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Unveiling the Spiritual Kingdom: Acts 1:6-8 Insights

Explore the Apostles' understanding of Jesus' kingdom restoration, the nature of the kingdom, and the awaited future kingdom based on Acts 1:6-8. Delve into the spiritual aspect, implications, and significance. Discover the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the mission to be witnesses.

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Unveiling the Spiritual Kingdom: Acts 1:6-8 Insights

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  1. Acts 1:6-8

  2. Acts 1:6-8 • 6 So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" • 7 He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. • 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

  3. Discussion Question: • What kind of kingdom do you think that the Apostles were thinking that Jesus would restore (Acts 1:6)?

  4. THE QUESTION • Most Jews of this time - and the Apostles were no different - had the idea that the coming kingdom announced by John the Baptizer and by Jesus was a revival of the earthly kingdom of David and Solomon in the land of Israel. • They believed the coming Messiah would lead an earthly army to defeat their oppressors and restore Israel’s independence. The Golden Dome is where Herod’s Temple once stood.

  5. THE NATURE OF THE KINGDOM • Jesus had told Pilate that He, Jesus, was a king. But He said His kingdom was not of this world. He said if it were, His servants would fight to defend Him (John 18:33-37). The Messianic Kingdom is now and always will be a spiritual kingdom. • Evidently Jesus did not want to take time to explain this difficult concept. They would learn the truth about this soon enough.

  6. Jesus did not answer the question directly, I think, because it would have been hard for them to understand. His explanation would necessarily have been long and detailed. They had more important and immediate things to be concerned about at the moment. • The Jews right now do have their land back, or most of what they had in Jesus’ day. They have their own independent government. But I do not think the Bible teaches that God has any special spiritual role for the nation of Israel today.

  7. A nation has never been saved as a nation in the sense of having a blanket gift of eternal life for all its citizens. That privilege belongs to the spiritual Israel of God which is the Church. That is God’s Holy Nation and Kingdom today. • Salvation was is and always will be an individual matter. • No Jew will ever be saved now or ever on any condition other than the same conditions on which any Gentile is saved.

  8. KINGDOM STILL FUTURE: • They were still looking for a physical not spiritual kingdom (Matthew 20:20-21) • Also this verse shows that the KINGDOM had not yet come (Mark 9:1) • Isaiah 2:2-4 predicted KINGDOM to be established in the LAST DAYS • Daniel 2 predicted KINGDOM to be established in the DAYS of ROMAN EMPIRE

  9. KINGDOM STILL FUTURE: • Mark 3:2; Matthew 4:17KINGDOMat HAND • Matthew 16:16-18; I WILL build my church –FUTURE TENSE then refers to the KEYS OF THE KINGDOM

  10. KINGDOM STILL FUTURE: • Mark 15:43 Joseph of Aramathea still waiting for the Kingdom AFTER the RESURRECTION • Back here in Acts 1:6; THEY are STILL WAITING

  11. KINGDOM STILL FUTURE: • Some claim that the CHURCHorKINGDOM was established by John the Baptiser • All these verses make it plain that the church or kingdom was not established until after John’s death • It was not established until after Jesus death Hebrews 9:15-17;

  12. Discussion Question: • Why do you think that Jesus didn’t say when(Acts 1:7)? • Why do you think that Jesus didn’t stop and explain the spiritual kingdom to the Apostles?

  13. Some have said that this verse is the summary of the book of Acts: • “8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

  14. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall receive POWER When Holy Spirit came

  15. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall be MYWITNESSES Where? Jerusalem, Judea Samaria, ends of the earth

  16. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall receive POWER Enabling power or ability To work miracles therefore carry out the great commission which Christ entrusted to them

  17. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall receive POWER Ability to REVEAL GODS WORD John 14 to 16

  18. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall receive POWER Ability to CONFIRM GODS WORD By MIRACLES Mk 16:17ff Hebrews 2:4 2 Corinthians 2:12

  19. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall receive POWER Jesussaid this wouldhappen to them when theHOLY SPIRITcame upon them

  20. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall receive POWER ThisPOWERwould be a KEY element in ESTABLISHING Christ’s Kingdom Mark 9:1;

  21. SUMMARY Jesus used the term KINGDOM and CHURCH to refer to the same body Matthew 16:16-18

  22. SUMMARY TheKINGDOMorCHURCHwouldbe established with POWER Mark 9:1;

  23. SUMMARY ThatPOWER would be received by the Apostles WHEN the HOLY SPIRIT came upon them Acts 1:8;

  24. SUMMARY So we see that that the KINGDOM or CHURCH would come with POWER and the POWER would be received by the Apostles WHEN the HOLY SPIRIT came upon them

  25. SUMMARY Therefore we KNOW that the KINGDOM or CHURCH was established when the HOLY SPIRIT Came upon the Apostles of Christ Acts 2:4-48;

  26. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall be MYWITNESSES Acts 1:8 They had to have SEENsomething and be willing toCONFIRMwhat they had seen Also Acts 1:22;

  27. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall be MYWITNESSES Acts 1:8 Remember that Jesus had promised to them that the HOLY SPIRITwould bring to their remembrance ALLthat Jesus had said and taught them John 14:26; 15:26-27

  28. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall be MYWITNESSES Acts 1:8 InActs 2:14; we see the apostles begin totestifyandwitnesson the basis of their personal observationof what JesusDIDand Jesus TAUGHT

  29. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall be MYWITNESSES Acts 1:8 It is interesting to note that the word witness is the basis of the word of MARTYR

  30. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall be MYWITNESSES Acts 1:8; Jerusalem, Judea Samaria, ends of the earth

  31. Discussion Question: • Is the command to “Go into all the world” for us today (Mark 16:15 Matthew 18:19)?

  32. Scripture: • “19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

  33. Jesus said to the Apostles GointoALLtheWORLD Matthew 28:28-29; Mark 16:16-17; Was the GENERALCommand

  34. Jesus said to the Apostles YOU shall be MYWITNESSES Acts 1:8; Jerusalem, Judea Samaria, ends of the earth Is the more SPECIFIC command

  35. Jesus said to the Apostles Remember the outline Chapters 1 to 7 Jerusalem Chapters 8 to 12 Judea Samaria Chapters 13 to 28 To the ends of the earth

  36. The Apostles, and through them the church, receives their “marching orders.” • The promised kingdom will come in a few days with the power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised in Mark 9:1 and repeated in this first chapter of Acts. • God’s kingdom, also called “the Kingdom of Heaven,” will soon become a spiritual nation composed of people from all races and nationalities.

  37. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; v3 Jesus gave infallible proof of His resurrection by many appearance among His followers over 40 days

  38. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; Jesus wasSEENby them Jesus was HEARD by them speaking about the kingdom

  39. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; v4Jesus told the Apostles to wait in Jerusalem until they received the PROMISE of the Father

  40. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; v5Jesus said the PROMISE would be FULFILLED in the NEAR future when the APOSTLES would be BAPTISED with the HOLY SPIRIT

  41. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; v6The Apostles asked Jesus if He would RESTORE the KINGDOM to ISRAEL at that time

  42. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; v7Jesus said that they did NOT need to KNOW that answer

  43. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; v8Jesus told them FOUR things they could KNOW needed to KNOW

  44. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; 1) THEYwould receive POWER That POWER would be received when the HOLY SPIRIT came UPON them

  45. REVIEW of Acts 1:1 to 1:8; 2) THEY then would be HIS WITNESSES 3)THEYwould begin in JERUSALEM then to SAMARIA 4) then to theENDS of the earth.

  46. Someone has said that the verse does not say “He that is not baptized will be condemned”. If I were to say to you he that eats and digests will be nourished I wouldn’t have to say he that does not digest is not nourished if I already said he that has not eaten is not nourished. You can’t digest if you haven’t eaten. Mark 16:16

  47. Belief by Itself is Not Enough! • “17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” James 2:17 • “19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:19

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