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Network Configuration

Network Configuration. Prepared by: Menna Hamza Mohamad Hesham Mona Abdel Mageed Yasmine Shaker. Agenda. OPS NetConfig Work Group NetConfig Protocol XML Detour Definitions Protocol Layers Protocol Main Scenario Basic Operations Filters Example Partial Lock RPC

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Network Configuration

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  1. Network Configuration Prepared by: Menna Hamza Mohamad Hesham Mona Abdel Mageed Yasmine Shaker

  2. Agenda • OPS • NetConfig Work Group • NetConfig Protocol • XML Detour • Definitions • Protocol Layers • Protocol Main Scenario • Basic Operations • Filters • Example • Partial Lock RPC • With Default Capability • TLS

  3. operations and management area • Area Workgroups Examples: • Adslmib : ADSL MIB • Capwap : Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points. • Bmwg : Benchmarking Methodology • Dime : Diameter Maintenance and Extensions • Netconf : Network Configuration

  4. netconf working group • The NETCONF Working Group is chartered to produce a protocol suitable for network configuration. required characteristics includes: • Differentiate between configuration data and non-configuration data. • Extensible. • Integration with user authentication methods. • Integration with configuration database systems. • Wide configuration transactions with features such as locking and rollback capability.

  5. NetConfig Protocol • The protocol provides mechanism to transfer and manipulate configuration data in a network device • It uses an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based data encoding for the configuration data and the protocol messages. • The NETCONF protocol operations are realized on top of a simple Remote Procedure Call (RPC) layer.

  6. Agenda • OPS • NetConfig Work Group • NetConfig Protocol • XML Detour • Definitions • Protocol Layers • Protocol Main Scenario • Basic Operations • Filters • Example • Partial Lock RPC • With Default Capability • TLS

  7. XML Detour • XML • Why XML? • XSD and Schemas • Xpath • XML Node • XML Sub Tree • Example

  8. XML Example <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config"> <users> <user> <name>root</name> <type>superuser</type> <full-name>Charlie Root</full-name> <company-info> <dept>1</dept> <id>1</id> </company-info> </user> </users> </top> Value of Xpath (top/users/user/name)

  9. Definitions • Application / client • Server / Device • Data Store / Configuration file • Capabilities

  10. Agenda • OPS • NetConfig Work Group • NetConfig Protocol • XML Detour • Definitions • Protocol Layers • Protocol Main Scenario • Basic Operations • Filters • Example • Partial Lock RPC • With Default Capability • TLS

  11. Protocol Layers

  12. <Hello> • A way for both client and server to announce there existence • It also serves as an announcement of session ID as well as supported features !!! • Extendible protocol means that there is no guarantee that the server and client support the same set features. • Base capability must be supported • How to handle different set of features?

  13. Serve Me • The client the needed advertised capabilities requests to the Server. • The Server processes the requests on a FIFO basis (Pipe Line) • The Server sends Required Data/ request status to the client • How to associate a request with a reply? • Client closes the session or Server terminates session due to timeout

  14. RPC For Life • Client Requests are RPC calls • The data store is conceptually a list of XML namespaces • The RPC manipulates these XML namespaces • Changes to the XML name spaces are mapped by the device to actual changes in it’s internal configuration (registers, etc..) • Server reply contains requested XML data, errors, warnings and optionally execution success feedback

  15. Agenda • OPS • NetConfig Work Group • NetConfig Protocol • XML Detour • Definitions • Protocol Layers • Protocol Main Scenario • Basic Operations • Filters • Example • Partial Lock RPC • With Default Capability • TLS

  16. Basic Operations • Get • get • get-config • Manipulate • edit-config • copy-config • delete-config • Parallel access control • Lock • unlock • End session • close-session • kill-session

  17. RPC blocks • <rpc-call> • <rpc-reply> • <rpc-error> • </ok> • <data>

  18. Filters • What’s a filter • Using a filter • <filter> • Demo

  19. <rpc message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <get-config> <source> <running/> </source> <filter type="subtree"> <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config"> <users> <user> <name>root</name> </user> </users> </top> </filter> </get-config> </rpc>

  20. <rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <data> <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config"> <users> <user> <name>root</name> <type>superuser</type> <full-name>Charlie Root</full-name> <company-info> <dept>1</dept> <id>1</id> </company-info> </user> </users> </top> </data> </rpc-reply>

  21. Extended Capabilities Case Studies • Partial lock • With default Capabilities

  22. Agenda • OPS • NetConfig Work Group • NetConfig Protocol • XML Detour • Definitions • Protocol Layers • Protocol Main Scenario • Basic Operations • Filters • Example • Partial Lock RPC • With Default Capability • TLS

  23. Partial Lock RPC • Describes the lock and unlock operations on parts of configuration data stores using XPath filtering mechanisms • Definition of Terms • Scope of the lock • Protected area

  24. Partial Locking Capability • Usage Scenarios • Multiple managers with overlapping sections • Multiple managers, distinct management areas • New Operations • <partial-lock> • <partial-unlock>

  25. <partial-lock> • Locking a node protects the node itself and the complete sub-tree under the node • The XPath expressions are evaluated only once at lock time • NETCONF server that supports partial locking MUST be able to grant multiple simultaneous partial locks to a single NETCONF session • Failure • Global lock • Already locked • User does not have access rights

  26. <partial-lock> (ctd.) • RPC Call • Parameters • Filter (Lock) • ID (Unlock) • Deadlock Avoidance • RPC Reply • Positive (Lock ID in case of lock) • Negative

  27. Agenda • OPS • NetConfig Work Group • NetConfig Protocol • XML Detour • Definitions • Protocol Layers • Protocol Main Scenario • Basic Operations • Filters • Example • Partial Lock RPC • With Default Capability • TLS

  28. With default capability • It’s just a new XML child element added to the method-name element. • part of the configuration data is not set by the NETCONF client, but rather a default value is used. • Some times NETCONF client has a prior knowledge about this default data, so the NETCONF server does not need to send it to the client. • In other situations the NETCONF client will need this data so it must be sent at the NETCONF <rpc-reply> messages.

  29. Reporting modes • report-all: • All default data is always reported. • trim: • Values are not reported if they match the default. • explicit: • Default data is not reported except explicitly set default data.

  30. NETCONF over TLS • Configuration exchange must be secure. • TLS Provide support for certificate-based mutual authentication. • TLS is application-protocol-independent. • How NETCONF can be used within a TLS session?

  31. Agenda • OPS • NetConfig Work Group • NetConfig Protocol • XML Detour • Definitions • Protocol Layers • Protocol Main Scenario • Basic Operations • Filters • Example • Partial Lock RPC • With Default Capability • TLS

  32. NETCONF over TLS • Connection Initiation Client Hello message Handshake Start Exchange XML • Connection Closure Manger (NETCONF) Client (TLS ) Agent (NETCONF) Server (TLS)

  33. NETCONF over TLS • Endpoint Authentication and Identification • Server Identity • The server hostname • Matching is case-insensitive. • A "*" wildcard character. • multiple names is acceptable. • Client Identity

  34. Questions!

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