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What should I do?

Unit 2. What should I do?. Section A. The car is dirty. wash it. You should__________. If you are thirsty, You should_______________. drink some water. If the room is dirty, you should _____________. clean it. If you don’t know the way, you should. ask the policeman.

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What should I do?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 2 What should I do? Section A

  2. The car is dirty. wash it You should__________.

  3. If you are thirsty, You should_______________. drink some water

  4. If the room is dirty, you should _____________. clean it

  5. If you don’t know the way, you should ask the policeman.

  6. If you are too fat, you should do some sports.

  7. What should I do Problem I want to buy a new guitar but I don’t have enough money.

  8. You could/ should … Advice wait until next year. borrow one. buy a used guitar. get a part-time job.

  9. Grammar Focous What should I do? 我应该怎么办? should 应该,一般是用来提出请求和建议。 同类型的词还有: could , shouldn’t 经常是用来给出建议。

  10. Imagine what they are talking. I often feel very tired. What should I do? You look worried. What’s the matter? Bobby Sunny

  11. A: What’s the matter? B: I’m not feeling well. What should I do? A: Maybe you should/could… B: Thanks for your advice.

  12. Ask & answer What 's she like? She's (unhappy/sad/upset…) What about her clothes? Her clothes areout of style. What should she do? Maybe she should buy some new clothes. But she doesn't have enough money. What should she do? Maybe she should... get a part-time job

  13. turn down ...plays his CDs too loud What's wrong? / What’s the matter? What should she do? She should talk with her neighbor.

  14. argued with What's wrong? / What’s the matter? What should she do? She should call him up later.

  15. 1 a Write them in the appropriate box. My parents want me to stay at home every night. My brother plays his CDs too loud. I don’t have enough money. I argued with my best friend. My clothes are out of style. 呆在家 播放 大声的 和某人争吵 不时髦的

  16. 1a Write them in the appropriate box.

  17. 1 b My parents want me to stay at home every night. My brother plays his CDs too loud. I don’t have enough money. I argued with my best friend. My clothes are out of style. 呆在家 播放 大声的 和某人争吵 不时髦的

  18. 2 a • You could/ should write him a letter. • You could/ should call him up. • You could/ should say you’re sorry. • You could/ should go to his house. • You could/ should give him a ticket to a ball game.

  19. 2 b

  20. GROUPWORK A: What’s the matter, Nari? B: I had an argument with my best friend. What _________I do? A: Well, you _________ write him a letter. B: I don’t think so. I don’t like writing letters. A: Maybe you ________ call him up. B: No, I don’t want to talk about it on the phone. A: Well, you _________ say you’re sorry. B: Yes, I know I _______, but it’s not easy. A: Maybe you _________go to his house. B: I guess I ________, but I don’t want to surprise him. A: Hey, I know. You _______ give him a ticket to a ball game. B: Well, that’s a good idea, but I don’t have enough money. should could should should should could could could

  21. Grammar Focus • What should I do? You could write him a letter. • What should he do? Maybe he should say he’s sorry. • What should they do? They shouldn’t argue. should---ask for advice could, should, shouldn’t---give advice

  22. 3 a I need to get some money to pay for summer camp. What should I do? I don’t have time. Well, you could get a part- time job.

  23. 3 a No, he doesn’t have any money, either. I have an idea. You could borrow some money from your brother.

  24. 3 a I think you should ask your parents for some money. Or you could sell your CDs.

  25. Maybe you could have a bake sale. No, I don’t think so. I love my CDs.

  26. Then maybe you should call “Teen Talk”, the radio advice program. No, I can’t bake.

  27. 3b A: I need some money to buy gifts for my family. What should I do? B: I think you should borrow some money from your friends. A: Oh, no. I don’t like to do that. B: Then I think you should get a part-time job. A: That’s a good idea. 礼物 向……借 主意 PAIRWORK

  28. Jim, a Canadian boy, wants to practice his Putonghua. But he is very shy. Make a list of things he could do. • Get a tutor(家教). • 2. Join a club. • 3. • 4. • 5. • 6. • 3. go to a Chinese corner • 4. watch the Chinese teaching program on TV • 5. make some Chinese friends • buy some CDs

  29. GoodBye!

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