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High-performance work systems and employee well-being. Peter Boxall University of Auckland March 2014. Goal and structure. To discuss the current state of HPWS research and the implications of two recent studies of worker experiences Presentation structure:
High-performance work systems and employee well-being Peter Boxall University of Auckland March 2014
Goal and structure • To discuss the current state of HPWS research and the implications of two recent studies of worker experiences • Presentation structure: (1) HPWSs: concepts and key issues (2) theory of high-involvement work processes (3) two studies on HIWPs and employee well-being (4) conclusion: research trajectories
(1) ‘High-performance work systems’ • a rallying point for interest in mutually beneficial workplace reform e.g. CSAW 1990; Appelbaum et al 2000; Eurofound 2012 • but a non-descriptive and presumptuous term • what is highly performing is not self-evident and defining a model of HRM at the ‘practice’ level is dangerous(Purcell 1999; Boxall and Macky2009) • ‘high commitment’ (Walton 1985) and ‘high involvement’ (Lawler 1986) are more descriptive terms
Key issues: employer side • what and why: the ‘law of context’ • what are the strategic complementarities and what are the cost-benefits of different models of HRM? e.g. Porter & Siggelkow 2008; Godard 2004; Kaufman & Miller 2011 • low-involvement models of HRM, for example, are common in standardised services e.g. Korzcynski et al 2000; Boxall et al 2011 • how and for whom: variability in processes, perceptions, attributions and outcomes inside the ‘black box’ • irrespective of the model chosen e.g. Purcell 1999; Nishii et al 2008
Key issues: worker side • ‘high-strain’ jobs/work intensification • e.g. Karasek and Theorell 1990; Green 2006 • ‘employment strain’/rising insecurity • e.g. Ramsay et al 2000; Lewchucket al 2008 • promises versus reality in ‘disconnected capitalism’ • Thompson 2004
(2) Theory of high-involvement work systems • empowerment, reinforced by information, reward and knowledge (‘PIRK’), enhances performance (Lawler 1986) • through ‘cognitive’ and ‘motivational’ paths (Vandenberg et al 1999) • employee well-being should improve because of • better job characteristics (Hackman and Oldham 1980), especially autonomy or control (e.g. Gallie 2007, Deci and Ryan 2000) • greater extrinsic reward from mobilising ‘discretionary effort’ (Appelbaum et al 2000) • but what about work intensification?
(3) National-level study(Boxall and Macky, Work, Employment and Society, forthcoming) Random telephone survey of 1016 New Zealand employees, conducted in 2009 (n = 926 usable) 31.5% response rate; sample mirrors the population
High-involvement work processes Power-autonomy Information (two-way communication) Rewards (well linked to performance) Knowledge (skill development and training opportunities) Employee outcomes Job satisfaction Fatigue Stress Work-life imbalance Work intensification Hours worked Role overload Time demands Controls Job quality variables Demographics Conceptual framework
National-level findings • Worker-perceived empowerment enhances well-being or is, at the least, neutral, while long hours, role overload and unwanted time demands diminish it • resonates with analysis of WERS 2004 (Wood et al 2012) and the British Skills Survey 2006 (Gallie 2013) • Workers benefit from ‘HPWSs’ when: • their autonomy, and supportive processes, genuinely improve; • work pressures are reasonable and work-life balance is not undermined
Company-level study (2011) (Boxall, Hutchison and Wassenaar, under review) • a distribution company that has tried to reduce the impact of a Taylorist work design by enhancing worker involvement and by investment in training • studying the mediators of skill utilisation and intrinsic motivation, using SEM • 285 useable responses (response rate of 46%)
.30 Findings: SEM Power Affective commitment Skill utilisation Information Job satisfaction Reward Intrinsic motivation Knowledge Stress
(4) Conclusion: research trajectories • describing the models of HRM that managers pursue within firms’ production systems, business/financial strategies, and the societal/global environment (e.g. Thompson 2004, 2011; Kaufman and Miller 2011) • analysing managers’ and workers’ psychological, physical and social experience of these models, including their strategies and outcomes (e.g. Guest 1999; Rosenthal 2004; McBride 2008)
… • analysing the strategic tensions involved and the scope for greater mutuality (Boxall 2013) • e.g. work standardisation versus individual development • e.g. organisational flexibility versus employment security • e.g. “engagement” versus effort-reward and work-life balance • improving the employment relationship through • enhanced involvement and skill utilisation (e.g. Felstead et al 2010)? • better ‘combining of career and care’ (e.g. van Engen et al 2012)? • improved sociality among older workers (e.g. Sanders et al 2011)?
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