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Chapter 3: Pantomime

Chapter 3: Pantomime. Pantomime is using gestures, body movement, and facial expressions to get your ideas across. Use your body to communicate these sentences. You cannot use your mouth in ANY way (this includes moving your lips) I am too hot (temperature!!) Are you feeling OK?

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Chapter 3: Pantomime

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  1. Chapter 3: Pantomime Pantomime is using gestures, body movement, and facial expressions to get your ideas across

  2. Use your body to communicate these sentences. You cannot use your mouth in ANY way (this includes moving your lips) • I am too hot (temperature!!) • Are you feeling OK? • There is a spider in my bag • My head hurts • Where is my ring? • Can you scratch my back? • I am feeling very depressed • What date is it today? • Did you fart?

  3. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xoKbDNY0Zwg Charlie Chaplin – silentmovie • http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1mYtNMDFyXQ&feature=related • http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5RzRBlyC3RE Marcel Marceau to Solja Boy!! • http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mr+bean&search_type=&

  4. Acting requires you to pretend – in order to make an audience believe, the actor must believe! • Mime is one of the oldest forms of theatre. • A mime often wears clown white to highlight the face and its movements. • Body language is very important in mime! • Mimes create invisible walls, stroke, caress, or push away using hands and arms.

  5. Essential body parts • The chest • Chest expanded – pride, sophistication, nobility or confidence • Chest pushed forward – aggressive, determination • Chest curved inward – weak, old age, shyness, exhaustion • The Face and head • Downturned mouth – displeasure • Flair nostrils – angry • Wide eyes, arched brows – happiness, delight • Downturned mouth, narrowed eyes – anger • Mouth in a straight line, eyes wide, eyebrows arched – listening, attentive, curious

  6. The legs and feet • One leg crossed over the other – relaxed, casual • Feet turned in or one leg bent – shy • Feet apart and legs straight – strength, confidence (add hands on the hips and you create a feeling of scorn, threat, or contempt) • The arms and hands • Palms up – acceptance, pleading, sympathy • Clenched fists – anger • Palms down – rejection, demanding, denial, fear

  7. Activities • Pass a simple message to a partner (pick from the apple) • Mime telephone • Pass the face • Animal movement • Paired animal activities • Parade of animals – decide on a winner • Fairy Tales – pantomime • What would you do if? • Cave dweller • Different machines found in the house • Robots • What could this piece of fabric be? • Emotion party

  8. Silent movie project – Peer Evaluation ASSIGNMENT: Do a 30 second pantomime in a group of 2 and present it to the class.

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