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Question 1

Question 1. CAFOD stands for…. A Catholic Aid for Overseas Development. B Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. C Catholic Fund for Overseas Development. D Catholics for Overseas Development. CAFOD stands for…. A Catholic Aid for Overseas Development.

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Question 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Question 1

  2. CAFOD stands for… ACatholic Aid for Overseas Development BCatholic Agency for Overseas Development CCatholic Fund for Overseas Development DCatholics for Overseas Development

  3. CAFOD stands for… ACatholic Aid for Overseas Development BCatholic Agency for Overseas Development CCatholic Fund for Overseas Development DCatholics for Overseas Development

  4. Question 2

  5. How many countries does CAFOD work in? A500 programmes in 50 countries B50 programmes in 30 countries C250 programmes in 25 countries D100 programmes in 15 countries

  6. How many countries does CAFOD work in? A500 programmes in 50 countries B50 programmes in 30 countries C250 programmes in 25 countries D100 programmes in 15 countries

  7. Question 3

  8. From whom does CAFOD raise its money? ACatholics in England & Wales BGovernments COther institutions DCatholics in the UK

  9. From whom does CAFOD raise its money? ACatholics in England & Wales BGovernments COther institutions DCatholics in the UK

  10. Question 4

  11. CAFOD’s income in 2009-10 was: A£28.9 million B£41.8 million C£49.1 million D£56.3 million

  12. CAFOD’s income in 2009-10 was: A£28.9 million B£41.8 million C£49.1 million D£56.3 million

  13. Question 5

  14. How many CAFOD volunteers are there in England & Wales? A250 B750 C2,000 D3,500

  15. How many CAFOD volunteers are there in England & Wales? A250 B750 C2,000 D3,500

  16. Question 6

  17. When and how did CAFOD start? A1960 – emergency in Dominica B1965 – idea from the Bishops C1966 – to celebrate the World Cup D1967 – in response to Populorum Progressio

  18. When and how did CAFOD start? A1960 – emergency in Dominica B1965 – idea from the Bishops C1966 – to celebrate the World Cup D1967 – in response to Populorum Progressio

  19. Question 7

  20. How does CAFOD use its funding? Ato promote long-term development Bto respond to emergencies Cto raise awareness Dto speak out on behalf of poor communities

  21. How does CAFOD use its funding? Ato promote long-term development Bto respond to emergencies Cto raise awareness Dto speak out on behalf of poor communities

  22. Question 8

  23. Act BIG, think... Aglobal Bcreatively CCAFOD Dsmall

  24. Act BIG, think... Aglobal Bcreatively CCAFOD Dsmall

  25. Question 9

  26. What is Caritas International? Athe Vatican football team Ba network of 162 Catholic relief & development orgs Ca network for international rescue of Catholics Dthe world’s 2nd biggest development network

  27. What is Caritas International? Athe Vatican football team Ba network of 162 Catholic relief & development orgs Ca network for international rescue of Catholics Dthe world’s 2nd biggest development network

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