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Pre-Wave Survey: Technology Adoption


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Pre-Wave Survey: Technology Adoption

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  1. AN EXPERIMENT WITH REAL-TIME TRANSIT INFORMATION IN TAMPA Candace Brakewood, PhD Student, Georgia Tech, candace.brakewood@gatech.edu | Dr. Sean Barbeau, Principal Mobile Software Architect for R&D, USF, barbeau@cutr.usf.edu | Dr. Kari Watkins, Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech, kari.watkins@ce.gatech.edu Objectives & Methodology Experimental Design: Solomon 4 Group Pre-Wave Survey: Using OBA A Solomon four group research design is used to control for other variables. Participants were randomly assigned into groups after completing the initial survey. 65% of HART bus riders say they would use real-time information every time they ride the bus. • Objective: Quantify the impacts of real-time bus information on transit rider behavior and satisfaction • Methodology: Behavioral experiment including small deployment of OneBusAway • Data Collection: Before and after web-based survey distributed through transit agency website & email list • Location: Tampa, Florida February 2013 (Completed) May 2013 (Coming soon!) Background Information How can you access OneBusAway? Pre-Wave Survey: Ridership • OneBusAway: Originally deployed in Seattle, Washington & recently adapted for New York City • Tampa, Florida: Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) is the third instance of OneBusAway • Collaboration: USF is leading the development for Tampa & Georgia Tech is conducting the evaluation 51% of HART bus riders say they would ride the bus more frequently if they had real-time bus information. Mobile Website Android App iPhone App Research Questions & Literature Pre-Wave Survey: Technology Adoption Future Research Most HART bus riders have access to digital technologies. 46% of survey respondents use an Android smartphone and 64% use computers. • Post-Wave Survey: Conduct the post-wave survey in May • Statistical Analysis: Compare the survey answers from the OneBusAway test group with the control group • Regression Analysis: Model change in frequency of bus travel (per week) due to OneBusAway Where’s the bus? • References • Watkins, K., Ferris, B., Borning, A., Rutherford, S., and Layton, D. (2011) "Where Is My Bus? Impact of mobile real-time information on the perceived and actual wait time of transit riders." Transportation Research Part A 45. 839-848. • Ferris, B., Watkins, K., and Borning, A. (2011) "OneBusAway: Behavioral and Satisfaction Changes Resulting from Providing Real-Time Arrival Information for Public Transit." Proceedings of the 2011 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. • Tang, L., Thakuriah, P.V. (2012). “Ridership effects of real-time bus information system: A case study in the City of Chicago.” Transportation Research Part C, v.22, 2012 June, p.146(16) • Zhang, Feng. (2010). “Traveler Responses to Real-Time Transit Passenger Information Systems.” Doctoral Dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Acknowledgements This project is funded by the National Center for Transit Research at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), a University Transportation Center (UTC). The authors would like to thank the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority for their support of the OneBusAway project, particularly Shannon Haney. We are also grateful to the 400+ bus riders in Tampa who have agreed to participate in this exciting study.

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