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The Evolution of a Graph: displaying and interpreting data

Presented by the ‘Model Organisms’: Stephanie Gardner and Laurie Iten , Purdue University Elizabeth Derryberry, David Heins , and Donata Henry, Tulane University. The Evolution of a Graph: displaying and interpreting data. NAS/HHMI Summer Institute 2011.

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The Evolution of a Graph: displaying and interpreting data

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  1. Presented by the ‘Model Organisms’: Stephanie Gardnerand Laurie Iten, Purdue University Elizabeth Derryberry, David Heins, and Donata Henry, Tulane University The Evolution of a Graph: displaying and interpreting data NAS/HHMI Summer Institute 2011 Facilitators: Robin Wright and Jeffrey Gardner

  2. Context 100-level biology majors’ class that covers evolutionary biology Before this teaching unit, students introduced to: - Different data types - Collecting data Instruments & techniques Methods & limitations - Basic descriptive & inferential statistics Teaching unit takes two 50 min. lecture or lab periods.

  3. Our teaching unit = snapshot

  4. Of larger coverage of gathering, displaying & interpreting data

  5. Teachable Unit: “The Evolution of a Graph” • Learning Goals • Students will understand: • the importance of quantitative approaches to interpret data. • that evolution is the change in frequency of phenotypes (alleles) over time (across generations). • Learning Outcomes • Students will be able to: • make a prediction in a real scientific context. • choose the appropriate test to analyze a set of evolutionary data. • create an appropriate graph of their data. • interpret the result and scope of the inferential statistic in the context of the hypothesis that there has been evolutionary change.

  6. Threespine stickleback

  7. Mini-lecture: Threespine stickleback “Complete Morph” • More armor • Advantageous where there are no hiding places. “Low Morph” • Less armor • Advantageous where there are places to hide. Bell et al 2004 Evolution

  8. OCEAN HABITAT LAKE HABITAT • Q: Which of the following relationships between stickleback plate phenotype and habitat would you expect to find? • A. Complete in ocean & complete in lake • B. Low in ocean & complete in lake • C. Complete in ocean & low in lake • D. Low in ocean & low in lake

  9. Group Activity Using your knowledge of the biology of these fishes (see your handout), take 10 minutes and write a prediction about how the frequency of occurrence of the two phenotypes might change over time. Work in pairs.

  10. Group Activity In pairs, Take the data from your field sampling efforts (see table below) and produce a graph (remember to include appropriate components). You have 5 minutes (10-15 minutes for students). Table: Frequency of occurrence of two stickleback morphs in Loberg Lake, Alaska. n = sample size From: Bell et al 2004 Evolution

  11. Group assessment Exchange your graph with another pair Annotate (i.e. make changes to)the other group’s graph, with two thoughts in mind: Is this type of graph the most effective format for conveying the information? Are all the appropriate components included? You have 3 minutes (10 for students) minutes for this exercise. Give the graph back to the original group.

  12. Class discussion Let’s come up with some ideas about what makes a graph effective and what the appropriate components of a graph are. These ideas will be used to guide in the creation and evaluation of future graphs.

  13. Clicker question 1 B Which of these graphs most effectively conveys the data from our stickleback study? A C

  14. Clicker question 2 B Which of these graphs includes the most complete set of appropriate components? A C

  15. Homework Synthesize your work from today! Take your prediction and your corrected graph and write two sentences to explain: whether or not your data supported your prediction (2) how representing these data in a graphical format aided in your understanding of the evolution of morphology in stickleback. Bring your written statement to the next class!

  16. Teachable Unit: “The Evolution of a Graph” • Learning Goals • Students will understand: • the importance of quantitative approaches to interpret data. • that evolution is the change in frequency of phenotypes (alleles) over time (across generations). • Learning Outcomes • Students will be able to: • make a prediction in a real scientific context. • choose the appropriate test to analyze a set of evolutionary data. • create an appropriate graph of their data. • interpret the result and scope of the inferential statistic in the context of the hypothesis that there has been evolutionary change.

  17. Teachable Unit: “The Evolution of a Graph” • Learning Goals • Students will understand: • the importance of quantitative approaches to interpret data. • that evolution is the change in frequency of phenotypes (alleles) over time (across generations). • Learning Outcomes • Students will be able to: • make a prediction in a real scientific context. • choose the appropriate test to analyze a set of evolutionary data. • create an appropriate graph of their data. • interpret the result and scope of the inferential statistic in the context of the hypothesis that there has been evolutionary change.

  18. Additional fun stuff http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/variation/stickleback/

  19. Threespine stickleback as a supermodelin evolutionary biology

  20. Adaptive radiation Insert image of Darwin’s finches

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