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The Link Between Vaccinations and Autism: Nano-Particles in Adjuvants

Explore the correlation between vaccinations and autism, focusing on the role of nano-particles in adjuvants, potential DNA damage, and the impact of electromagnetic radiation. This analysis suggests a causal relationship between adjuvant nano-particles and autism development, proposing a new perspective on autism's origins.

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The Link Between Vaccinations and Autism: Nano-Particles in Adjuvants

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  1. The link between Vaccinations and Autism Thomas Prevenslik QED Radiations Hong Kong and Berlin 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  2. Introduction Autism like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s have unknown origins and involve genetic and environmental factors Genetic factors are inherited. Environmental factors are acquired - includingadjuvantsof  100 nm NPs in vaccines to stimulate activation of antigens approved by the FDA about a century ago. NPs nanoparticles Absent adjuvants, antigen stimulation would be ineffective The FDA then as now considers adjuvants safe, but tests to verify safety are still incomplete. 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  3. Introduction(cont’d) Micrographs show NP adjuvants agglomerateinto clusters of about 2-20 microns. Scale bar  2 microns NPs NPs Toxicity of the NPs located at the periphery of the clusters have been ignored by the FDA NPs 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  4. NPs in Nanotechnology Experiments over 2 decades show adding NPs to biological fluids damage DNA Protection of consumer health by labeling of products having NPs would help Diversity of human health problems suggests genes arerandomly scrambled. How do NPs scramble DNA? 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  5. DNA Damage(cont’d) In 2003, NPscorrelated with ROS ROS = reactive oxygen species, e.g., OH radicals, O super oxides ROS caused by NP high surface-to-volume ratios? In 2008, PDT treats cancer tumors by IRheating? PDT= photodynamic therapy Au NPs attach to tumor IR laserincreasesNP temperature Tumor growth ceases, but DNA damage not measured In 2016, PDT with Ag NPs Significant DNA damage in lung cancer cells. Did NPs create the ROS that damaged DNA? 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  6. DNA Damage by UV Since multiphoton IR  UV processes are unlikely, ROS requires EM radiation at UV levels → E 5 eV Since solar UV cannot penetrate the skin  ROS have nothing to do withDNA damage of internal organs! But vaccinations withNPs  100 nm in the blood produce UV that create ROSanywherein thebody. But, NPs 20 nm produce EUV !!! EUV fluorescence excites lower NP quantum states, e.g., UV, ROS, VIS plasmon resonances But EUVfluorescent efficiency to UV is  10   NPs  20 nm more efficient 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  7. Purpose Show adjuvant NPs in vaccinations produce EM radiation that not only excites the antigens to invoke greater immune system response, but alsodamages DNA leading to autism. 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  8. Analysis Causal Relation The Planck law of QM Simple QED Vaccinations – DNA Damage 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  9. Causal Relation: NPs → Autism DNA is damaged by EUV radiation produced from NPs in the environment that enter theblood stream of the human body in vaccinations 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  10. The Planck law of QM Classical physics PDT kT 0.0258 eV QM NPs Under EM confinement at  < 100 nm, QM requires atoms in NPs to have vanishing heat capacity High S/V ratios  NPs atoms EM confined over < 100 nm 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  11. In NPs, simpleQED converts heat Q into EM radiation because QM precludes conservation by temperature. SimpleQED is not the complex light and matter interaction advanced by Feynman and others Heat  NP w/o heat capacity  EM radiation Simple QED Heat Q Simple QED Radiation E = hc/2nd /2 EUV Fluorescence  UV ROS VIS Plasmon Resonances High S/V ratios No Temperature Change f = (c/n)/,  / 2 = d, E = h f, N = Q / E 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  12. Vaccinations-DNA Damage UVC →  = 254 nm DNA Damage ( Pyrimidine dimer damage replication) d < 80 nm by EUV fluorescence d  80 nm NP diameter - d - nm 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  13. Summary The US having the highest vaccine schedule (greatest number of vaccines) has higher autism rates compared to countries that do not vaccinate. The UShas a 70  increase in autism over the last 30 years But genes in a population do not change in a five-year span. Simple QED suggests UV radiation from adjuvants in vaccinations alters genes more rapidly How does UV alter genes? 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  14. Proposal Current Autism theory Proposed Autism theory Autism is caused as simple QED induces NPs of aluminum to produce EUV radiation that activates the inflammatory Interleukin IL-6 cytokine to scramble genes of DNAin the brain. 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  15. UV Light Source Current theory Sunlight provides exogenous UV. But, UVC at 254 nm is absorbed in ozone layer UVB between 280 and 320 nm damages skin DNA leads to cancer suppression of the immune system? alters gene expression? In vaccinations, aluminum NPs bypass the skin to directly enter the blood reaching the brain to produce endogenousUVCUVBthat damagesDNA and scrambles genes leading to autism. Proposed theory 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  16. UV induced IL-6 Inflammatory cytokines IL-6 access the CNS and interact with the brain to influence autism IL-6 is thought to enter the brain by 5 micron macrophages But simple QED claims, NPs in vaccinations emit EUV that produce IL-6 in the brain The CDC vaccination schedule over the first 6 months of newborn life 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  17. Conclusions Pre-vaccination ELISA* testsfor high IL-6 levels in newborns should minimize NP induced brain damage, but The CDC does not yet have anautism test fornewborns, Only a vaccination screening questionnaire for parents. Until then, CDC should require IL-6 tests of newborns beforethe prescribed schedule of vaccinations If IL-6 levels high, no vaccination!!! Autism aside, Hepatitis B vaccinations at birth in the UScontaining aluminum NPs should stop * Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  18. Extensions Alzheimer’s and DNA Damage 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  19. Alzheimer’s-DNA Damage Amyloid plaque comprises straight unbranching fibrils from UV polymerization of monomeric peptide that damage DNA of neurons 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  20. d Alzheimer’s (cont’d) UVC →  = 254 nm  = 2nd Amyloid Fibrils d DNA Damage ( Pyrimidine dimer DNA damage) d < 90 nm d  90 nm NP diameter - d - nm 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  21. Political Discussions Obama and Monsanto Trump and Vaccinations 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  22. US Politics - Obama In 2010, Obama appointed Michael Taylor, former Monsanto vice president as the FDA commissioner for foods? Before leaving office In 2016, Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law  The law states that even if future research shows GM foodcause significant health problems, e.g., cancer, the federal courts have no power to stop use the sales of GM food. GM Genetically Modified US politics blocked science inNP safety UScourt ordered J&J to pay110 m USD oncancer from talc!!! 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  23. US Politics - Trump In 2016, candidate Trump is quoted as saying: "When I was growing up, Autism wasn't really a factor," he [Trump] said. "And now all of a sudden, it's an epidemic. Everybody has their theory, and my theory is the shots. They're getting these massive injections at one time. I think it's the vaccinations.“ In a NP related health effect, Trump in 2019 ordered Roundup cleared by the EPA despite US court award of 78 m USD to a gardener for cancer in San Francisco Trumpshould encourage future legislation be enacted that bans NPs not only from vaccines, but also from Babyand GM foods. 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

  24. Questions & Papers Email: nanoqed@gmail.com http://www.nanoqed.org 10th European Immunology Conference, Berlin, June 13-14, 2019

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