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EARTO Innovation School 2 March 2015

Understand the impact of EU RTOs on innovation performance via the TRLs scale. Learn about the history, use, and examples of TRL levels, bridging the valley of death, and maximizing innovation impact in the EU market.

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EARTO Innovation School 2 March 2015

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  1. EARTO Innovation School2 March 2015 Representation of North Rhine-Westphalia Brussels

  2. EU RTOs: EARTO In Figures

  3. Agenda

  4. EARTO Innovation SchoolModule 1: Understanding InnovationJean Philippe GouyEuropean Affairs Manager, CEA

  5. Context : EU Innovation PerformanceR&D intensity broken down by sector (2012)and R&R intensity target (2020)

  6. Context : EU Innovation PerformanceR&D intensity and efficiency scores

  7. What is Innovation ? One Key word to characterize INNOVATION

  8. What is not innovation ? One Key word ?

  9. Innovation : a “simple” process Conversion COMMERCIALLY SUCCESSFUL A process to do business

  10. Innovation: something new somewhere In the final product, service In the product realization tool In people doing the work Almost / always in a company

  11. Innovation value chain Service as “Rent a phone number” Business Plan Investors Patent Product Prototype Investors Business Plan Product as “Smart phone battery”

  12. Innovation value chain Current or new markets

  13. Speeding-up the process of innovation R&D Push Market Pull Regulations Directives Funding PPI R&D funding Market Strong value-chains ecosystems Strong BOOSTER RTO’s

  14. Impact of EU RTOs Supporting EU Innovation Performance

  15. Impact of EU RTOs Supporting EU Innovation Performance

  16. Maximize the impact delivered Market Not a simple Innovation value chain

  17. Maximize the impact delivered Market Matching Output & Input Matching Output & Input TRL 3 TRL 7 TRL scale

  18. EARTO Innovation SchoolModule 2: Understanding the TRLs Scale

  19. Maurits ButtermKPL Scientific ManagerTNOHistory of the TRLs Scale & Today’s Discussion on the TRL Scale

  20. TRLs Origin: NASA Why? To improve communication between science and planning When? • V1: During the 1970s (7 levels) • V2: During the 1990s (9 levels) What? The space shuttle (an single innovative system)! Who? NASA started, today other US departments followed (DOD, DOE)

  21. What is a TRLs Scale? • A Method: • to assess maturity of critical product technologies • to create a common understanding of the technology status • Focused on a single (product) technology • Especially used for space and defense related innovations • Often specialty innovations with single production (systems)

  22. Issues concerning the use of TRLs • Lack of attention to setbacks • Single technology maturity: multi-technology process cannot be modelled with a simple linear approach • Context specific: space as origin • Focus on product development:Forgetting other “Levels” not in “T”RLs such as • Manufacturing readiness • System readiness • Commercialization readiness • Innovation readiness • Stage gate processes

  23. Why using TRLs Scale? • Synchronizes communication about innovation processes • Minimizes risks due to improved communication • Structures decision making processes by formalizing the progress of innovation • Formalizes funding mechanisms

  24. Examples of use in 3 domains U.S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES High Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies (HLG-KET),

  25. EARTO Reading of the TRLs Scale incorporating manufacturability and including non-technological aspects in a multi-technology adaptation

  26. Leena SarvarantaVice-President EU AffairsVTTThe TRLs Scale as an Evaluation Tool

  27. Today’s Many Usage TRLs are often grouped… but in different ways… depending on the context

  28. H2020 TRL scale • Focuses on a single technology • Left open for interpretation • Issues: • Research solutions today generally require various technologies • H2020 has instruments looking at different phases in technology development

  29. TRL scale: The Holy Grail? • TRLs scale as evaluation tool must be explored, related to the different RD&I funding mechanisms existing today: H2020, ERDF, Member States • Active learning will help us analysing the drawbacks and bottlenecks, and finding ways for fine-tuning • Need of evidence-based arguments for the next revision of EU State Aid Rules post-2020

  30. Have a go at using this!

  31. Anne Van den BoschDirector Public R&D Policies and ProgramsIMECRTOs Bridging the Valley of Death & Active Throughout the TRLs Scale

  32. RTOs Bridging the Valley of Death • Bridging the valley of death is: • a joint effort between Industry and RTOs • also means solving societal challenges industry Research institute

  33. RTOs can and are playing a major role industry Research institute society food transport health Energy climate security

  34. RTOs are active in translating basic research into applicable solutions Tech. Universities Longer term, many options RTO Industry Time frame Shorter term, applications Lower Higher R&D cost

  35. RTOs house research infrastructures benefitting many stakeholders • SMEs rarely have the funds to invest in extensive R&D infrastructure in terms of equipment, time, and/or personnel • A research infrastructure can be used • for completely new technology piloting • for testing changes in an existing product • for validating an emerging concept as a collaborative action of several industrial players

  36. RTOs help develop existing products & processes to better suit industry & consumers

  37. RTOs perform foresight and support policymaking Technology assessment is an important part of RTOs activities to support policymakers with policy development

  38. RTOs Train & Educate Experts • Together with universities • On demand of companies • Supported in FP7: • EURO-DOTS • Now part of projects itself

  39. Margaret McNameeCTOSP Technical Institute of SwedenExamples of RTOs Work Along the TRL Scale

  40. PrintoCent by VTT

  41. LUMBIA by Tecnalia

  42. New Laser Scan by Fraunhofer

  43. Turning wood into Fish food by SP Video EARTO Innovation Prize teaser video ? ! =

  44. EARTO Reading of the TRL Scale

  45. EARTO & EIRMA AnnualConference 2015 – LuxembourgApril 28-29, 2015 AlvisseParc Hotel. 120, Routed'Echternach. L-1453 Luxembourg FOCUS: Infrastructures and Resources Sharing between Industry & RTOs in Europe • What facilities, tools and services are needed in Europe to align the needs and contributions from industry and RTOs to deliver transferrable co-developed results that are competitive on the world’s stage? • What is the role of RTOs and Industry in supporting Smart Specialization within European regions, and driving delivery of the Key Enabling Technologies? ORGANISED BY: http://www.earto-eirma-luxembourg2015.eu/

  46. Stay Tuned with the Latest R&I News! EARTO Twitter account: @EARTOBrussels EARTO Group on LinkedIn: “Horizon 2020 – News and Views” www.earto.eu

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