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Inovasi Fiskal Untuk Pendanaan Transportasi Perkotaan

Inovasi Fiskal Untuk Pendanaan Transportasi Perkotaan. Seminar Pengembangan Monorel sebagai Bagian dari Sistem Transportasi Publik Universitas Tarumanagara 2 April 2013. Harun al-Rasyid LUBIS. Tantangan. Dampak lingkungan lalu lintas sangat serius.

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Inovasi Fiskal Untuk Pendanaan Transportasi Perkotaan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. InovasiFiskalUntukPendanaanTransportasiPerkotaan Seminar PengembanganMonorelsebagaiBagiandariSistemTransportasiPublik UniversitasTarumanagara 2 April 2013 Harun al-Rasyid LUBIS

  2. Tantangan ..... Dampak lingkungan lalu lintas sangat serius Solusi berdayakan angkutan umum, tetapi bagaimana caranya ? • Rubah kebiasaan berkendara ? • Terapkan strategi terpadu

  3. Rail + Property Development ? 3

  4. SkemaPendanaan • Public FinancingbyGovernment - Capital Grants - Infrastructure Funds • Private Financing - Bond, equity/share issue - Loans, PFI, Profit sharing • Public Private Partnership

  5. Farebox ratio ( Ticket revenue / Opex )

  6. Pendapatan non-fare box 6

  7. Sumber • OWN EQUITY (Modal sendiri) • PAY AS YOU GO : • Pajak, retribusi, earmarking , CDM • Tiket • DEBT: Hutang , Obligasi 4. GRANT , dukunganpemerintah, subsidi (VGF ) 5. PPP: Partisipasisektorswasta ( KPS) 7

  8. Who Pays what for Infrastructure Investment ? Source : AFD, France

  9. Who Pays What for Operation Source : AFD, France

  10. InnovativeFunds for Urban Public Transport • Versement Transport (France) • Value Capturing & TOD (U.S.A, Japan) • (P+R) developmnt , Air rights & profitsharing(MRTC, HK) • Fuel tax, income tax, sale tax (Austin, Texas) • Congestion charges (London, Stockholm, Singapore)

  11. 11


  13. Value capture Objects by location Zhirong, Zao, et.al. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 435 – 448 13

  14. 14

  15. 15

  16. Value capture realization by time Zhirong, Zao, et.al. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 435 – 448 16

  17. Karakteristik Value capture Source: Zhirong, Zao, et.al. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 435 – 448 17

  18. 18 Efektifitas Value Capture

  19. Affordability , Demand Risk & Government Guarantees Revenue ($) CADS(1) • Risk Allocation Framework • Optimality • Clarity • Certainty CADS(2) time Tenor of Contract Revenue Cap Revenue ($) User paid Revenue shared with Government Minimum Revenue Guarantee Government Revenue Support 19

  20. Terimakasih…

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