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Cracking the NAATI CCL test is an easy way to get 5 points for Australia PR application. Read about the marking criteria & learn how to prepare the best!
What Is The Marking Criteria For The NAATI CCL Test? https://ccltutorials.online
Learn about the NAATI CCL marking criteriabefore you appear for the exam • The test contains two dialogues in English & chosen LOTE. • Each dialogue is worth 45 marks which makes the test total marks 90. • To clear the exam, you must get minimum 29 marks in each dialogue and at least 63 in total, out of 90. https://ccltutorials.online
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The test result is read as • Clear Fail: If you score less than 58 marks (out of 90) • Marginal Fail: If you score between 58 and 62.5 marks (out of 90) • Pass: If you score 63 or higher marks (out of 90) • Scenario: If you pass both the dialogues with 29 marks each and your total is 58, the result will be Marginal Fail. If the total score is 64 but you scored less than 29 in any one dialogue (e.g. 23+41=64), the result will be Clear fail. https://ccltutorials.online
Now you know what is the marking criteria forthe NAATI CCL Test. Know more What is the marking criteria for the NAATI CCL Test • Different test marking scenarios • What are these dialogues? • How to prepare for NAATI CCL Test? • Best NAATI CCL Coaching options • FREE resources available for NAATI CCL Exam preparation. https://ccltutorials.online
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