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Learning Learning Outcomes, Qualification Frameworks, Goals, Cycles, Levels, Credit, Workload, Profiles Andy Gibbs Bishkek 2011. Dublin Descriptors. Qualifications that signify completion of the first cycle are awarded to students who;
LearningLearning Outcomes, Qualification Frameworks, Goals, Cycles, Levels, Credit, Workload, ProfilesAndy GibbsBishkek 2011
Dublin Descriptors • Qualifications that signify completion of the first cycle are awarded to students who; • have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds upon and their general secondary education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that will be informed by knowledge of the forefront of their field of study; • can apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competencies typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study; • have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues; • can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences; • have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy
Learning Outcomes are the building blocks of Higher Education Reform
What do I need to know? • What are Learning Outcomes? • How do I write Module Learning Outcomes and Programme Learning Outcomes? • How do I link Learning Outcomes, Teaching and Learning Activities and Assessment? (LOLA)
Definition Learning outcomes are statements of what a student should know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning • The learning activity could be, for example, a lecture, a module or an entire programme. • Learning outcomes must be realistic • Learning outcomes must be simply and clearly described. • Learning outcomes must be capable of being assessed. 7
6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4.Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge 1. Knowledge - ability to recall or remember facts without necessarily understanding them • Use action verbs like: Arrange, collect, define, describe, duplicate, enumerate, examine, find, identify, label, list, memorise, name, order, outline, present, quote, recall, recognise, recollect, record, recount, relate, repeat, reproduce, show, state, tabulate, tell. 8
Examples: Knowledge • Recall genetics terminology: homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype, genotype, homologous chromosome pair, etc. • Identify and consider ethical implications of scientific investigations. • Describe how and why laws change and the consequences of such changes on society. • List the criteria to be taken into account when caring for a patient with tuberculosis. • Define what behaviours constitute unprofessional practice in the solicitor – client relationship. • Outline the history of the Celtic peoples from the earliest evidence to the insular migrations. • Describe the processes used in engineering when preparing a design brief for a client. • Recall the axioms and laws of Boolean algebra. Also note affective and psychomotor domains 9
Learning Outcomes • The ECTS credit system is the common currency for education. • Learning Outcomes are the common language for education. • Facilitate comparability across the various systems in different countries. • Facilitate diversity – formal learning, informal learning, life long learning, etc. • The term “competency” is commonly used to point the learner in the general direction but caution must be exercised when using this term.
The challenge of beginning the task of writing Learning Outcomes • It is vital that learning outcomes are clearly written and understood • focus on what you expect students to be able to demonstrate upon completion of the module or programme. • Avoid complicated sentences. If necessary use one than one sentence to ensure clarity. • General recommendation: 5 – 8 learning outcomes per module. • Avoid certain words………. 11
Writing learning outcomes • Begin each outcome with an active verb? • avoid terms like know, understand, learn, be familiar with, be exposed to, be acquainted with, be aware of and appreciate? • included learning outcomes across the range of levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy? • Are my outcomes observable and measurable? • Do all the outcomes fit within the aims and content 12
Constructive alignment is the deliberate linking within curricula of aims, learning outcomes, learning and teaching activities and assessment. • Learning Outcomes state what is to be achieved in fulfilment of the aims. • Learning activities should be organised so that students will be likely to achieve those outcomes. • Assessment must be designed such that students are able to demonstrate that they have met the learning outcomes. • Constructive alignment is just a fancy name for “joining up the dots”. (Morss and Murray, 2005)
LOLA • Clearly define the learning outcomes. • Select teaching and learning methods that are likely to ensure that the learning outcomes are achieved. • Choose a technique or techniques to assess the achievement of the learning outcomes. • Assess the learning outcomes and check to see how well they match with what was intended