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Protecting the ecosystem of Gunung Honje Range to safeguard Javan Rhino habitat by training farmers in agriculture intensification.

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  1. UJUNG KULON NATIONAL PARK, BANTEN, JAVA Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture

  2. Ujung Kulon National Park

  3. Campaign Promise Our campaign will protect the ecosystem of Gunung Honje Range that provided important protection to the core zone habitat of Javan Rhino in Ujung Kulon National Park by training local farmers in agriculture intensification systems to optimize their land holdings in order to reduce rice-fields extension within this wilderness zone of the National Park. CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  4. Campaign Timeline Weeks 41-101 • Back in the field: • (the 8th month of Implementation phase) • Develop, produce and distribute various marketing vehicles i.e. Radio PSA, banner, puppet show for school visit • Working with: radio, religious leaders, farmers group, youth group • Integration with Village Conservation Iniatives Weeks 36-40 Weeks 1-9 Weeks 10- 35 Weeks 102-104 Back in the field: (Planning phase) University Module III University Module I Module II University Module IV CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  5. The nature of the problem The conservation threat Rice-field expansion within the GunungHonje Range Area potentially threatened the core zone as habitat for the Javan Rhino Currently 3500 ha forestwere converted Averagely 100-500 hectares of ricefield expansion per year within the area (data year 2008) CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  6. The nature of the problem The human behavior challenge In dry season is difficult to get water most farmers neglect the rice field in dry season Pre-survey (2009): 41%farmers (of the 3 primary target villages) do not know the conservation status of the area as National Park 41%farmers (of the 3 primary target villages) said that incomefrom harvest is not enough for daily necessities 75% of farmers in Ujung Jaya village believes that they are allowed to open rice-field until the Cilintang River CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  7. Campaign Partner Organization Ujung Kulon National Park “I am so proud. We have our 1st Radio PSAs because of Indra’s increased capacity in negotiation through Pride.” (Agus Priambudi, 2009) • Number sites / employees: 133 staffs • Strengths: • The only Park for Javan Rhino • Strong support from WWF & IRF • Weaknesses: • Lack of capacities in marketing/ communication components CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  8. Campaign Manager Indra Harwanto “... I feel confident and skillful now when I need to enter a negotiation context. I have to make the pie bigger ... not arguing over a slice of a pie” Ba in Forestry Strengths: Passionate to make a different Designing meeting, facilitation and negotiation skills Challenges: Access to each village Government salaries vs load of work CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP


  10. CR Conservation Result To improved 30% of critical forest area within the Gunung Honje Range Area as to protect the main habitat of the Javan Rhino CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  11. K CR • Ensure farmers in 3 primary villages have the knowledge of: • Status of the area as National Park • Agriculture Intensification system Knowledge Conservation Result CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  12. A K CR Encourage farmers to support the implementation of agriculture intensification system More farmers in Ujung Jaya Village will agree that Cilintang River is notthe boundary for forest conversion area Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  13. IC A K CR Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Interpersonal communications • Farmers will need to talk to each other about agriculture intensification system outside of the Park area CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  14. BR IC A K CR Barrier Removal Attitude Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Barrier Removal Strategy as part of overall conservation initiatives (3 primary target villages): Village Conservation Initiatives + Introduction of Agriculture Intensification System CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  15. BC BR IC A K CR 30% of farmers who owned lands outside of the Park, will start to implement agriculture intensification system Behavior Change Barrier Removal Attitude Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result 30% of farmers who owned lands inside of the Park (before year 1990s), will stop expanding their agriculture land within the Park area CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  16. BC TR BR IC A K CR Attitude Threat Reduction Barrier Removal Attitude Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result 30% farmers from the 3 target villages stop expanding their rice-field within the Park areas as farmers implement the agriculture intensification techniques CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP


  18. “That poor guy, he is supposed to get married, but was caught because he expanded his rice-field in the Park Area” (a man on the street, when being asked about the radio PSA) Impact: Constituency CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  19. Progress… Since February 2009, no rice-field expansion inside the Park has happened (both reported by Park Ranger & Farmers in Rancapinang & Cibadak, January 2010) Examples Statistics, Photo, Quote IMPACT: Conservation CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  20. Best Practice Best Practice Integration of Pride (including BR) into overall conservation strategy & expanding the conservation impact Why it worked Strong commitment from Park Director and CM Ability to perceived Pride as an important puzzle piece Budget allocation to replicate Pride CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  21. Looking forward… Top 3 Priorities for next four months 1. “I Love Ujung Kulon” Week 2. Poster printing & distribution 3. Impact monitoring & KAP post-survey CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

  22. "Usually, Park's staff only stop us or forbid us, Now, Park's staffs listen more to us and discuss options that we can make as a community as well as stop expansion land into the Park“ (Farmer leader of Rancapinang Village) CAMPAIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE/UJUNG KULON NP

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