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5. Program Ramowy Unii Europejskiej 1999-2002 Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy UE. Udział wybranych firm europejskich w Piątym Programie Ramowym UE Przykłady projektów Andrzej Siemaszko Bełchatów, 5 listopada 2001. Udział wybranych firm europejskich w projektach 5. PR. Partners (6)
5. Program Ramowy Unii Europejskiej 1999-2002Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy UE Udział wybranych firm europejskich w Piątym Programie Ramowym UE Przykłady projektów Andrzej Siemaszko Bełchatów, 5 listopada 2001
Partners (6) (CO) ENERGIE BADEN WÜRTTEMBERG Germany ELECTRICITE DE FRANCEFrance TIROLER WASSERKRAFT AKTIESELLSCHAFT Austria SIEMENS AKTIEGESELLSCHAFTGermany GAZ DE FRANCE France SIEMENS WASTINGHOUSE POWER CORPORATION US Type of Action: DM Duration: 48 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract Because of the steady increase of energy consumption , and the cost of energy production , and the related pollution , the conversion efficiency from fossil fuels to electricity has to be as high possible . The high temperature Solid Oxide Fuell Cell (sofc) in combination with a gas turbine is an excellent method to overcome these problems. Such a hybrid system can reach an electrical net-efficiency up to 60 % with minimal Nox, even in a power range between O.5 and 10 MW, which fits very well into the strategy for a decentralized energy market. Combined with adapted Microturbine Generators (MTG) two 1 MW SOFC power systems will be designed, manufactured and tested using the tubular SOFC technology of SWPC. With these demonstrations the feasibility of such a high efficiency hybrid power system will be shown and the European industry will become familiar with this new technology. Proposal NoNNE5-1999-00173Demonstration of a MWe Class Power Systems Using High Temperature Fuel Cells (SOFC) Combined With Micro-Turbine GeneratorsAcronim: 1MWSOFC
Proposal No NNE5-1999-00283Fireside Corrosion In Coal-Fired Utility BoilersAcronim: CORROSION Partners (7) • (CO) MITSUI BABCOCK ENERGY LIMITED United Kingdom • ENEL - SOCIETA PAR AZIONIItaly • ANSALDO ENERGIA S.p.A Italy • VATTENFALL AB Sweden • UNIVERSITAET STUTTGART Germany • ALGECO France • CINAR Ltd United Kingdom • KEMA NEDERLAND B.V. Netherlands Type of Action: RS Duration: 36 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract . The proposed project is concerned with a programme of experimental modelling and engineering work aimed at providing an improved understanding of, and reducing the risks of, the accelerated wastage rates of coal-fired boiler components associated with operation at advanced steam condition, and with the aggressive gas-side conditions which may result from advanced primary nox control technologies and the co-firing of biomass and waste materials. The testwork will be performed at laboratory and industrial scale, and will involve the development of advanced online diagnostic techniques for boiler tube corrosion and the development and demonstration of a range of remedial measures. The results of this work will be employed in the development of a predictive corrosion model and in the preparation of a suite of guidelines for boiler designers and operators to allow minimisation of the risks of accelarated corrosion.
Proposal No NNE5-1999-00294Slagging And Fouling Prediction by Dynamic Boiler ModellingAcronim: SLAGMOD Partners (6) • (CO) UNIVERSITAET STUTTGART Germany • TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT Netherlands • ABO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY Finland • NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Greece • VATTENFALL AB Sweden • INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO Portugal Type of Action: RS Duration: 36 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract . In order to promote a widespread utilisation of decentralised biomass combustion operational problems like slagging, fouling and corrosion have to be solved or reduced. Based on existing and measured steam data, an on-line dynamic model of the <water/steam cycle wil be developed and tested for different boilers in large scale. The model provides operators a tool to recognise and to reduce the slagging and fouling during operation by countermeasures in order to increas'e the economy, efficiency and also emiisions of the plant. The model will be applied for a pf, fb and agrate boler and validate both by available operational measurement data and by additional on-line and off-line measurement. The verification of the model for different boilers should result in guidelines for a safe and economic plant operation
Partners (6) (CO) MITSUI BABCOCK ENERGY LIMITED United Kingdom THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINEUnited Kingdom UNIVERSITAET STUTTGARTGermany INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO Portugal ENEL - SOCITA PER AZIONIItaly ELECTRICITE DE FRANCEFrance Type of Action: CM Duration: 36 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract Experience of low volatile coal combustion in wall-fired plant is poor due to problems associated with high carbon-in-ash and flame stability. There is, however, economic benefits in utilising low volatile coals in wall-fired plant. For new plant, improvements in combustion performance and overall cycle efficiency should provide considerable economic benefits and a significant reduction (25%) in CO2 emissions compared to current boiler technology. This project aims to develop and demonstrate a full-scale burner for firing low volatile coals in a large-scale burner test facility (Phase1). Phase 1 will be supported by coal characterisation, advanced modelling techniques and pilot scale testing activities. A full-scale demonstration of a developed burner for low volatile coals in a power station furnace (Phase 2) will be the subject of a future proposal. Proposal No NNE5-1999-00309Development And Demonstration Of A Burner For Low Volatile Coal CombustionAcronim: LVCB
Partners (3) (CO)SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Germany MITSUI BABCOCK ENERGY LIMITED United Kingdom FOSTER WHEELER CONTINENTAL EUROPE SrL Italy Type of Action: DM Duration: 36 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract Coal will play a leading role in electricity generation, therefore coal must be able to meet the increasingly stringent requirements in terms of economics and environmental protection. There is a rising demand for power plant technology with increased thermal efficiency, Low environmental impact and competitive economics also in other coal countries like in China. Due to the outstanding technical features of the IGCC technology, the erection of a demostration plant appears an interesting option for the Chinese institutions. Therefore it is intended by a group of European companies to carry out a pre-engineering study for the erection of an IGCC demonstration power plant in China. The main goals of this engineering effort are to define the general and site-specific planning fundamentals and to prepare a pre-engineering documentation of the overall plant in a scope, that the detailed engineering and erection of the plant can directly be based on that work. Proposal NoNNE5-1999-00345Pre-Engineering Of An IGCC Demonstration Plant In ChinaAcronim: CHINAIGCC
Partners (8) (CO) ELTRA Danmark NATIONAL POWER PLCUnited Kingdom UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK,Ireland BRUNEL UNIVERSITY United Kingdom LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY United Kingdom ELECTRICITE DE FRANCEFrance UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER United Kingdom ELSAM Denmark Type of Action: CM Duration: 60 M Abstract This combined RTD and Demonstration projec will aid the integration of a 140 MW offshore wind farm through the provision of regulating power. The project provides a technology soluation to the barriers limiting the value and future prospects of variable renewable generation. An innovative electromechanical energy storage technology, with a performance and cost structure better thant that of pumped hydro, will be developed.Research will lead to a variety of innovations that will allow a 200MWh plant to be built for 90 EURO/kWh with a substantially improved efficiency and footprint compared to the pilot plant. The commercial and technical drivers for energy storage, as well as the expected dynamic performance, will be fully examined to determine the optimum configuration. Proposal No NNE5-1999-00396Large-Scale Renewable Energy Grid Integration With Redox Energy StorageAcronim: REI-STORE
Partners (4) (CO) UNIVERSITAET STUTTGART Germany ENEL - Societa per AzioniItaly RWE Energie AG Germany TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT Netherlands Type of Action: CM Duration: 36 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract Co-combustion of waste material is a possibility of waste utilisation, as long as there are no negative effects on operation, emissions and utilisation of by-products. The suitability of different biomass and waste materials has been tested for a long time and testing will continue in the future. The basic idea of the project is that waste materials are composed of a few major components (e.g.: paper, plastic, inert material, biomass). If the composition of the waste is available, and the impact of the pure waste is known, it will be possible to predict the behaviour of the waste fuel mix. The main objective is to provide knowledge for operator, manufacturer and authorities, when considering a new secondary fuel. In order to establish a data base of the impact of different wastes of combustion, emission and operation, tests of pure wastes will be done from lab to large scale. Proposal No NNE5-1999-00403Quality Of Secondary Fuel for pulverised fuel co-combustionAcronim: SEFCO
Partners (8) (CO)ELECTRICITE DE FRANCEFrance FUNDATIO INSTITUT DE TECNOLOGIA DE LA CONSTRUCCIO DE CATALUNYA Spain CAR LTD United Kingdom TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND Finland ALGECO France OPAC France POPULATION AND SOCIAL POLICY CONSULTANTS Belgium NENE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD United Kingdom Type of Action: DM Duration: 48 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract . The aim of the project is to propose long-term solutions which will allow low income people to have access to adequate housing, at an acceptable investment cost (for the community) and running cost (for the inhabitant). This housing should meet the needs of the poulations concerned, and help their social integration. The work will consist on the construction of demonstration houses, which will be inhabited by very low income households. In order to resolve the problem posed by the climatic, environmental and socio-economical differences within the European Community, 8 dwellings will be built in 4 fifferent countries: 2 inFrance, 2 in Spain, 2 in Finland and 2 in England. The basic concept is a house using modular construction techniques with a few preliminary equipments inside, a single source of energy in order to limit total subscription charges. Building these houses will require techniques that already exist but are not yet used together. Proposal No NNE5-1999-00553Housing For Families On Low IncomesAcronim: DEMULOG
Partners (8) (CO)ELECTRICITE DE FRANCEFrance THE ELECTRICITY ASSOCIATION SERVICE LTD. United Kingdom ENEL - SOCIETA PAR AZIONIItaly IBERDROLA Spain ALCATELL Italy BICCGENERAL UK CABLES Ltd. United Kingdom CABLES PIRELLI S.A. France VEW EUROTEST Germany Type of Action: RS Duration: 36 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract . In electrical power Supply, the medium voltage underground cables are representing a significant part of power distribution system. Various studies are carried out by utilities to improve the cost-effectiveness of the cable design. However, there is still a lot to do in the field of harmonisation in Europe to rationalise the cable design. As a result, a large variety of medium voltage extruded insulation cables are in use in Europe, with designs depending on the operating environments and experiences of each utility, and some standards that have not changed over the past decades. In addition to the cost-reduction challenge inherent to the cable design specifications, the other main challenge taken up by the partner is to rationalise the options for cable design by drawing up common specifications. Proposal No NNE5-1999-20104Investigation Of European Specification For Medium Voltage Power CableAcronim: EuroMVCable
Partners (15) (CO) ABB STAL Sweden ABB ALSTOM POWER UK LTD United Kingdom ROLLS-ROYCE POWER ENGINEERING PLC United Kingdom POWERGEN UK PLC United Kingdom ENEL - SOCIETA PAR AZIONIItaly ELECTRICITE DE FRANCEFrance and others Type of Action: RS Duration: 42 M Możliwość dołączenia! Abstract . In the pace of increasing efficiency with at the same time reduced emissions lean premixed combustion was introduced for industrial gas turbines. This sacrificed the stability of the combustion process to a certain extend which resulted in operating restrictions, possible damage by pressure pulsations and higher emission levels than anticipated. PRECCINST aims at improvment and development of tools, methods and criteria for predicting and controling the combustion process in a way which ensures stable operation at low emissions for all load conditions and applications and increases the reliability and availability of the gas turbine. Thsi is important to be able to further increase efficiency and extend fuel flexibility of the gas turbine in the future. Proposal No NNE5-1999-20185Prediction And Control Of Combustion Instabilities For Industrial Gas TurbinesAcronim: PRECCINSTA
Proposal No NNE5-2001-00050Phase 2. Advanced 700° C Pf Power PlantAcronim: AD700-2 Partners (39) • (CO) TECH-WISE A/S Denmark • ALSTOM POWER (UK) LTD United Kingdom • ALSTOM POWER (SWITZERLAND) LTD Switzerland • ALSTOM POWER - STEAM POWER PLANT SEGMENT France • ALSTOM POWER BOILER GMBH Germany • EDF/DIS/CNET France • EDF/R&D/EP/SPE France • EDF/R&D/RNE/EMAFrance • ENEL - PRODUZIONE S.P.A. Italy • RWE POWER Germany • VATTENFALL AB Sweden • SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Germany and others Type of Action: RS Duration: 72 M Abstract This proposal covers phase 2 of the "Advanced 700°C PF Power Plant" (AD700) project. Overall goal is to enhance European security of energy supply by ensuring a role for coal in the future fuel-mix. This effort is based on a phased development of the AD700 technology to improve the economic and environmental competitiveness of coal-fired power. Feasibility studies were covered in phase 1 and demonstrated sound economy of advanced concepts. Also a materials development and testing progr. has started and shows no sign of not reaching the targets. Phase 2 targets fabricability and welding of advanced materials, matr. testing in an operating boiler and investigations on co-firing with biomass at ~700°C steam temp. Other phase 2 activities target component design, dissemination of results, planning activities for phase 3 with component demonstration and finally business plans for a full-scale demo-plant to be built in phase 4.
Partners (5) (CO) TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE Finland MAX-PLANCK- INSTITUTE Germany VATTENFALL AB Sweden ENEL - PRODUZIONE S.P.A.Italy EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DIRECTORATE GENERAL JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Netherlands Type of Action: RS Duration: 36 M Abstract . Corrosion and deposition mechanisms in waste and especially in biomass combustion are not well understood. Proposedwork is achieving to improve the understanding of these mechanisms. The main focus of the work is on power plant and laboratory tests to characterise fuel and ash behaviour, deposit formation and corrosion mechanisms using different heat exchanger materials under controlled combustion conditions. Results could be used for achieving higher operational reliability, cost savings, less shut-downs, higher boiler steam properties and efficiency of the power plants. In addition, results will be validated by plant trials and therefore utilized in practice for power plant operation, defining limits for fuel mixture ratios, for boiler design and for heat exchanger material selection. Proposal No NNE5-2001-00104Mitigation Of Formation Of Chlorine Rich Deposits Affecting On Superheater Corrosion Under Co-combustion Conditions Acronim: CORBI
Dodatkowe konkursy dla krajów kandydujących Energie NAS Konkurs na dołączanie do realizowanych projektów Data ogłoszenia: 28.08.2001 Data zamknięcia: 14.12.2001 Lista projektów: http://www.cordis.lu/eesd/src/proj_eng.htm QoL/Growth/EESD-2001-INTEGR Konkurs na Centra Doskonałości Data ogłoszenia: 18.09.2001 Data zamknięcia: 31.01.2002