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The Spirit of God. Doctrine 2 Unit 6. Introduction. Thank you oh my Father, for giving us your Son - and sending your Spirit till the work on Earth is done How does this lyric helpfully describe the chief work of the Holy Spirit in this world ?
The Spirit of God Doctrine 2 Unit 6
Introduction Thank you oh my Father, for giving us your Son - and sending your Spirit till the work on Earth is done How does this lyric helpfully describe the chief work of the Holy Spirit in this world? Before we delve deeper into the Spirit's work, we're going to briefly study his person
The Person of the Spirit Video Clip – The Force?
The Person of the Spirit Common mistake - we think of the Spirit, or unconsciously refer to him as an object/impersonal force rather than a person - why do you think this is? In the OT the spirit of the Lord is generally an expression of God’s power, the extension of himself whereby he carries out many of his mighty deeds. (eg. Judges 14:6-20; 1 Sam. 11:6). As such, “spirit” sometimes finds expression in ways similar to other modes of God’s activity, such as the “hand of God” (Ps. 19:1, 102:25); “the word of God” (Ps. 33:6; 147:15, 18) and the “wisdom of God” (Exod. 28:3; 1 King 3:28; Job 32:8). The origins of the word “spirit” in both Hebrew (ruach) and Greek (pneuma) are similar, stemming from associations with “breath” and “wind,” which were connected by ancient cultures to unseen spiritual force, hence “spirit” (cf. John 3:8)… The phrase “Holy Spirit” appears in two contexts in the OT, but is qualified both times as God’s Holy Spirit (Ps. 51:11; Isa. 63:10-11,14), such that it is clear that God himself is the referent, not the Holy Spirit who is encountered in the NT… Holy Spirit - Baker EvangeDic.Th.
The Person of the Spirit • Acts 5:3-4? • He is: • Paraclete • Eph 4:30 • Rom 8:26 • Rom 8:27 • Gal 5:18 • John 15:26 • John 16:8 • 1 Cor 2:11
The Person of the Spirit • Trinitarian Relations: • Matt 28:12, 2 Cor 13:14 • John 14:16 • John 15:16 • Galatians 4:6 Must never separate the works of the persons of the Godhead as though they did thing in isolation or tension with one another!
The Work of the Spirit • Creator Spirit The OT witness to the Spirit should lead us to an appreciation of the Spirit’s role in creation and a modesty about our claims concerning how much has actually been revealed concerning that role. • Redeemer Spirit
The Work of the SpiritSpirit and the Word of God • Inspiration • Numbers 11:25-29, 1 Peter 1:10-11 • God used human authors by the Spirit to inspire his word • Illumination • Read 1 Corinthians 2:10b-16 • What analogy does Paul use in vs11? • What is the result of receiveing the Spirit? • What contrast does Paul draw between Christian/Non Christian? • What do these verses teach us of ‘learning’ about God?
The Work of the SpiritSpirit and the Son of God • Jesus’ ministry was attended by the Spirit at crucial points • Jesus is the Giver of the Spirit • The Spirit’s purpose is to testify to Him
The Work of the Spirit in UsCalling and Indwelling • What does it mean to receive the Spirit? • But then – after first repentance… • Dwells in us so we can call God Father through Christ • How do we receive the Spirit? • Answer: Faith in Jesus! (Romans 8:9, Ephesians 1:13)
The Work of the Spirit in UsSanctification In both the Hebrew and the Greek, the root of the verb translated “to sanctify” is “to separate.” God’s sanctification separates people, places, and things away from their ordinary association for his own use. Although we will come to the sense in which sanctification is more commonly understood as moral renewal, it is important to recognise at the outset that it is God’s action of electing, separating or cutting, claiming a people for himself. Michael Horton, The Christian Faith
The Work of the Spirit in UsSanctification • LET GO AND LET GOD!!! • NESTLE, DON’T WRESTLE!!!
The Work of the Spirit in UsEnlarging… • Old Covenant barriers? • New Covenant realities? • Mark 7:18-19 • Acts 1:8, 2:33 • 2:38 • 8:17 • 10:45 • Ephesians 2:18
2nd Baptism in The Spirit? • Acts 11:15-18 • Receiving the Spirit = Becoming a Christian! • Why a delay in Acts 8 for the Samaritans? Unwary Christians have failed to notice that the stories in Acts are showing us the amazing way in which God burst through the Old Covenant in order to extend his message about Jesus to all the nations of the Earth…
Not under law! Antinomianism? • Galatians 5:18… • So Christian life directed not by words but inner promptings by the Spirit? A "spiritual" antinomianism puts such trust in the Holy Spirit's inward prompting as to deny any need to be taught by the law how to live. Freedom from the law as a way of salvation is assumed to bring with it freedom from the law as a guide to conduct… Another kind of antinomianism begins from the point that God does not see the sin in believers, because they are in Christ, who kept the law for them. From this they draw the false conclusion that their behavior makes no difference, provided they keep on believing. But 1 John. 1:8-2:1 and 3:4-10 point in a different direction. It is not possible to be in Christ and at the same time embrace sin as a way of life Antinomianism - ESV Study Bible
The Work of the Spirit in UsEquipping… • The manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. (1 Cor. 12:7) • The Holy Spirit shows himself by gifting the church for its building up • The list of gifts we find in the Bible are descriptive, not prescriptive. • The Bible does not distinguish between natural and supernatural gifts. • The Giver is Christ, the gifts are the people, the purpose is the same
Conclusion The work of the Spirit has been the subject of controversy among God's people in recent years. Giving careful attention to what the Bible actually says, rather than to anecdotes sprinkled with vague references to texts, is very important if we are going to know the truth. We have a tendency to be gullible and to put reported experiences ahead of scripture when we are trying to understand the things of God. But experience must flow from and be subservient to scripture as God's word...The great clue to having a balanced view of these matters is that the work of the Spirit will always glorify Christ...Spirit centred religion turns either truly to Christ-centred religion or false to self centred religion (unstable because the Spirit does not put himself at the centre but Christ)
Home Study • Read Unit 6 Notes and Holy Spirit NBD article • Mini Essay: • Being a word based Christian is fine but it's far better to be spirit filled and led by him each day...Discuss