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Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Actions in Mongolia (In-country) NGO & LAD. - SupplyAsia -. Ganchimeg Togtokhbayar. SupplyAsia. Type here level of Sensitivity : "Unrestricted", "Internal Use Only" or "Confidential". Confidential. 06/08/2014. Agenda. SupplyAsia
Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in DevelopmentActions in Mongolia (In-country) NGO & LAD - SupplyAsia - Ganchimeg Togtokhbayar SupplyAsia Type here level of Sensitivity : "Unrestricted", "Internal Use Only" or "Confidential" Confidential 06/08/2014
Agenda SupplyAsia Who we are? Completed/on going/planned Projects Promotion of Mongolia by SupplyAsia Future Project Proposal What is NSA/LA? NSA/LA general objectives for the period 2007-2010. Eligible Countries Advantages of this program Project duration, available budget and activities Mongolian NGOs and LAs EU Partners
SupplyAsia SupplyAsia Type here level of Sensitivity : "Unrestricted", "Internal Use Only" or "Confidential" Slide 3 06/08/2014
Who we are? • Creation in 2000 of « Khan Supply » in London, UK • Set up in 2005 as like First European Affaires Consultancy Company for Mongolia based in Brussels: under the name « SUPPLY ASIA ». • SinceSupplyAsia hasitsstrongpresence, expertise and network in building the cooperationprojectbetween Mongolia and Europe to support sustainableeconomicdevelopment of Mongolia. • Our team has gained an in-depthexperience in fields of international trade, logistics, project management, by participating in EC call for proposals, in international public tenders as well as by workingwithprivatepartners.
Completed Projects by Supply Asia • Year: 2000-2002 • Country: Mongolia, Arkhangaiaimag and Avesnelles, France • Name of the project: ARCADE (Arkhangai Regional Cooperation for Agriculture Development and the Environment) • Financing: Tacis-Twinning Project (European Commission, EC) • Budget: 148.260 € • Year: 2003-2005 • Name of the project: IMG-Tempus (Individual Mobility Grant), « Feasibility of MBA exchanges between Higher Education Institutes) • Finance and Economic Institute of Mongolia and United Business • Institute of Belgium, Brussels • Financing: DG Education and Culture, (European Commission, EC) • Budget: 25.000€ Type here level of Sensitivity : "Unrestricted", "Internal Use Only" or "Confidential"
Ongoing project Year: February 2006-2009 June • Country: Mongolia, Dornotaimag • Name of the project: « Strengthening of the EasternRegional Diagnostic • and Treatment Centre (RDTC) RegionalHospital • Financing: Belgian State Loan • Budget: 4,588,649€ • Participation: as likeMongolian Consultant in Brussels office
Planned project Year: Nov 2009-2011 • Country: Mongolia, Customs General Authority of Mongolia • Name of the project: “Upgrading the customs central Laboratory and affiliated Laboratories” • Budget: 5,610.000€ (4,000.000€ from European Commussion, EuropeAid, • 1,610.000 € from Mongolian Government) • Participation: as like Project Developer, Main Consultant
Promotion of Mongolia in Belgium by SupplyAsia • Year 2003: Openning the « Spirit of Mongolia » Cashmere Boutique in Galerie Louise.(Preparation of Business Plan and Commercial Diagnostic) • Year 2005: Openning the « Ganaa’s Cashmere » Cashmere Boutique in Chaussée de Waterloo. (Preparation of Business Plan and Commercial Diagnostic) • Year 2006: Promotion of « Mongolian Event » atEuropeanParliament • Year 2007: Participation in « Brussels EXPO » at « Salon des Vacances » main organisator for MongolianTourismcompanies. • Year 2008: 2nd Participation in « Brussels EXPO » at « Salon des Vacances » as like main organisator for « MongolianTourismdevelopmentday »
Future Project Proposal SupplyAsia Type here level of Sensitivity : "Unrestricted", "Internal Use Only" or "Confidential" Slide 9 06/08/2014
Future Project Proposal « NON –STATE ACTORS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS IN MONGOLIA (in-Country) ‘NGO1&LAD’ DEADLINE: 23 of April 2009 Budget line 21.03.01 Reference: Europe Aid /127906/C/ACT/MULTI
What is NSA/LA? • Opportunities for EU-Mongolian NSA/LAs co-operation: • The thematic programme "Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development" (NSA/LA), which succeeds former budget lines 21.02.03 (ex-B7-6000 – "Co-financing with NGOs") and 21.02.13 ("Decentralised Co-operation"), aims at supporting small scale initiatives proposed and/or carried out by civil society organisations and local authorities originating from the Community and partner countries in the area of development. • Overarching objective of the thematic programme: • is poverty reduction in the context of sustainable development, including the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals of Mongolia (MDG) and other internationally agreed targets. • able
NSA/LA general objectives for the period 2007-2010 • First, the programme will promote an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries to facilitate non-state actors and local authorities participation in poverty reduction and sustainable development strategies; • Second, the programme will raise public awareness of development issues and promote education for development in the EU and acceding countries to anchor development policy in European societies, to mobilise greater public support for action against poverty and fairer relations between developed and developing countries; • Third, the programme will support activities to strengthen coordination and communication activities of non-state actors and local authority networks in the EU and Mongolia.
ASIA: Mongolia EU: Austria Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom • Organisations from Brunei, Hong Kong Macao and Singapore can fully participate in projects as associates, provided they do not receive Commission financing Eligible countries
Advantage of this program: • Programm call for proposalwillcoveronly MONGOLIA (thatmeans no have anycompetionwithotherAsiancountry’s) • EC willfund 90% of the project budget • 10% of the Project budget willbefinanced by MongolianGovernment • Future possibility to build up a sustainabledevelopmentcooperationbetween EU and Mongolia
Project duration and available budget • Project planned duration of an action may not be shorter than 24 months not exceed 48 months. (2009-2013) • Available Budget 500.000 € (90% funds from EC and 10% from Mongolian Government) for ”Hot Spring Water’s Efficiency Association” NGO. • Available Budget 500.000 € (90% funds from EC and 10% from Mongolian Government) for Textile Materials & Technology Research Center” NGO.
NSA/LA specific aims and priority issues • Benefit populations out of reach of mainstream services and resources and excluded from policy making processes; • Strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations and local authorities in partner countries, with a view to facilitating their participation in defining sustainable development strategies and in implementing actions aiming at poverty reduction; • Facilitate interaction between state and non-state actors in different contexts and support an increased role for local authorities in decentralisation processes
Project activities would cover • Promotion of economic development based on local cultural, social, economic and natural resources (e.g. eco-tourism); • Environmental and biodiversity protection of fragile rural areas; • Innovative approaches of non-state actors and local authorities in the provision of social and other services (notably in the field of economic as well as rural and urban development); • Institutional and technical support (internal governance, dialogue, strengthening of implementation and networking capacities etc.);
Mongolian NGOs and LAs SupplyAsia Type here level of Sensitivity : "Unrestricted", "Internal Use Only" or "Confidential" Slide 18 06/08/2014
Mongolian NGOs and LAs After local selection of EC Technical office in Ulaanbaatar we have two NGOs with Local Authority support: • ”Hot Spring Water’s Efficiency Association” NGO with view on Environment and Eco-Tourism development in Arkhangai, Tsenkher sum (Local Authority). Supported by the Ministry of Road and Tourism of Mongolia • “Textile Materials & Technology Research Center” NGO with view to support sustainable industrial development by implementing environmentally accepted technologies. (in collaboration with local municipalities of Ulaanbaatar) Supported by Ministry of Industry and Trade of Mongolia.
About Hot Spring Water’s Efficiency Association” (NGO) • NGO based in Ulaanabaatar active since 2005 and have representatives in Arkhangai, Khovsgol and Ovorkhangai provincies. • The NGO aim is protect the natural hot spa zone, regulate consumption and prevent water resource deficit. Keep the natural surroundings with untouched wild nature and to protect environmental pollution. • Project implementation area: Arkhangai, Tsenkher soum • « Hot water resource » is situated 27 km far from the center of Arkhangai in the sounth and 25 km from the center of Tsenkher soum.
Specific of Tsenkher soum based « Hot water resource » NGO The Hot Water Spring (about +87°) discovered on 1970 and was used first time locally. After the approval of Office for Water Occurrence following by 12.2.12, 2nd chapter of Water Law of Mongolia, has become as a main supplier of drinking water for people. In 1977, and in 1980, locally begin to use the hot water for heating of greenhouses for vegetables and fruits. NGO Project Proposal and main goals • to set up protection zone for the resource of the spring • to regulate consumption • to prevent water resource deficit • to protect environmental pollution • Develop local Greenhouses (vegetables and fruits) by using the Hot water.
“Textile Materials & Technology Research Center” TMTRC -NGO • NGO based in Ulaanbaatar active since 2006 have close working relationship with “Cashmere and Wool Association of Mongolia”. • NGO aim is to provide the advanced and innovative industrial services to develop the technical assistance activities for the Agricultural Origin products (notably in cashmere and wool sector). • NGO overall objective: Demonstrate Sustainable practices of 100% biologically degradable garments (ex: cashmere) with 0% toxicity. It will promote the future dissemination of environmentally friendly practices in society, sustain the local community in its further development, economically, socially and ecologically.
TMTRC -NGO Project Proposal and main goals • Due to a growing environmental, health and social awareness of European consumers, the demand for sustainable materials, products and services is increasing in many EU countries. • Therefore the main Goals of NGOs: • Provide Sustainable Economic Development with a Focus on Environment by introducing innovative concept of Geotextiles from natural fibres (such like cashmere), 100% biologically degradable products with 0% toxicity. • Enhance the quality assurance of the agricultural origin products by providing the European testing operation in Mongolia, Quality testing support such like SGS-CSTC • Facilitate the Export Potential of 100% Biologically degradable and highly qualified Agricultural origin products to the potential market in EU
EU possible Partners SupplyAsia Type here level of Sensitivity : "Unrestricted", "Internal Use Only" or "Confidential" Slide 24 06/08/2014
EU POSSIBLE PARTNERS • Be non profit making and • Be Non-State Actors officially registered as such, according to the legislation in force in the respective country • Be nationals of a Member State of the European Union • Be officially registered respectively for at least two years as regards Mongolian organisations and for at least three years as regards European organisations, at the time of the submission of an application • be able to demonstrate to have regularly carried out activities in the field of development of the kind covered by this programme during that period.
EU POSSIBLE PARTNERS Interventions can cover a wide range of activities and in particular: • Strategy, marketing and promotion of eco-tourism • Hot spring and water usage and recycling • Solid and liquidwaste management and recycling • Greenhouses for vegetable and fruit cultivation • Architecture and engineering (construction of tourist camps) • Innovative concept for Geotextilestechnology introduction • All branches of the Industry by developingEcologicallysoundtechnology in harmonywith distinctive conditions of Mongoliawith a Focus on Envinronment • Sectorsinvolved in Quality assurance of the Agricultural OriginProducts
SupplyAsia For more information please contact SUPPLY ASIA Chaussée de Waterloo-650 1050 Brussels, Belgium TEL: 00 32 2 344 82 84 or sent email at EMAIL:ganaa@supplyasia.be