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Unit 13 Grottoes (1). I. Teaching Aims & Requirements: Let students understand skills of interpretation Help to improve the English tour interpretation II . Content Skills of interpretation III . Focus on & Difficulties: Basic theories of interpretation. 历史名词的翻译.
Unit 13 Grottoes(1)
I. Teaching Aims & Requirements: • Let students understand skills of interpretation • Help to improve the English tour interpretation • II. Content • Skills of interpretation • III. Focus on & Difficulties: • Basic theories of interpretation
历史名词的翻译 中国历史名词,涉及朝代名词、帝王名称、历史人物、历史事件、古籍名称、历史上少数民族等内容。在口译中,有些历史名词的翻译遵循一定的规律,还有一些属于“约定俗成”。译员必须掌握这些规律,才能较好地翻译历史名词。
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 ◎历史朝代名称,一般采用音译,如: 明Ming 清Qing ◎ “东”“西”“南”“北”分别译作Eastern, Western, Southern, Northern, 如: 西汉Western Han 北宋Northern Song ◎有的朝代名称采用意译,如: 春秋 the Spring and Autumn Period 战国 the Warring States Period 三国 the Three Kingdoms。
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 ◎“朝”或“代”译作dynasty,如五代 the Five Dynasties。有时也可将不掌握中央政权的君主的统治时期译作period,如金代the Jin Dynasty/ Period。 ◎处于分裂状态的历史时期(如春秋、战国、三国)的诸侯各国,译作state或kingdom,如: 赵国 the Zhao State/ Kingdom; the state/kingdom of Zhao 魏、蜀、吴三国 the Wei, Shu and Wu Kingdoms; the kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 ◎ 割据政权还可以译作regime,如: 南北朝的北魏 the Northern Wei regime 梁 the Liang regime 五代的后梁 the Later Liang regime ◎注意由朝代名称构成的名词的译法,如: 唐诗 the Tang poetry the poetry of the Tang Dynasty 汉赋 the rhyme prose of the Han Dynasty 秦律 the Qin Codes the Codes of the Qin Dynasty
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 ◎ 中国历史朝代简表 (A Brief Chinese Chronology) 夏朝 the Xia Dynasty (c.21st—16th century B. C.) 商朝 the Shang Dynasty (c.16th—11th century B. C.) 西周 the Western Zhou Dynasty (c. 11th century—771 B. C.) 东周 the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770—256 B. C.) 春秋 the Spring and Autumn Period (770—476 B. C.) 战国 the Warring States Period (475—221 B. C.) 秦朝 the Qin Dynasty (221—206 B. C.)
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 西汉 the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.—24 A. D.) 东汉 the Eastern Han Dynasty (25—220) 三国 the Three Kingdoms (220—280) 魏 the Wei Kingdom (220—265) 蜀 the Shu Kingdom (221—263) 吴 the Wu Kingdom (229—280) 西晋 the Western Jin Dynasty (265—316) 东晋 the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317—420)
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 南北朝 the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420—589) 南朝 the Southern Dynasties (420—589) 宋 the Song regime (420—479) 齐 the Qi regime (479—502) 梁 the Liang regime (502—557) 陈 the Chen regime (557—589)
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 北朝 the Northern Dynasties (386—581) 北魏 the Northern Wei regime (386—534) 东魏 the Eastern Wei regime (534—550) 北齐 the Northern Qi regime (550—577) 西魏 the Western Wei regime (535—556) 北周 the Northern Zhou regime (557—581)
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 隋朝 the Sui Dynasty (581—618) 唐朝 the Tang Dynasty (618—907) 五代 the Five Dynasties (907—960) 后梁 the Later Liang regime (907—923) 后唐 the Later Tang regime (923—936) 后晋 the Later Jin regime (936—946) 后汉 the Later Han regime (947—950) 后周 the Later Zhou regime (951—960)
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 北宋 the Northern Song Dynasty (960—1127) 南宋 the Southern Song Dynasty (1127—1279) 辽朝 the Liao Dynasty (916—1125) 西夏 the Western Xia Dynasty (1038—1227) 金朝 the Jin Dynasty (1115—1234) 元朝 the Yuan Dynasty (1271—1368) 明朝 the Ming Dynasty (1368—1644) 清朝 the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911)
I.历史朝代名称的翻译 中华民国 the Republic of China (1911—1949) 中华人民共和国 the People’s Republic of China
Ii.历代帝王的翻译 ◎历代帝王,讳忌直呼其名,往往用其国号(如汉、唐等)加帝号或谥号(如太祖、太宗、文帝等)表示,例如秦始皇、魏文帝、唐太宗、明太祖等。一般用音译,后加解释。 吴王夫差 Fu Chai, the King of the Wu State 秦始皇 Qinshihuang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty 魏文帝 Weiwendi, the Emperor Wen of the Wei Kingdom
Ii.历代帝王的翻译 金王完颜亮 Wanyan Liang, an emperor of the Jin Dynasty/ Period 末代皇帝溥仪 Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty ◎帝王名称,也可用年号(如永乐、光绪)表示。一般用音译,前加Emperor, 例如: 洪武 the Ming Emperor Hongwu 乾隆 the Qing Emperor Qianlong
Ii.历代帝王的翻译 ◎元、清两代帝王,原系少数民族,其称号和姓名的英译遵循“约定俗成”的原则, 例如: 铁木真 Temujin 成吉思汗 Genghis Khan 可汗 Khan 大汗 Great Khan 忽必烈 Kublai Khan 努尔哈赤 Nurhachi
Iii.历史人物的翻译 ◎汉族人名一般音译。但有的人名英译,须遵循“约定俗成”的原则,例如: 孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius ◎少数民族人名的英译,遵循“约定俗成”的原则,例如: 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama ◎起汉名的外国历史人物,其姓名根据原文音译,不可根据汉语音译,例如: 马可·波罗Marco Polo 利马窦Matteo Ricci/ Matthew Ricci
Iv.历史事件的翻译 ◎历史事件的英译,大都采用意译,但要遵循“约定俗成”的原则,例如: 鸦片战争The Opium War 太平天国the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 英法联军the Anglo-French Allied Forces 八国联军the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers 垂帘听政to hold court in place of the young emperor from behind a screen 辛亥革命the 1911 Revolution 西安事变the 1936 Xi’an Incident 三藩之乱 Revolt of the Three Feudatories 百日维新 the hundred days of reform
v.历史专有名词的翻译 三民主义 three principles of the people 大跃进 the great leap-forward 中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics
vi.典籍名称的翻译 ◎典籍名称包括历史典籍与文学经典著作,英译采用意译,但要遵循“约定俗成”原则, 例如: 论语the Analects of Confucius 易经the Book of Change 史记Records of the Historian 皇览the Imperial Survey 永乐大典 the Great Encyclopedia of the Emperor Yongle
vi.典籍名称的翻译 ◎典籍名称包括历史典籍与文学经典著作,英译采用意译,但要遵循“约定俗成”原则, 例如: 论语the Analects of Confucius 易经the Book of Change 史记Records of the Historian 皇览the Imperial Survey 永乐大典 the Great Encyclopedia of the Emperor Yongle
vi.典籍名称的翻译 诗经 The Book of Songs 中庸 The Doctrine of Mean 礼记 The Book of Rites 三国演义Romance of the Three Kingdoms 水浒Outlaws of the Marsh 红楼梦A Dream of Red Mansion 儒林外史the Scholars 聊斋志异Tales from a Carefree Studio 牡丹亭the Peony Pavilion 长生殿the Palace of Eternal Youth 桃花扇the Peach Blossom Fan
vii.历史上少数民族名称的翻译 ◎历史上的少数民族的名称,早有定译,例如: 匈奴the Huns 契丹the Khitans 蒙古族the Mongols 满族the Manchus 藏族the Tibetans 鞑靼组the Tartars 瓦刺族the Wala people/ tribes
Viii.Homework 1.Remember the useful expressions and sentences. 2.Preview the Unit 13.