustion COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS

  9. Combustion Controlling Factors Physical and chemical properties of the fuel; Fuel/air ratio; Temperature of the flame/envelope; Mode of fuel supply; Primary and secondary air supplies. COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS

  10. Direct Combustion Technologies Grateless combustors, Pile burning combustors, Stoker burning combustors, Suspension burners, and Fluidized bed burners. COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS

  11. Comparison of Direct Combustion Technologies COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS

  12. Comparison of different types of direct combustion technologies COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS

  13. Comparison of different types of direct combustion technologies COMBUSTION OF BIOMASS

  14. The End

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