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What You’ll Do

What You’ll Do. Explain why eating a healthy breakfast is important Describe three strategies for making healthy snack choices List seven ways to eat healthily at a fast-food restaurant List 6 ways to eat healthily at home. Breakfast in the morning. Many teens skip breakfast in the morning!

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What You’ll Do

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What You’ll Do Explain why eating a healthy breakfast is important Describe three strategies for making healthy snack choices List seven ways to eat healthily at a fast-food restaurant List 6 ways to eat healthily at home

  2. Breakfast in the morning • Many teens skip breakfast in the morning! • How does eating breakfast affect your ability to concentrate in class? • Most people that do not eat breakfast become…by the end of the morning. • Hungry • Irritated • Light-headed • In the morning your body has been without food all night and needs nutrients from food • You can bring a mid-morning snack to school

  3. Snacking • Eat a snack between meals • Eating a snack keeps you from being too hungry at mealtimes • If you are too hungry you may eat more food than you need • Too many snacks will cause you to be full at mealtimes

  4. Healthful Snack Ideas Instead of these…. • Candy, chocolate bars, or ice cream • Potato or corn chips • Creamy dips or cheese sauce • Soda Try these……. • Raisins, bananas, cherries, cranberries, or apricots • Baked chips, pretzels, sunflower seeds, or nuts • Salsa or plain yogurt • Milk, water, or fruit juice

  5. Fast Food Video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf4r6rWUADw&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLDF1A5FDC3ABAB6A3

  6. Who’s counting calories Consequences Mc.Donald’sMeal 1450 The amount of calories for 1 meal can be your amount of total calories for the day! Start walking Big Mac, WALK 30 minutes to eat a Mc.Donalds hamburger If you eat a DENNYS MINI BURGER walk 2 hours to use up all the calories you just ate

  7. Tricks to Eating Out! • If you are eating out more than 1 a week • eating more fat and salt than you need • If you must eat at a fast-food restaurants • choose healthful meals • Grilling is a method of cooking • low in fat. • If low-fat choices are not available • choose not to eat the entire portion. Ways to make your fast-food meal healthier • When you use dressing • ask for one that is low in fat • Ex. Mustard or Ketchup Instead of mayonnaise • Avoid extra foods that come with the meal • bacon or extra cheese on a hamburger. • Order water instead of Soda

  8. Eating a healthy meal at home can be easy! • Salad include: • lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and other fresh vegetables that you like. • Eggs: • choose to eat an omelet or scrambled eggs instead of fried eggs. • Try jam instead of butter . • Choose whole-wheat bread for a sandwich • Tomato sauce on pasta rather than a creamy sauce • Be sure to have plenty of vegetables with your meals

  9. Charlie’s Take Out You and your friends decide to eat dinner at Charlie’s Take-Out in the mall. The menu at this restaurant is shown below. Next to each item, you will find how many grams of carbohydrates (C), protein (P), and Fat (F) are found in each food. Based on what you have learned, choose a healthy meal from the menu. Main MealsC F PSides and Drinks CF P Hamburger 45 21 36 French Fries 30 13 2 Grilled Chicken 38 13 27 Side Salad 4 0.3 1 Sandwich Bean Taco 25 16 1 Baked Potato 82 0.3 7 Hot Dog 0 1 5 Soda 51 0 0 Tuna Sandwich 29 4 27 Iced Tea 1 0 0

  10. Top 5 RESTAURANTS IN TOWN DIRECTIONS!!!!! Today you are visiting the TOP 3 Restaurants in town! • You will read the Menu • Make a healthy Meal for Dinner from all 3 Restaurants Steps to Making Good Decisions • 1. Identify the Problem • Consider your values • List the options • Weigh the consequences • Decide, and act • Evaluate your choice HINTS!!!

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