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Explore how Jessie Porter Nursery enhanced transition with multimedia presentations created by children, supporting a smooth shift for parents, caregivers, and primary schools. Discover the impact of integrating ICT skills in educational programs.

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  1. Innovative Teachers VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR Homepage Title Using ICT to Support Transition from Nursery to Primary Objective The nursery teacher in Jessie Porter Nursery School set out to create interactive, multimedia presentations of and by children in their pre school setting to be passed on as CDs and hardcopies to primary schools, parents and carers. These resources were designed to support the transitionfrom the pre school setting to the new primary school. Creator/s Rosalyn Fox Nursery Teacher Jessie Porter Nursery Theresa Mungall ICT Staff Tutor Early Years Date December 2007 Documents Background Jessie Porter Nursery Hand book Web Links

  2. Innovative Teachers VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR About Learning Together in Dundee With staff’s increased knowledge and skills using ICT and children’s experience in using a wide range of ICT resources ideal circumstances existed to begin this project. The resource produced would, as well as help staff identify children, build a picture of each child and their developmental stage. It could also be used with parents to initiate discussions about their child. The methodology used to compile the resource fits in with initiatives such as Citizenship, Consulting with Children, A Curriculum for Excellence and Learning together in Dundee. The focus was to enable children to provide a snapshot of themselves, a more helpful indicator of their abilities than traditional written comments. It was also important that it met with criteria of being manageable, not demanding too much time, and did not require the development of new complex ICT skills. Background/Rationale Web Links Learning Together in Dundee - VCT Curriculum for Excellence Listening to children Citizenship

  3. Innovative Teachers VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR People Rosalyn and one of the children working together creating pages for the ebook. Click to begin

  4. Innovative Teachers VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR Project Learning Together in Dundee Examples of ebooks (Note: these presentations were made with Textease presenter and require Textease to be installed) Leah’s transition ebook St Columba’s transition ebook Click on the photographs to open the ebooks. Sample of pictures used in ebooks (Note: these can be viewed using Microsoft applications) The children chose the pictures they wanted in their books, were recorded describing what they were doing and a staff member scribed their captions. Click to begin

  5. Innovative Teachers VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR Impact Learning Together in Dundee Click on the speaker icon to hear the Nursery teacher’s views on the project. Click on the speaker icon to hear the READ Nursery nurse’s views.

  6. Innovative Teachers VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR Impact continued Learning Together in Dundee Informal Evaluation A follow-up visit was made to some of the primary schools to assess how the transition books had been used. Formal Evaluation All P1 staff in the primaries were asked to complete an evaluation form at the end of term 1 in the new session. (See below for two examples of the completed forms.) Generally both the visits and the completed forms confirmed the impression that the on-line and printed books were beneficial for the development of skills and confidence in the children and the widening of the knowledge and understanding of children for the primary staff. The main problem being not only the time involved making the books but also in using them effectively in the P1 class. Documents Blank evaluation form Dens Road completed evaluation form Sidlaw View completed evaluation form

  7. Innovative Teachers Supporting early years care and education in Scotland VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR Next Steps Learning Together in Dundee Next Steps This transition project was used to provide information to contribute to the formation of a nursery/primary transition document. The document provides guidance for early years practitioners to ease the move from the early years setting to primary 1. Documents Nursery/primary transition document An online discussion was started on the LTScotland Early Years site. Links to the document were provided. Early Years practitioners were encouraged to participate in a debate about issues raised. Web Links Early Years Online Discussion Forum

  8. Innovative Teachers VIRTUALCLASSROOMTOUR Next Steps continued Learning Together in Dundee Further work planned in Dundee for using ICT to support transition from nursery to primary Moving purposeful play into primary 1 using a range of ICT resources used in the nursery. Using Clicker 5 to create ebooks illustrating children’s development. Using Photostory 3 to create videos of children. These can be started with the 3yr olds and provide a record of achievements throughout their time in nursery. Investigate the possibilities of using Glow Meet (video conferencing). Older children in the primary could ‘buddie’ nursery children using video conferencing as part of on going activities.

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