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Advances and Strategies for Agriculture Research in China

Advances and Strategies for Agriculture Research in China. Dr. Gong Xifeng Deputy Director General Department of International Coperation Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. CONTENT. Status of Agriculture in China Research Achievements Challenges Strategy

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Advances and Strategies for Agriculture Research in China

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  1. Advances and Strategies for Agriculture Research in China Dr. Gong Xifeng Deputy Director General Department of International Coperation Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  2. CONTENT • Status of Agriculture in China • Research Achievements • Challenges • Strategy • Priority For Future Research

  3. STATUS Since the reform and opening-up policy almost 30 years ago, China has achieved favorable balance for supply and demand of agricultural products; During this process, agricultural science and technology has played a leading role and contributed substantially to rural economic development.

  4. STATUS Grain (Million tons)

  5. STATUS Grain (ton/ha)

  6. STATUS Meat (Million tons)

  7. STATUS Egg (Million tons)

  8. STATUS Milk (Million tons)

  9. STATUS Farm Income (RMB)

  10. ACHIEVEMENTS • Collection and conservation of germplasm resources Near400,000 accessions of crop germplasms are collected and conserved in the national Genebank

  11. ACHIEVEMENTS • 2 National long-term Genebanks • 10 mid-term gene banks • 32 repositories for perennial plants • over 100 conservation sites for wild plants, • 31 sites for original aquatic organisms • 2 gene-banks for domestic animals • 50 genetic resource preservation farms • 7 national collection centers • Collection and conservation of germplasm resources

  12. ACHIEVEMENTS 2. Establish Integrated breeding system for new varieties • Hybrid Rice and Super rice • Transgenic Bt Cotton • High-yield and quality Canola • Dwarf-male-sterile Wheat • Vegetables • Chinese Cabbage

  13. ACHIEVEMENTS • Hybrid Rice and Super rice China has organized scientists nation-wide to create hybrid rice in 1970’s and Super rice in 1990’s.

  14. ACHIEVEMENTS Hybrid Rice

  15. ACHIEVEMENTS Super rice

  16. ACHIEVEMENTS • Transgenic Bt Cotton • After Monsanto, CAAS has acquired our won IPR for Bt Cotton; • CAAS first developed combination of transgenic cotton with Bt and CpTI genes; • CAAS first developed three line hybrid cotton.

  17. Transgenic Cotton

  18. Three-line Transgenic Cotton CK Transgenic

  19. ACHIEVEMENTS • High-yield and quality Canola

  20. ACHIEVEMENTS • Dwarf-male-sterile Wheat and its Recurrent Selection System

  21. ACHIEVEMENTS • Vegetables • New way of breeding: space mutation breeding technology

  22. ACHIEVEMENTS • Chinese Cabbage • The 1st applicable dominant male sterile line in cabbage in the world

  23. ACHIEVEMENTS 3. Establishment of technical system for major animal disease control and prevention • avian influenza vaccine foot and mouth disease vaccine etc.

  24. ACHIEVEMENTS • Establishment of Quality Standard System and Quality Control system • 280 national and 1780 local quality control and testing centers established; • More than 2500 national standards established; • Near 10000 local standards developed.

  25. ACHIEVEMENTS 5. Efficient utilization of agricultural resources, environment control and ecological restoration

  26. ACHIEVEMENTS 6. Digital agriculture and agricultural information technology • Establish information collection system for live-stock and poultry quality tracing and crop disease and pest monitoring; • Research and development databases • Precision fertilizer application model based on soil nutrient.

  27. CHALLENGES Population increasing and arable land decreasing, plus living standards raising bring an ever-growing pressure on grain supply.

  28. CHALLENGES Resources Limitation: • Per capita arable farmland: 40% of world average; • Per capita water endowment: 25% of world average;

  29. CHALLENGES • Resources and environment • 40% of farmland degradation; • 4 million hectares of farmland and 5.9 million hectares of grassland are under desertification risk; • 1.4 million hectares of grassland are degraded annually.

  30. CHALLENGES • Pollution • Crop pesticides, heavy metal and fertilizer pollution problem; • Animal antibiotics and hormones residues problems;

  31. CHALLENGES • Invasive species and natural disaster • more than 380 alien plants, 40 animals and 23 microorganism Invasive spices into China recently; • 15%-20% of plant species are under risk of losses that threaten our biological basis; • Flood, drought, climate and pest and disease disaster occurs frequently which make lost of agricultural production 6-8%.

  32. CHALLENGES • Farmer livelihood • Farmers’ income increased growth rate with slight percentagein the last few years if compared with that of urban residents. • Most of income are from non-agricultural activities. .

  33. CHALLENGES • International competition • Most land-intensive products do not have comparative advantages in the international markets; • Some labor–intensive products have advantages but the quality needed to meet the standards of trade partner countries.

  34. STRATEGIES 1. Demanding: • By 2030, Chinese population will reach 1.6 billion with food grain demands of 640 million tons ; • Assume 95% self reliance, 100 million tons food grains need to be increased to meet the demands;

  35. STRATEGIES 2. National Agricultural Development Objectives are to realize “3S” Strategy for agricultural development: • Security • Safety • Sustainability

  36. STRATEGIES 3. Supporting Policy and Initiatives: • Developing national and regional agricultural innovation systems; • Improve mechanism and enhance institutional innovation; • New platform development and capacity building; • Accelerating transfer of scientific achievements; • Consolidating internal and international cooperation.

  37. PRIORITY • Research Priorities (Security) • Germplasm resources gene discovery and developing of new animal and plant cultivars • discover functional genes • develop new breeding platform • improve plant and animal varieties

  38. PRIORITY • Research Priorities (Security) • Prevention and control of serious diseases and pests • Reducing lost of agricultural production   • Controlling invasive species

  39. PRIORITY • Research Priorities (Safety) • Highly efficient production and food safety • animal and crop production with high-yield, high quality, high efficiency • whole-process quality control • tracing and safety testing technology • GMO safety control

  40. PRIORITY • Research Priorities( Sustainability) • The control and rehabilitation of agro- environmental pollution      • Warning and control of non-biological agricultural disasters, • Agro-biodiversity conservation  • Agricultural resources utilization

  41. Thank you!

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