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Principles of Material Development

Principles of Material Development. Orçun Madran. Outline. How We Learn? What We Remember? Instructional Methods Learning Objects Visual Design. How we learn?. What we remember?. 10 %. READ. 20 %. HEAR. 30 %. SEE. 50 %. HEAR&SEE. 70 %. SAY. DO. 90 %. Instructional Methods.

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Principles of Material Development

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  1. Principles of Material Development Orçun Madran

  2. Outline • How We Learn? • What We Remember? • Instructional Methods • Learning Objects • Visual Design UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  3. How we learn? UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  4. What we remember? 10 % READ 20 % HEAR 30 % SEE 50 % HEAR&SEE 70 % SAY DO 90 % UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  5. Instructional Methods • Presentation • Demonstration • Discussion • Drill-and-Practice • Tutorial • Cooperative learning • Gaming • Simulation • Discovery • Problem solving UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  6. Which instructional method? • Presentation • Demonstration • Discussion • Drill-and-Practice • Tutorial • Cooperative learning • Gaming • Simulation • Discovery • Problem solving • We have to combine them; • more visual elements • more interactivity UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  7. What kind of material? Easy to create Easy to offer Easy to access Reusable UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  8. Learning Objects The term learning object generally refers to a reusable component at the page, lesson, or, perhaps, course level. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  9. Lego Brick Learning Objects UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  10. Learning Objects UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  11. Advanteges of Learning Objects UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  12. Visual Design General Principles Materials which are well-designed; • Makes learning easier. • Makes learner creative. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  13. Good Visual Design • Presents your instructional material in a clear and appealing manner. • Makes your material easily understood. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  14. How can I make good design? • Use the visual design principles to improve your design. • Critically examine your work to see if the message design can be improved. • Keep things simple. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  15. Visual Design Principles • Harmony • Balance and Symmetry • Emphasis • Alignment • Closure UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  16. Harmony • Harmony refers to the way that the elements of a display interact together in a pleasing manner. Lack of harmony UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  17. Harmony UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  18. Harmony (Killer) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  19. Harmony Tips (3 x 3 Matrix) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  20. Harmony Tips (3 x 3 Matrix) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  21. Harmony Tips (3 x 3 Matrix) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  22. Harmony Tips (3 x 3 Matrix) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  23. Balance and Symmetry • Elements of differing sizes can be brought into balance, by moving them closer to or farther from the center of the page (Like a seesaw). • Balance in visual design is preferable to imbalance. • Symmetry is achieved when one half of a visual display is a mirror image of the other half. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  24. Balanced Imbalanced Balance and Symmetry UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  25. Balance and Symmetry UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  26. Emphasis • Emphasis is used by designers to create dominance and focus in their work. • Designers can emphasize color, value, shapes, or other design elements to achieve dominance. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  27. Emphasis New user account UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  28. Emphasis UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  29. Alignment • Alignment of elements within a screen is an important part of organizing and grouping. • If at all possible, you should align elements in such a way as to visually maximize differences between different kinds of text, labels and pictures UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  30. Alignment UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  31. Alignment UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  32. Alignment UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  33. Closure • People tend to fill in missing bits, and perceive visuals as complete, or closed, entities. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  34. Introduction The UNESCO “Training the Trainers in Information Literacy” Workshop hosted by the Department of Information Management & Faculty of Education of Hacettepe University will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from 3-5 September 2008. This workshop, as part of a series of 12 workshops covering all regions of the world, aims to provide Information Literacy instructors with specialized, authoritative, comprehensive and up-to-date training knowledge, and bring them together to discuss and share information on current issues.The workshop will include group work, and will be facilitated by expert presenters. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to workshop graduates who successfully complete the workshop. Introduction The UNESCO “Training the Trainers in Information Literacy” Workshop hosted by the Department of Information Management & Faculty of Education of Hacettepe University will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from 3-5 September 2008. This workshop, as part of a series of 12 workshops covering all regions of the world, aims to provide Information Literacy instructors with specialized, authoritative, comprehensive and up-to-date training knowledge, and bring them together to discuss and share information on current issues.The workshop will include group work, and will be facilitated by expert presenters. Closure People also tend to group closer objects. (unity provided) (unity lost) UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  35. Bibliography • Çağıltay, K. Instructional Technology and Material DevelopmentsCourse Materials. Retrieved August 1, 2008, from METU Open Courseware Project Web site: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/computer-education/instructional-technology-and-material-developments • Gülbahar, Y. Instructional Technology and Material DevelopmentsCourse Materials. Retrieved July 25, 2008, from http://www.baskent.edu.tr/~gulbahar/dersler/egt301.php • McClurg-Genevese, J.D. The Principles of Design. Retrieved August 3, 2008, from http://www.digital-web.com/articles/principles_of_design/ • Seferoğlu, S. S. (2006). Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı (3rd ed.). Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık. • Yalın, H. İ. (2006). Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme (17th ed.). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. UNESCO Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop September 3-5 Ankara Turkey

  36. Orçun Madran omadran@baskent.edu.tr

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