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赴美社会实践项目 UNITEDUCATION & CULTURE EXCHANGE,UECE. Summer Work Travel. www.educationUSA.state.gov. Exchange Visitor Program is carried out pursuant to the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended.
Summer Work Travel www.educationUSA.state.gov Exchange Visitor Program is carried out pursuant to the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended. Its purpose is to enhance understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries through educational and cultural exchanges. Sponsors and exchange visitors are required to comply with the Exchange Visitor Program regulations. It is essential that they become familiar with these regulations. This home page and the pages it links to should be viewed as a resource; they are not intended as a replacement or substitution for the Exchange Visitor Program regulations, 22 CFR Part 62. Summer Work / Travel Regulations pertaining specifically to the Summer Work/Travel category are found at [22 CFR 62.32]. Through this category foreign post-secondary students may enter the United States to work and travel for a maximum of four months during their summer vacations. While most participants enter the United States with prearranged employment, sponsors are required to place only 50 percent of their participants each year. Sponsors must ensure that participants entering the United States without prearranged employment have sufficient financial resources to support themselves during their search for employment. In addition, sponsors must provide such participants with information on how to seek employment and secure lodging in the United States before they depart their home countries, and with a job directory that includes at least as many job listings as the number of participants in their program who are entering the United States without prearranged employment. Finally, sponsors must undertake reasonable efforts to secure suitable employment for participants unable to find jobs on their own after one week. Sponsors are to advise program participants about Federal Minimum Wage requirements, and are to ensure that participants receive the same pay and benefits as received by their American counterparts in the same or similar positions. Program regulations permit participants to repeat the program more than once. However, sponsors are required to limit the number of repeating participants to no more than 10 percent of the number of their previous year's participants. Department regulations prohibit the placement of program participants as domestic help in U.S. households or in positions requiring them to invest their own money for inventory, such as door-to-door sales. Most participants typically work in non-skilled service positions at resorts, hotels, restaurants, and amusement parks. Summer internships in US businesses and other organizations (i.e., architecture, science research, graphic art/publishing and other media communication, advertising, computer software and electronics, and legal offices, etc.) are allowed. However, the term of the internship may not exceed the four-month program duration, and must be completed during the student's summer vacation. Please refer to the regulations for details.
项目优势 合法性 平等性 安全性 美国政府制定的教育文化交流项目,已经有40多年的成熟经验,项目受美国国务院专门的法案管理。 项目全程接受美国政府监管,工作期间薪水及福利待遇与国际学生以及同级别的美国同事同工同酬。 项目费用涵盖全面的医疗及意外保险。 派驻美国的中文协调员,为学生协调解决工作生活的问题。 每年都有学校领导及负责教师亲赴美国实地考察学生生活、工作状况。
美国企业名额资源 中国对外友好合作服务中心与众多美国机构及企业合作,开放给中国大陆同学更多名额。几乎涵盖所有知名企业(包括500强企业)。2010年度提供4700个岗位并从中择取3000个优选名额,并保留充裕的后备资源。
什么是赴美社会实践项目 中国对外友好合作服务中心赴美社会实践项目 • 持J1(交流访问学者)签证进入美国 • 项目全程接受美国政府监管 • 以美国合法纳税人身份进行社会实践 • 实践期间薪水及福利待遇与美国同级别同事同工同酬 • 实践期最长4个月,结束后30天旅游期 • 只能全日制大学生具备申请资格(包括大四及研究生) • 项目结束后必须回国
赴美社会实践的本质 NO • 不是旅游项目—单纯消费、隔着大巴玻璃窗看世界。 • 不是单纯工作赚钱的机会。 • 与美国同事和国际学生一起并肩工作融入当地社会、互相影响的教育类文化交流项目! • 懂得工作的涵义:责任、辛苦、付出! • 需要独立面对压力、独自解决困难。 • 双方的文化输出。 Yes
赴美社会实践的本质 美国政府制定教育文化交流项目,受美国国务院专门的法案管理。已经有40多年的成熟经验。 与具备法律资质的中国对外友好合作服务中心签署服务协议,是申请人法律权益的保障。 安全性 派驻美国的中文协调员以及美国当地协调员提供全美7X24小时服务热线,为学生调协解决工作生活的问题等。 在美全程享有全面医疗及意外伤害保险。 近百所合作院校近千名赴美学生的成功案例。
深入理解赴美社会实践 所有社会实践很类似,都是基础性工作 所有社会实践的薪资待遇都很类似 所有社会实践都男女不限 所有实践岗位并不轻松,要求努力工作
07、08、09年社会实践地点 2007 2008 2009
申请资格 年满18周岁的全日制的大学生。 英文沟通能力好,能通过项目的测评。 有良好的开朗个性,愿意与人沟通交流。 有独立自主能力,能够适应新环境。 工作积极努力,认真负责。 愿接受挑战并渴望了解美国文化。 必须保证项目结束后按期回国。
回国学生收支情况举例 过往学生在美收支统计 学生姓名:李冠楠 毕业学校:南昌大学 实习企业:奥兰多环球影城 就业情况:侨报
全美主要区域最低薪资 $ 6.55 $ 6.25 $ 8.07 $ 7.55 $ 6.35 $ 7.25 $ 7.35 $ 7.65 $ 8.15 $ 6.25 $ 6.75 $ 7.55 $ 6.45 $ 8.15 $ 6.15 $ 6.55 $ 6.50 $ 6.45 $ 6.79 $ 6.25 $ 6.35
付出与收获的对比 付出的是前期费用(包括全程保险)和机票 付出的是辛勤的汗水甚至泪水 获得的是宝贵的海外工作经历 获得的是满足日常生活的基础工资 获得的是美国企业工作方式 获得的是众多美国朋友的友谊 获得的是异国独自旅行的经验 获得的是流利的英语口语表达能力 获得的是面对未来人生的信心