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Dive into formulating research problems, hypotheses, scope, limitations, and study significance with case studies on mosquito bites in Lapu-Lapu City and asthma attacks at STEC University. Understand the importance of hypothesis in research studies.
Lesson 4 Competencies: Formulates Research Problem, Hypothesis; Scope and Limitation; & Significance of the Study
Activity:Case 1: Mosquito Bites:Based on inquiry data analysis from the field, it was found out that the common problem in barangay Basak, Lapu-Lapu Cityis the constant flooding whereby mosquito larvae/breeding caused high incident rate in malaria and dengue. If you are to write a research title or state the research problem, what will be like? State your position.
Activity:Case 2: Asthma Attack:Symptomatic Asthma is one of the respiratory disease that bothers the students in STEC University. Almost 55% of the students would have episode of asthma attack every now and then. The triggering factors of asthma are smoke and dust which is common in the area as it is close to the main road; nearby airport (gas emission) and motor vehicles. The Students in Engineering would want to create an innovation that could lesson the triggers or atleast warn if the triggers are close to its threshold. How would the design be like?
Project MeTuS (Medical Tumor Scanner): Mask CT-CNN as an AI-Powered Low-Cost Pre-Diagnostic Virtual-Assist Machine Module for Skin Cancer Screening Technology
Q & A: What are things to remember inStating a Research Problem? Hypothesis? Scope and Limitation; and Significance of the study?
The problem statement sets the direction of the study. It is the verbalization of the “question” which the study proposes to answer. This is divided into the main problem and the subsidiary problems. These can be stated in declarative (infinitive) or interrogative (question) form. The main problem is the whole focus of the study. This is reflected in the title of the study. The sub problems are the break down of the main variables into their components. When the answers to the sub-problems are put together, they answer the main question.
Techniques to facilitate problem identification: • Visit the library and browse books and other reading materials • Consult your research teacher about the research thrusts of the school • Observe needs and concerns in your workplace, community or school • Search related topics from journals and other scholarly materials • Analyze the possible causes of the present problems or current issues and their possible solutions • Read recommendations from unpublished materials (theses and dissertations)
Hypothesis Hypothesis is a temporary working explanation pertaining to the relationship or difference of variables being investigated. It must be used whenever there is a basis for prediction. Choosing the type of hypothesis to be used in the study is important because it shows the logical coherences with the theoretical background and statement of the problem. It also guides the researcher on the choice of respondents or subjects of the study and the statistical treatments to be used.
Further, it guides the researcher on the critical value in the rejection or non rejection of the null hypothesis. Formulation of the hypothesis is based on the statements of the problem (or atleast one of the sub-probems) the paradigm and the variables being investigated. Hypothesis must be stated clearly and in a declarative or interrogative form and the variables are stated in their operational forms.
Characteristics of a Research Problem or Objectives (Calmorin and Calmorin, 2014) The characteristics of a good problem possesses the acronym – SMART. This means that a research problem should be: Specific. The problem is in simple and specific manner. The variables, locale and subjects of the study are specifically stated. Measurable. It is easy to measure and quantify by using research instruments in collecting data. Instruments or tools include questionnaire, index, survey form, observation sheet, interview schedule on scale;
Achievable. The data are achievable using correct statistical techniques to arrive at precise results; Realistic. Real results are not manipulated. Findings are observable and comparable to reality; and Time-bounded. Time frame is required in every activity because the shorter completion of the activity the better. Time table should be developed to guide the researcher on the step by step process of the study.
Guidelines in the Selection of a Research Problem or Topic • 1. The research problem or topic must be chosen by the researcher himself/herself which is within his/her interest, specialization and competence of the researcher. It must be within the ability of the researcher to finance, otherwise he/she must be able to find funding for his research.
2. It is researchable and manageable, which means that data are available and accessible. The data must meet the standards of accuracy, objectivity, and verifiability. Answers to the specific questions (sub problems) can be found. The hypotheses formulated are testable, that is, they can be accepted or rejected. Equipment and instruments for research are available and can give valid and reliable results.
3. The research can be completed within a reasonable period of time. It is significant, important, and relevant to the present time and situation. • 4. The results are practical and implementable and requires original, critical, and reflective thinking. It can be delimited to suit the resources of the researcher but big or large enough to be able to give significant, valid and reliable results and generalizations.
5. The study must contribute to human knowledge particularly on the national development goals for the improvement of the quality of human life. It must show or pave the way for the solution of the problem or problems intended to be solved. • 6. It must not undermine the moral and spiritual values and must not advocate any change in the present order of things by means of violence but by peaceful means.
7. There must be a return of some kind to the researcher. The return may be: Monetary; advancement of position, promotion; improved specialization, competence, and skill in professional work; enhanced prestige and reputation; and satisfaction of intellectual curiosity and interest, and being able to discover truth. • 8. There must be a consideration of the hazards involved, either physical, social, or legal of a person or other living things.
Guidelines for Critiquing Research Problems, Research Questions and Hypotheses In formulating the problem statement, the following criteria should be considered: The research problem/objective is written in question (problem) form Example: What is the weight and height of the mongo seed before the experiment in the following groups: 1.1 Experimental; 1.2 Control negative; and 1.2 Control Positive?
2. The research problem identifies specific variables. • Example: • Effects of Lights to the growth of the Mongo Seed (Psiumsativum) • 3. The Experimental design should be clear as to what type: • What is the Inhibitory effect of the Talisay leaf extract (Terminallacattapa) to the species of bacteria • What is the total Coliform Forming Unit counts (CFU/ml) before the application of Talisay leaf extracts to the species of bacteria in the following groups: • 1. Experimental 2. Control
4. For engineering project or applied research, the scope of production or input-output should be stated: • Solar Powered Charger for Laptap • What are the materials required to produce the Solar Powered Charger for laptap? • What structural design will be used to produce the Solar Powered charger for laptap? • How functional is the solar powered charger for laptap?
4. There has to be a test of comparison to measure the difference or effectiveness • Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post testscores of the experimental and control groups?
The following are the guidelines in the formulation of the research title. These are also the characteristics of the title. 1. Generally, the title is formulated before the start of the research work. It may be revised and refined later when needed or upon the suggestion of the research committee. 2. The title must contain the subject matter of the studyand the variables being measured 3. The title indicates what is expected to be found inside the research report by stating the aspects of the subject matter and variables to be studied.
4. It must be as brief and concise as possible. Maximum of 15 words. 5. Avoid using the terms “An Analysis of,” “A Study of,” “An Investigation of,” and the like. All these things are understood to have been done or to be done when a research is conducted. 6. If the title has more than one line, it must be written like an inverted pyramid and all words should be capitalized.
Bioactive Screening and LarvicidalEffect of Neem (Azadirachtaindica) LeavesExtract on Mortality of Second Instar Stage of Common House Mosquito (Culexpipiensfatigans) Statement of the Problem The main focus of this study is to determine the Bioactive components and larvicidaleffect of Neem (Azadirachtaindica) Leaves Extract on the Mortality of second instar stage of Common House Mosquito (Culexpipiensfatigans). Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following queries: What is the level of Bioactive Components of Neem Tree Extracts based on the following contents: 1.1 Saponin 1.2 Flavanoids 1.3 Teprenoids 1.4 Alkaloids 1.5 Steroids?
1. What is the mean count of mosquito larvae before the treatment on the following groups: 1.1 Control Group (resmethrin brand); 1.2 Negative Control (Distilled water); and 1.3 Experimental Group?
2. What is the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatment (24 and 48 hours) in the following groups: 2.1 Positive Control Group; 2.2 Negative Control Group; and 2.2 Experimental Group concentrations: 2.2.1 25% 2.2.2 50% 2.2.3 75% 2.2.4 100%? 3. Is there a significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) before and after the treatments of the 3 groups in (24 & 48 hours)? 4. Is there a significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the 3 groups in (24 and 48 hours)?
5. Is there a significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the different concentrations of the experimental group?
ROBOTRASH 2.0: WASTE SEGREGATOR ROBOT Statement of the Problem The engineering research will produce a Robot that segregates trash. Specifically, it answers the following questions. What are the materials needed to make the waste segregator robot? What program design can be utilized to produce the waste segregator robot? What Testing Procedure can be developed to produce the Robot? How functional is the Robot in terms of: 4.1 accuracy in segregating wastes; 4.2 reaction time in detecting wastes; and 4.3 Volume of Waste it can carry/store? 5. What is the perception of the expertswho used and tested the Robot?
SCOPE AND LIMITATION -refers to the statement of coverage. - it explains the boundary of the study: Subject, sampling, variables, locale, instruments, design and scope of time - by stating such the study is limited and specified for clear and realistic undertaking - written in narrative, not more than 250 words and maximum of 2 paragraphs
Inhibitory Effect of American Cockroach’s (Periplanetaamericana) Gut and Exoskeleton against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Scope and Limitation The research study deals with the inhibitory effect of the American cockroach’s (Periplanetaamericana) gut extract and exoskeleton against the mean diameter (mm) of the zones of inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli are the only bacteria used as test organisms. There are eight set-ups including the negative control, positive control, 25%, 50% and 100% extract concentrations for both the exoskeleton and gut of the cockroach.
A total of 200 cockroaches of the said species was gathered from the drainage and sewers of La Aldea del Mar, Babag, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu. The dissection of the cockroaches was done in the Biological Museum – Wet Laboratory while the extraction and antibacterial testing was performed at the Biology Department of University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus, due to lack of equipment and facilities. The results of this investigation were only true to the bacteria used and conditions under which the experiment was conducted. The study used the American cockroach (Periplanetaamericana) as the only species of cockroach. The experimental part was only the exoskeleton and the gut of the cockroach. Incubation period was only done once during the first 24 hours. The study only use methanol for the extract. The timeline of the study was two months. The study has not undergone chemical analysis, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and/or High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), to isolate and identify each component due to shortage of time and lack of adequate funds. Analysis should have been used to identify, quantify, and purify the individual components present in P. americana gut and exoskeleton.
Project RAIN:Rainwater Accumulation as an Innovative Networkfor Water Supply Management Scope and Limitation The study is an applied research design which aimed to gather and accumulate rainwater and purify it to be drinkable. It will also be an aid for bathing, laundry, washing of dishes and watering of plants. The structural design of the project was limited to a Prototype. The main function of testing covered the capacity as to water volume, measure of time for efficiency and the output of the purified water was tested to PH Level, Lead Content and Microorganisms presence. We also invited an expert to use the prototype and give perceptions and recommendations on how to improve the study. The research study was conducted from June 2018 to September 2018.
Significance of the study in a research manuscript lists the benefits of the study either to a body of scientific knowledge, to practitioners in the area of the research or to any other group which will benefit from the results. In short, this will answer the question: Why is it important for the study to be conducted? Who will benefit from it? What benefits could be derived from the study?
Significance of the Study Rainwater and water management system are important elements of efficient rainwater conservation which will be a solution to minimize global warming. Focusing on these two variables, this study is beneficial to the following: Individual Households– They are the primary beneficiaries of the study. It can help them accumulate the rainwater for conservation with efficient water supply. Urban Community – This study can give them an insight of an efficient water conservation and awareness in reducing the risk of flood in the community. Government- This study can give them a better concept in building infrastructures in their future developments. Business Corporations- This study can benefit various business firms for the commercial buildings they will build, utilizing the rainwater for an efficient rainwater supply for them to save expenses on water usage. Researchers – This study can aid us on a better and wide perspective of efficiency on water conservation. Future researchers – They can cite and use this study as one of their references of information in rainwater accumulation system for water supply.
Application (Group Work): BASED ON YOUR TOPIC/PROPOSED PROJECT LAST TIME DEVELOP THE FOLLOWING Title (5pts) Statement of the Problem (20 pts) Hypothesis (5pts) Scope and Limitation (10 pts) Significance of the Study (10 pts) (powerpoint presentation)