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IMK-ASF “Globale Modellierung” (MOD). Ole Kirner Sabine Mikuteit (11/07 – 06/08) Stefan Versick (zus. mit SAT-Gr.). Wolfgang Kouker Thomas Reddmann Roland Ruhnke. Bericht über laufende Arbeiten Mitglieder der Gruppe. Modelling Tools.
IMK-ASF “Globale Modellierung” (MOD) Ole Kirner Sabine Mikuteit (11/07 – 06/08) Stefan Versick (zus. mit SAT-Gr.) Wolfgang Kouker Thomas Reddmann Roland Ruhnke Bericht über laufende Arbeiten Mitglieder der Gruppe
Modelling Tools Chemical / microphysical process models and radiative transfer models Sensitivity studies, Parameterisations for UV actinic flux and photolysis rates 3D Eulerian CTM KASIMA Seasonal and long-term simulations: transport of air masses (e.g. age-of-air) as well as chemical budgets and trends of chemical trace gases 3D CCM ECHAM/MESSy Development of parameterisations for the community model in co-operation with MPI for Chemistry. Seasonal and long-term simulations with respect to Chemistry-Climate Interactions Reddmann und Uhl (ACP, 2003) Stiller et al. (ACP, 2008) Kirner (Ph.D. Thesis, 2008) 2 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Programm-Orientierte Förderung • Programme Topic 4: • Stratosphere and tropopause region in a changing environment • Stratosphere-troposphere-exchange (STE) including transport from the boundary layer and its impact on the composition of the UTS • Water vapour budget in the UTS • Nucleation, growth, and sedimentation of cirrus particles • Stratospheric ozone budget and its sensitivity to climate change • Stratosphere-climate interactions, atmospheric coupling processes, and trends 3 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Programm-Orientierte Förderung • Programme Topic 4: • Stratosphere and tropopause region in a changing environment • Stratosphere-troposphere-exchange (STE) including transport from the boundary layer and its impact on the composition of the UTS • Water vapour budget in the UTS • Nucleation, growth, and sedimentation of cirrus particles • Stratospheric ozone budget and its sensitivity to climate change • Stratosphere-climate interactions, atmospheric coupling processes, and trends 4 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Programm-Orientierte Förderung • Programme Topic 4: • Stratosphere and tropopause region in a changing environment • Stratospheric ozone budget and its sensitivity to climate change • Milestones 2008: • Significant improvements of the representation of micro-physical processes and denitrification/dehydration in models have been achieved • PSC parameterisation has been adapted to GCMs • Accurate simulations of ozone depletion rates for all northern hemispheric winters of the programme period are available • Improved simulations of ozone-climate interactions based on improved dynamical and chemical schemes are available 5 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Programm-Orientierte Förderung • Programme Topic 4: • Stratosphere and tropopause region in a changing environment • Stratospheric ozone budget and its sensitivity to climate change • Milestones 2008: • Significant improvements of the representation of micro-physical processes and denitrification/dehydration in models have been achieved • PSC parameterisation has been adapted to GCMs • Accurate simulations of ozone depletion rates for all northern hemispheric winters of the programme period are available • Improved simulations of ozone-climate interactions based on improved dynamical and chemical schemes are available 6 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Programm-Orientierte Förderung • Programme Topic 4: • Stratosphere and tropopause region in a changing environment • Stratospheric ozone budget and its sensitivity to climate change • Improved simulations of ozone-climate interactions based on improved dynamical and chemical schemes are available • Mehrjahressimulation mit ECHAM5/MESSy1 inkl. neuer PSC-Parameterisierung • - Freie CCM-Simulation (kein Nudging) • Simulationszeitraum: 1978 – 2050 • Randbedingungen der Treibhausgase, FCKW und Halone entsprechend CCMVAL (IPCC-Szenario A1b) • „Hintergrundbelastung“ des Schwefelaerosols • (keine Erhöhung durch Vulkanausbrüche) • keine QBO • kein solarer Zyklus • SST vom Hadley Center (Simulation HADGEM1 für IPCC AR4) 7 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Programm-Orientierte Förderung • Programme Topic 4: • Stratosphere and tropopause region in a changing environment • Stratospheric ozone budget and its sensitivity to climate change 8 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Programm-Orientierte Förderung • Programme Topic 4: • Stratosphere and tropopause region in a changing environment • Stratospheric ozone budget and its sensitivity to climate change 10 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Aktuelle Drittmittelprojekte EU-IP SCOUT-O3 (Stratosphere-Climate Links with Emphasis on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere) bis März 2009 => Untersuchung des stratosphärischen Transportes (z.B. SF6) und von Ozontrends DFG-SPP CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System) bis März 2011 => Untersuchung des solaren Einflusses (über solare Protonen-Events, geomagnetische Stürme, UV-Variabiliät) auf die Chemie der mittleren Atmosphäre 11 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Aktuelle Drittmittelprojekte EU-IP SCOUT-O3 (Stratosphere-Climate Links with Emphasis on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere) For characterizing the transport properties of the model and possible changes of the Brewer Dobson circulation during the ERA-40 period in the model, mean age of air is used. Mean age of air becomes younger in the model: at northern mid latitudes in the stratosphere a change of about 1a/30a is simulated, comparable to studies with CCMs. Time series of mean age of air at 0°E/ 45°N at 24 km altitude. 12 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Comparison before SPE Aktuelle Drittmittelprojekte MIPAS KASIMA • Difference to last year in KASIMA: lower values; much longer run • general features are reproduced very well (maximum in 35km at the equator; higher values at the SP than NP) • But: KASIMA everywhere produces higher vmr (50 pptv); bias to lower values of ~50 pptv in MIPAS DFG-SPP CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System) 13 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Comparison during SPE Aktuelle Drittmittelprojekte MIPAS KASIMA • MIPAS and KASIMA show a slight decrease at the SP • Both show only very little change in the equator region • Both show strong increase in the northern polar region; but increase in KASIMA is much higher (up to 600 pptv) DFG-SPP CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System) 14 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Zukünftige Drittmittelprojekte • HGF-Netzwerk EOS-2 • Topic: Änderung von Chemie und Dynamik der Atmosphäre • Subtopic: Klimarelevante Schadstoffe und Treibhausgase in der freien Troposphäre und unteren Stratosphäre • Ziel des Beitrages: • Untersuchung des Transports von Schadstoffen aus ihren Quellen (z.B. durch Biomasseverbrennung und Industrieprozesse) von der bodennahen Grenzschicht in die freie Troposphäre und UTLS-Region sowie die in diesen Höhen stattfindenden chemischen und physikalischen Umwandlungen. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei die Ozonbilanz in der UTLS. • Methodik: • Auswertung von MIPAS/ENVISAT-Daten für bestimmte Episoden • Durchführung von Simulationen mit dem regionalen Modell COSMO-ART • Vergleich der Daten mit Ergebnissen des globalen Modells EMAC • Vergleich mit hochaufgelösten CARIBIC-Daten (wenn vorhanden) 15 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Veröffentlichungen seit April 2008 Vogel, B., P. Konopka, J.-U. Grooß, R. Müller, B. Funke, M. Lopéz-Puertas, T. Reddmann, G. Stiller, T. von Clarmann, and M. Riese Model simulations of stratospheric ozone loss caused by enhanced mesospheric NOx during Arctic Winter 2003/2004 Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 5279-5293, 2008. Wolff, M.A., T. Kerzenmacher, K. Strong, K. A. Walker, M. Toohey, E. Dupuy, P. Bernath, C. Boone, S. Brohede, V. Catoire, T. von Clarmann, M. Coffey, M. De Mazière, P. Duchatelet, N. Glatthor, D. Griffith, J. Hannigan, F. Hase, M. Höpfner, N. Huret, N. Jones, K. Jucks, A. Kagawa, Y. Kasai, I. Kramer, H. Küllmann, J. Kuttippurath, E. Mahieu, G. Manney, C. McLinden, Y. Mébarki, S. Mikuteit, D. Murtagh, C. Piccolo, R. Ruhnke, M. Santee, C. Senten, D. Smale, C. Tétard, J. Urban, and S. Wood Validation of HNO3, ClONO2 and N2O5 from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 3529-3562, 2008. Khosrawi, F. R. Müller, M. H. Proffitt, J. Urban, D. Murtagh, R. Ruhnke, J.-U. Grooß, and H. Nakajima Seasonal cycle of averages of nitrous oxide and ozone in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere polar, midlatitude, and tropical regions derived from ILAS/ILAS-II and Odin/SMR observations J. Geophys. Res., 113, D18305, doi:10.1029/2007JD009556, 2008. Submitted Wiegele, A., A. Kleinert, H. Oelhaf, R. Ruhnke, G. Wetzel, F. Friedl-Valon, A. Lengel, G. Maucher, H. Nordmeyer, and H. Fischer Spatiotemporal variations of NOy species in the northern latitudes stratosphere measured with the balloon-borne MIPAS instrument Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, Vol. 8, pp. 4693-4725, 2008. Von Clarmann, N. Glatthor, R. Ruhnke, G. P. Stiller, O. Kirner, T. Reddmann, M. Höpfner, S. Kellmann, W. Kouker, A. Linden, and B. Funke HOCl chemistry in the Antarctic Stratospheric Vortex 2002, as observed with the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) Submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions P. Duchatelet, E. Mahieu, R. Ruhnke, W. Feng, M. Chipperfield, P. Demoulin, P. Bernath, C. Boone, and K. Walker An approach to retrieve information on the carbonyl fluoride (COF2) vertical distributions above Jungfraujoch by FTIR multi-spectrum multi-window fitting Submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions Khosrawi, F., R. Müller, M. H. Proffitt, J. Urban, R. Ruhnke, O. Kirner, P- Jöckel, J.-U. Grooß, J. Urban, D. P. Murtagh, and H. Nakajima Evaluation of CLaMS, KASIMA and ECHAM5/MESSy1 simulations in the lower stratosphere using observations of Odin/SMR and ILAS/ILAS-II Submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions In Preparation Mangold, A., J.-U. Grooß, R. Ruhnke, O. Kirner, H. De Backer, and R. Müller A model study of the January 2006 low total ozone episode over Western Europe and comparison with ozone sonde data In preparation, to be submitted to J. Geophys. Res. 16 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Da war doch noch was 17 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Das Ozonloch 2008 October 21, 2008 18 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Das Ozonloch 2008 19 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Das Ozonloch 2008 20 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Das Ozonloch 2008 21 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Das Ozonloch 2008 22 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Eine habe ich noch 23 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008
Einladung zum Paperchat 2.0 • Vorstellung von Papern zum Thema • „Dynamik und Chemie der mittleren Atmosphäre inkl. UTLS“ • Freitags 13:30 Uhr bis maximal 13:55 Uhr • Interessenten bitte per e-mail bei TR oder RR melden, damit in einer gemeinsamen Vorbesprechung das Procedere abgesprochen werden kann 24 | Roland Ruhnke | IMK - ASF - MOD | 24.10.2008