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This article explores the auditory pathway, including the vestibulocochlear nerve and cochlear nuclei, as well as the auditory cortex involved in language processing. It also discusses key areas such as Wernicke's area and Broca's area in the brain. Developed by Dr. Csillag András.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HALLÓPÁLYA összeállította: Dr Csillag András

  2. Auditory pathway compiled by Dr. AndrásCsillag

  3. Vestibulocochlear nerve and cochlear nuclei

  4. Cochlear nuclei

  5. Trapezoid body Nuclei of lat. lemniscus

  6. Lateral lemniscus

  7. Inferior colliculus

  8. Inferior colliculus

  9. glomerulus Corpus geniculatum med. (Medial geniculate nucleus) After Majorossy K. and Kiss Á.

  10. Auditory cortex • Operculum parietale • Insula • Gyrus temporalis transversus (Heschl) • Planum temporale u. G. temporalis sup, T1 • Fissura lateralis (Sylvii) 6. Sulcus temp. sup. 7. Hippocampus 8. G. temporalis medius, T2 9. Cortex entorhinalis u. uncus 10. Sulcus collateralis after Palkovits M.

  11. Auditory cortex

  12. Auditory cortex

  13. Wernicke’s area (Sensory speech center) Frontal eye field (FEF) Broca’s area (Motor speech center) Vis. cortex Audit. cortex

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