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High-Molecular Solutions & Colloidal Systems: Properties and Processes

Discover the characteristics, properties, and processes of high-molecular compounds in solutions and colloidal solutions, including coagulation, salting out, and more. Learn about the properties of colloidal solutions, complex micelles, and protected colloidal medicines.

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High-Molecular Solutions & Colloidal Systems: Properties and Processes

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  2. High-molecular compounds are the natural or synthetic substances with a big molecular weight from several thousands to not less than 10-15 thousands, sometimes one million and more.

  3. Natural HМС starch, dextrin, cellulose, polyglucine, pectin, alginas, agaroid, collagen, pepsin, tripsin, chemotripsin, pancreatin, gelatin, gelatinosa Synthetic and semi-synthetic HMC methylcellulose; sodium carboximethyl-cellulose; polyvinol; polyvinilpirrolidone; polyacrilamide; polyaethylenoxide; silicons; non-ionic surface active substances: spenes; twins. CHARACTERISTIC OF HМС

  4. Unlimited swelling: • the process of transition from swelling to dissolution takes place spontaneously

  5. Limited swelling: • the process of transition from swelling to dissolution takes place under different factors (the increase of temperature, etc.)

  6. PROPERTIES OF HМС SOLUTIONS The same with the true solutions: • Medicinal substances are refined until the molecule condition. • During dissolving of HMC their solutions are formed spontaneously. • HMC solutions are homogeneous systems (there is no interface between the dissolved substance and the solvent). • HMC are thermodynamic balanced systems. • HMC solutions: • have the Brownian movement; • do not have the Tyndal effect.

  7. The properties, which are different from true solutions • The large size of molecules. • The low osmotic pressure. • The poor ability to diffusion. • HMC solutions haven't ability to dialysis. • HMC solution can be changed by the influence of the external factors (e.g., due to adding of electrolytes, the change of temperature).


  9. The coagulation - is a process of integration of the disperse phase particles due to sticking them together.

  10. Salting out - is a process of the HМС isolation from the solution as a flocky precipitate.

  11. Coacervation - is a process of the system’s delamination into two layers.

  12. Gelatinization - is a special intermediate form of a system being – jelly or gel – which is characterized by loosing of fluidity.

  13. Syneresis - is a phenomenon of gelatinization happening inside the jelly, which can reduce to a system separation into 2 phases: the concentrated jelly and the solvent containing HМС molecules.

  14. Rp.: Pepsini 2.0 Acidi hydrochlorici 5 ml Aquae purificatae 200 ml Misce. Da. Signa. Use 1 table-spoon 3 times a day during meals.

  15. V = 205 ml; Number of applications: 205 ml/15 ml  14. Hydrochloric acid 8.3 %: H.S.D. = 5 ml/14 = 0.36 m H.D.D. = 0.36  3 = 1.08 ml WCP (reverse side) Pepsin 2.0 Solution hydrochloric acid 0.83 % (1:10) 5  10 = 50 ml Purified water : 205 - 50 = 155  ml

  16. WCP (front side) Date № Pr. Aquae purificatae 155 ml Sol. Acidi hydrochlorici diluti (1:10) 50 ml Pepsini 2.0 Vtotal = 205 ml Prepared by (signature) Checked by (signature)

  17. Rp.: Solutionis Gelatinae 5 % 50.0 Da. Signa. Use 1 table-spoon every 2 hours. WCP (reverse side) Gelatin 2.5 Purified water: 50.0 – 2.5 = 47.5 (47.5 ml)

  18. WCP (front side) Date № Pr. Gelatinae 2.5 Aquae purificatae 47.5 ml mtotal = 50.0 Prepared by: (signature) Checked by: (signature)

  19. Colloidal solutions are ultramicroheterogeneous systems, where the structural unit is a complex of molecules, atoms and ions called micelle.

  20. PROPERTIES OF COLLOIDAL SOLUTIONS 1. A poor ability to diffusion. 2. The low osmotic pressure. 3. A poor ability to dialysis. 4. The ability to disperse light in all sides when examining solutions in the ambient light (the characteristic cone of Тyndal will be obtained). 5. Micelles in the colloidal solution are in random movement. They are characterized by the Brownian movement. 6. Colloidal solutions are stable sedimentation systems. 7. Colloidal solutions are aggregative and thermodynamic unstable systems.

  21. The protected colloidalmedicines • Collargol(a strong-effective substance) Collargolum (Argentumcolloidale)Silver oxide 70 % • ProtargolProtargolum (Argentumproteinicum) Silver oxide 8 % • IchthyolIchthyolum

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