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NHIN DIRECT REST IMPLEMENTATION. Prepared by: The NHIN Direct REST Team June 8, 2010. Some Definitions. REST – Representational State Transfer Introduced in Roy Fielding’s PhD thesis in 2000 Theory

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  1. NHIN DIRECT REST IMPLEMENTATION Prepared by: The NHIN Direct REST Team June 8, 2010

  2. Some Definitions • REST – Representational State Transfer • Introduced in Roy Fielding’s PhD thesis in 2000 • Theory • Requests and responses between clients and servers embody the transfer of “representations” of “resources” • Example: Resource is a “List of Messages”. Representations could be an XML or HTML expression of the list. • Resource: Any addressable concept • Practice • HTTP methods (typically GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) applied to resources expressed as URIs • HTTP status codes for coarse-grained response interpretation • MIME Content-Type header for request and response interpretation

  3. Why REST? • Simple • Knowledge of HTTP method primitives, Content-Type, and URL formation rules is all that is required • Ubiquitous • HTTP is well understood with client libraries in virtually any environment and servers available for free • Proven • HTTP has been the protocol of the web for years • Extensible • New URL formation rules and Content-Type headers to address new resources • Scalable • REST HTTP-based services scale using well-understood techniques

  4. Why REST? • Integration Simplicity • Low level of knowledge needed (HTTP methods, headers, and URL formation rules) • Tooling • Lots of development tools to make coding simple (Spring MVC 3.0, JAX-RS, etc…) • Natural X.509 certificate directory mechanism • /certs resource (more later)

  5. Achievements • REST Specification • http://nhindirect.org/REST+Implementation • Still some debate on the best way to architect the Abstract Model status function (/status resource versus MDN) • Java-based HISP implementation (MedPlus/Quest & VisionShare) • Spring MVC 3.0-based • REST backbone protocol. Demonstrated HISP to HISP messaging. • REST and SMTP/POP3 edge protocol support • Functioning with standard email client & REST test clients • In prototype with MedPlus Care360 EHR as Source/Destination • S/MIME message-based security (sign and encrypt). TLS between HISPs • /certs resource for retrieving X.509 certificates

  6. Achievements • Ruby on Rails HISP implementation (Arien “private citizen” Malec) • REST backbone protocol • S/MIME message-based security (sign and encrypt) • /certs resource for retrieving X.509 certificates • Java HISP implementation (Argonne National Labs) • REST backbone protocol • SAML integration

  7. REST API Examples • https://<HISP-domain>/nhin/v1/<health-domain-name>/<health-endpoint-name>/messages • Dr Johnson retrieving a list of messages from his HISP: • https://hisp-a.com/nhin/v1/nhin.DodgeClinic.com/DrJohnson/messages • GET method • Returns an Atom feed containing URIs of available messages • Dr Johnson retrieving a message from his HISP: • https://hisp-a.com/nhin/v1/nhin.DodgeClinic.com/DrJohnson/messages/8dc78b1e-4aea-46a3-8317-43fe57ac5d6c • The UUID at the end of the URL is the message ID • Response format is an RFC 5322 email message • HISP A posting a message sent by Dr. Johnson to Dr. Nelson • https://nhin.MetroCardiology.com/nhin/v1/nhin.MetroCardiology.com/DrNelson/messages • POST method • RFC 5322 email message format • nhin.MetroCardiology.com resolve in DNS to the IP of the HISP serving Dr. Nelson • HTTP GET the X.509 certs (as an Atom feed) for DrJohnson@nhin.DodgeClinic.com • https://nhin.DodgeClinic.com/nhin/v1/nhin.DodgeClinic.com/DrJohnson/certs

  8. Security & Trust • S/MIME message-based signing and encryption is used by two of the three implementations for endpoint to endpoint privacy, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. • Ruby on Rails utilizes OpenSSL • Java (Spring MVC implementation) uses the nhin-d-jagent • HISP-to-HISP prototyping has been achieved • Java (Spring MVC) still uses TLS for HISP to HISP on-the-wire privacy • Needed to protect To and From headers (potential PHI) • Still some debate about the desirability of client certificates • They would stop nefarious traffic at the network level • They may imply a global HISP circle of trust • Java (Argonne) uses SAML

  9. Coding Experiences • Java (Spring MVC) • Ruby on Rails • Java (Argonne)

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